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Demon Hunter OOC/SU

Discussion in 'Archive' started by W.J. Solomon, Oct 12, 2011.

  1. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Forget everything they told you about science, about angels being nice. Everything you were taught or read in the bible was wrong. Angels and Demons do exist, monsters do hide in the night, and creatures do more than just go bump in the night. But some of you I am speaking to already know this. You've been in business a long time and probably know more than me. See, those of us here are monster hunters, at least, by the end of the night you will have to be. See, the apocalypse just got recently kickstarted, or should I say, is about to be. See, we're sitting here waiting for kickoff, but the problem is, we're gonna have to fight our way through this, and it's gonna be a hell of a bloody ride.

    Basically the story was just explained but we're gonna start a bit before that. There are demons, ghosts, monsters, gods. Every myth is real, and some of you specialize in killing them. And the catch is, there are two brothers of the RP, one will side with heaven, the other with hell. Both have good intentions, just different ways of going about it. Also should probably specify, Currently God is Absent from Heaven and the angels are trying to start the apocalypse to make earth peaceful.

    Form: (Example:hunter, angel, demon)
    History:(history should include why you became a hunter.)
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2011
  2. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Name: (ehh why not) Cheribus
    Age: 2000 appears as 25
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Form: Angel
    Weapons: The Heavenly flaming sword, spoken of at the end of the creation stories in the bible.
    Bio: Cheribus is a being almost MADE out of love. He is benevolent, kind, and only wishes to aid the humans survive the end of the world. His holy mission is to fight against the forces of evil which have attacked the Earth.
    History: (since we're assuming EVERY myth and god is real I'll word it as such) He is the descendant of the Cherub who was charged to guard the Garden of Eden after the expulsion of Adam and Eve. As a result he carries the family heirloom, the Sword of Flame. which was that Cherub's weapon spoken of in the bible story.

    After the Angels decided to destroy humanity, Cheribus deserted the Angels. Cheribus saw the potential for good in the hearts of human beings. He came down and joined the monster hunters who had banded together to save humanity from the destruction of their world. At first they did not trust him, since he was an Angel, but Cheribus hopes that they will open their hearts to him, just as he has done to them. Until that day he fights by their side, intent to stop the other Angels from destroying the human race.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2011
  3. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Name: Aeon
    Age: 3050 (Appears to be 15)
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon: [​IMG] (He also carries the sword in his hand)
    Form: Demon
    Weapons: a black blade with a red handle. The blade cut interesting, not a typical straight blade on both sides.
    Bio: Aeon was born into a Italian family full of Mobsters and Drug Lords. Aeon never wanted to be with his family so he discarded his families last name and went out on his own. Aeon then gained his kind hearted and loving personality.
    History: Aeon wasn't always a demon until he decided that he wanted to be the strongest and richest angel of them all. But little did he know, All angels could only be equal. Aeon stole weapons and magic books to make himself better. As he grew stronger people realized he was the thief among them and he was banished from heaven. Aeon then was a wandering immortal being until Satan took him in and made Aeon his Knight of Darkness.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2011
  4. Key King

    Key King Member

    Name: Bartholomew Silver
    Age: 2468 (appears to be 20)
    Appearance: http://www.quizilla.com/user_images/A/AN/ANI/Anime.Fantasy.Chicks/1201783647_nSexyAngel.jpg
    Form: (Example:hunter, angel, demon): Angel
    Weapons: http://www.exchange3d.com/images/uploads/aff627/Swords.jpg and http://www.aurorahistoryboutique.com/products/C000039_L.jpg
    Bio: Bartholomew is made from light. when God made light and Dark, he also made Bartholomew. He has been serving at God's right hand for a long time. he is kind and caring, but also demanding. he protects his fellow angels, at least those that see eye to eye with him. he fights with his friend and companion, Cheribus
    Historyhistory should include why you became a hunter.)
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2011
  5. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    I didn't know if we could use girls or not but here it gose.
    Name: Haos(Blonde), & Chaos (Black)
    Age: they are both 160 years of age but they look 16
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Form: Haos is an angel, and Chaos is a demon
    Weapons: Haos: [​IMG](Gives her angel wings on earth)
    Chaos: [​IMG](Gives her demon wings on earth)
    thought these are their primeary wepons they mostly use blades like these[​IMG]that when they cross and are fueled by hatred turn them into Rena[​IMG]but they don't know this. Rena is a mythical fighter who is half-angel, half-demon, all kick-ass-sordstress, her wings are split in half(Haos on the right, Chaos on the left,) and can shoot either knife like fethers or shadow crystls that slice through almost anything, she uses the blades in the picther when sommoned.
    Bio: both born by the same perants but unbeknownest to each other for resons unknown. some belivie that the devil was trying to raise an army of humans for this reson he started by killing these two's perants and stealing Chaos to train her leaveing Haos behind for the reson that she was closer to the light, wich is when god sent angels to get Haos to train her in the ways of angels while Chaos was trained in the ways of demons, they both are gardeins of the gates to heven and hell but that all changed when the apocalypse started. they fight on opposite sides but never wanted the fighting to begin. they never meet yet they both wish to become hunters to end the war.
    History: Haos has killed scores of demons and Chaos scoers of angels, never likeing the blood shed they mostly stay at the gates of hevan or hellas they request from the angels and demons who thankfuly agree, but why would both sides agree to the same thing?
    To see full post switch toKH-3.net original...
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2011
  6. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    I think it's about time we got a human in this RP.

    Name: Damion
    Age: 30
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Form: Hunter
    Weapons: cross bow, machine gun, pistol (bible: if it counts) (his bullets are made of silver, and blessed with holy water)
    Bio: He is for the most part a loner, but he engages with others when necessary. He has a bad temper and is distrustful of demons, and most angles.
    History: He grew up the son of a preacher for a cult. While in this said cult, he grew a strong thirst for justice, and a hatred for supernatural beings, other than those he saw as holy. He set off with the blessings of the community to become what was called the "Warrior Priest." He set off with the "Holy Relics" which were said to be the only usable weapons against Demons and fallen angels.

    When he got the calling, he joined the ranks of the Demon Hunters. knowing it was his destiny to fight beside these Holy Warriors and save humanity. At first he despised the angel Cheribus for abandoning his fellow divine bretheren. then he learned that the angels were going to slay the human race. Cheribus is the only supernatural being he trusts.
  7. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Ok, so here's my profile, but the thing is before we start we are going to need Will's brother, who is going to be the Vessel of Lucifer. Will is the Vessel of Michael and his brother is the vessel of Lucifer. His brother is very kind of self rightous and wants to do anything for good. He tries his best to save people while hunting. It's one of those plot plans where the darker brother is Michael's Vessel and the Good brother is Lucifer's Vessel. I have reasons why this is but I'll tell the person who makes Will's brother in a PM. I want it as another character, not editing a character we already have. And I am going to have a mod come in here and delete every post but the opening and the one's that have profiles. Also again with the massive pictures?

    Name: William Winchester
    Age: 29
    Dressed in a dark blue t-shirt, jeans, work boots, a black button up shirt, and a carhart jacket.
    Form: Human
    Weapons: The basic unorthadox methods. Mostly uses stuff such as salt filled shotgun shells, blessed blades, and other stuff of the like. Not as pretty or clean as what most of the more religious Hunters use but they get the job done.
    Bio: A gruff and Tumble kind of guy, normally likes to drown his sorrow in a bottle after a hunt. Basically takes what he wants and hides his emotions as deep inside of him as possible. Mostly just sits around with his brother when not hunting, looking for jobs, fighting, and drinking away the pain of his past.
    History: Grew up in the life, Hunting along with his father at a very young age. He was given the task of protecting his younger brother while his father hunted. When his father left them he ran, deciding that hunting would be the best option because it was the only thing he knew, his brother wanting to go to school and have a normal life on the other hand. But when he found a job that was where his brother was at college he smelt something funny up and went after the job. Things went bad and his brother's life was shattered in front of his eyes. Now he travels with his brother, hunting and doing what he can to try and stop demons from taking more lives.
  8. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Name: Howl Winchester
    Age: 28
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Form: human
    Weapons: same as William except he weilds a mushedy made with holy water.
    Bio: mostly a loner, he works only with those Will aproves to him. he is stuborn and short tempered but not to into combat.
    History: wanting to live a life away from hunting he never went on hunting missones with the hunters, insted he always stayed home and studied so he could get into colloge and there he meet the girl off his life, that all changed though when his girlfreind was killed by demons, thats when he disided to work with the demon hunters to avenge his girlfrenids death, he fought bravely in evey battle even though he was never good at fighting(Wich is why he has scares from battle).
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2011
  9. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Ok so I think we're ready to start this and bring in demons and ghosts and angels and such as needed. I'll make the thread and and have it up sometime soon.
  10. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    I can't wait to see how this is going to work out!
  11. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    so then Damion was accepted I assume?
  12. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Everything was accepted, now I'll start it soon.
  13. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    ok cool deal, can't wait.
  14. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    good I was afraid that the girls wouldn't be accepted...
  15. Noir


    Count me in.
    Name: Shizumine
    Age: 3012 (Appears to be 18)
    Bright gray wings, celestial armor and has a black/red armlet. He has golden eyes.
    Form: Angel (supposed to be demon)
    He was born created by God but he touched a cursed mark and the mark glowed and a hand takes him to darkness.
    Darkness changed his personality but he escaped the mysterious place (Hell). Shizumine leaved God for centuries, but Shizumine offers God's help. He needs more power which a secret makes him cunning.
    God gave him all he wanted, but Shizumine discovers his true power's secret and decided to be taken by both light and darkness. Since then, Shizumine traveled the world again, seeking for his true destiny like a job his friends had.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2011
  16. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Hold up, are you saying your character plays ball for both teams?
  17. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    I want to know the same thing...
  18. Noir


    He will be at good.
    But he was supposed to be evil because he has been taken by darkness and half of his soul changed to evil but he still sides with Good for God's help.
  19. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    ut God left Heaven, and the Angels are trying to kill the humans...save for Cheribus and Bartholamew.

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