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Discussion in 'Anime & Manga' started by Sephi, Jun 13, 2007.

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  1. Sephi

    Sephi New Member

    Well heres a place to talk about Digimon so enjoy
  2. Flare

    Flare New Member

    Well i use to watch it a long time ago. I've watched it up till season 2. after that it went downhill.
  3. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member


    I liked the Second Season. The problem wasn't Digimon, the problem was FOX. They were like Van Buren. I bet in 50 years they'll be a footnote on Toonepedia.
  4. Flare

    Flare New Member

    and i guess it was because of age, i slowly lost intrest. but wait.... why didnt i lose intrest in pokemon. o_0
  5. Talon

    Talon New Member

    asfjdfhdgf! digimon season 2 ftw!! i watch the reruns whenever i can because it is so obvious that daisuke (or davis if you prefer) is ghey for ken and vice versa. and omg TK is just THE BEST! i effin love him. he's mah betch. but yeah, i lovelovelove the second season.
  6. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    Lol. digimon season 1 rockz0rd and so did the movie but season 2+ sucked monkey balls
  7. Flare

    Flare New Member

    I really hated the season in which they turned into digimon..WTF
  8. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member

    I agree.

    That happened shortly after Disney bought the rights to FOX's cartoons. I wonder if the animation studio in Japan faced something like that. Or maybe they were trying to kill off the series.
  9. Flare

    Flare New Member

    ^ If thats the case, they did one heck of a job. xD
  10. R-BLADE

    R-BLADE New Member

    I actually liked all the seasons lmao xD I thought the third was awesome, and the fourth I really liked too (IE the one where they turn into the digimon, if I'm not mistaken). Then again, I was eight...
  11. Flare

    Flare New Member

    ^ Ditto. I liked digimon, when i was smaller. Like i said, i just grew out of it. are you still into it R-Blade?
  12. R-BLADE

    R-BLADE New Member

    Nah, I haven't watched it in ages. I wouldn't mind watching the original Japanese episodes though, they seem fairly cool.
  13. Flare

    Flare New Member

    I couldn't bare to watch it in jap after watching it in English. (but all anime aren't better in english)
  14. Mon-sieur Bome

    Mon-sieur Bome New Member

    I only liked first it
  15. Flare

    Flare New Member

    ^ dude you have some serious writing issues. I cant make out what you're saying.
  16. Talon

    Talon New Member

    aw, compared to the english dub, the norwegian dub pwns.
    maybe im biased, but i seriously think the voiceacting was way superior in our dub, compared to the english one.
  17. Whiplash

    Whiplash New Member

    I used to be a closet Digimon watcher. As a supporter of Pokemon I felt like I would be betraying my cause if people knew I enjoyed watching it. Season 3 was the best for me in terms of story, characterisation and the animation wasn't half bad for a kids show either.
  18. Flare

    Flare New Member

    The story just got stupider and stupider with every season.
  19. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member

    Back in the day I hated Pokemon because I felt that Digimon was better. And everyone watched Pokemon and several of my friends hated Digimon. Looking back I think it was because they were immature.
  20. Flare

    Flare New Member

    In my personal opinion. Pokemon is better than digimon.
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