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disney or story?

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Harrihaffi, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. Harrihaffi

    Harrihaffi New Member

    Yo! Any kingdom hearts fans here?
    Got into a disscusion on youtube with a person that claims that people keep playing Kingdom hearts because the story is so good and that the disney charaters are just a annoyance! while I would like to claim the opposite! Disney characters makes the games while the story is just something they just made up because there needed to be a story...so what do you think? What would be better Kingdom Hearts with out the main story or Kingdom Hearts with out the disney part?

  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ... It have both. Well, Square Enix and Disney were working on this so it has all of the elements that lures in a variety of players. Would rather have both. In addition to that, just ignore the youtube arguers. -_- They just want to try and make someone mad.
  3. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    First off...you come to a website called KHPlanet and ask if there are any Kingdom Hearts fans here??? Dude...Next off, I prefer the main story line to the Disney storylines because it's interesting, full of charismatic...characters and just all around fun to play. However, I find the disney worlds to be just as fun to interact with because you get the nostalgic feel of the movies while being able to interact with our favorite characters.
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    KH works because of the blend of story and characters, whether Disney, Final Fantasy, or original. The story wouldn't be the same without including the Disney.

    Personally, I love the Disney. I've been a huge Disney fan since I was a little kid. I picked up the game because of the Disney characters integrated in before I knew much of what the story was about. And the story has actually started chasing me away from the franchise. So for myself I disagree with the youtube commenter you were bickering with.
  5. Harrihaffi

    Harrihaffi New Member

    Thanks for your reply...but wasn't really looking for comfort! What I really want is proof!

  6. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    This isn't really a question for which you can find proof to support an answer either way. This is entirely opinion. Do you like the Disney or do you like the story (though I think you probably have to like both to some degree, or why would you bother playing the game?)?

    I think both would suck. KH needs both elements or it wouldn't be KH. It'd be a Disney game like Epic Mickey but probably really kid friendly, or else it'd just be a Final Fantasy game.
  7. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    What makes Kingdom Hearts so unique is Disney! Without Disney and/or the story. It would be fairly close to Final Fantasy or the Epic Mickey series like Kitty has said. Really, I think its a pointless question since offing the incorporated Disney elements or the drawn out Xehanort Saga wouldn't at all "be better". Now do I prefer the story over Disney or vice-versa. Not at all. They are equally important.

    I find this quite funny. What about this topic makes you on edge?

    It's opinionated. There is no proof! Preference isn't proof.

    Honestly, I don't reply to people on Youtube. Mainly because they don't know what the heck they are talking about. It's people who hide behind a screen and post what they want and when they want it when in fact they wouldn't in actuality. So you can argue about which side is better all day but it wouldn't make any of you right.
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    The game is unique like Super Smash Brawl to me. Like Super Smash Brawl and its predecessors, it brings favorite characters together and in addition to that, brings game players who love that particular character to be drawn to Kingdom Hearts.
  9. Harrihaffi

    Harrihaffi New Member

    Well to me Kingdom Hearts is a good game mainly because of the nostalgia! And from what I've understood the game is good because of the mix! People like seeing their childhood idols(for lack of other words) both from FF and the disney side! Playing the disney worlds was a great nostalgic experience for me! I found the story good and entertaining, but I would never had played any of the games for it! From what I've heard these seems to be the common opion, but I really don't have anything to prove it! So there is a chance that I might be wrong that people play KH becuase of the story and not at all because of the disney-part! Dough I find this to be unlikely! Is the story in Kingdom Hearts any better than that of say FF8? I myself liked the story of the first game when it was simple and clean whice mixes pretty freaking well with the disney "feel"! Didn't care much for the second games twist and turn...the game felt flashy and I didn't really care for the new characters...or organisation 13...And from what I've understood there are many people that don't care for the story in KH2! Even tough I know there are many that love the game for the gameplay...
    So my point would be that KH is special because it's a huge dive into disney-"world" with some FF-charaters here and there! The story is good, but if they would have made it diffrent then the game would still have been good, but if the would have removed the disney-part for anything else then it wouldn't be nearly as good! So when someone tells me that they don't care for the disney part, but love the story. Well then I figure that this person is one out of millions, but then it turns out that he seems to think that I'm the one that has a unique opion! So I kinda made it my quest to bring this person "back to realty" or me!


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