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Disney VS Organization XIII, which is the best? Luxord vs Oogie Boogie

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by LivingDeath, Mar 25, 2009.

Which is the best?

  1. Luxord, that guy with cool english accent is the best!

    5 vote(s)
  2. Oogie Boogie, that bag of bugs is the best!

    1 vote(s)
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  1. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Okay, i made this thread in 13 battle. Which you guys will have to decide who is the best, not the "strongest". And to show which is the best, Disney or Organization XIII.

    ROUND TEN! Luxord VS Oogie Boogie (my favorite)


    Luxord: [​IMG]
    The member that Kid must not copying him or become a beggar. He has the power to control time and Gambler nobodies.

    Oogie Boogie: [​IMG]
    The character who also must not to be copying. He is the cruelest character in Halloween Town and do everything to get what he want.

    In this point i want to you to give rates to them:
    - Strength (Their power in battle. You'll rate them from the hardest battle you face from both of them)
    - Personality (What they do to obtain their goal. You'll rate them from which of them who give you more expressions (cruelest, nicest, or baddest)
    - Role (Their role in KH series. Which is more important in their roles in KH series)
    - Voice (Person who give them voice in their scenario. You'll rate them from which of them have the most perfect voice to them)
    - Quote (Their quotes that makes you always remember what they talking about. You'll rate from the person who give the best quote from both of them)
    -Total (Combine from above to show who's the best at you from what you rated)

    Strength: Xemnas (give reason)
    Personality: Maleficent (give reason)
    Role: Xemnas (give reason)
    Voice: Xemnas (give reason
    Quote: Maleficent (give reason)
    Total: Xemnas (give your comment)

    BTW, you can debate to make which the best
  2. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Strength: Luxord; He naturally has his powers, Oogie needed that potion.
    Personality: Luxord; Almost a happy go lucky attitude with that gambling of his.
    Role: Luxord; But just only, neither of these two had LARGE LARGE roles to the story.
    Voice: Oogie; I don't know, kind of reminds me of the Cookie Monster...
    Quote: Luxord; "Just a few souvenirs, for the memories."
    Total: Luxord; 4:1
  3. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Strength: Oogie Boogie; I must admit that Oogie Boogie is stronger than Luxord. Even if he's killed, he won't die until his "brain bug" get killed. Also, Oogie Boogie could regenerate his HP
    Personality: Luxord; He so calm that seems never reckless like Oogie
    Role: Oogie; since he always have good role in every KH
    Voice: Oogie; same as Rawr, reminds you of Cookie Monster XD
    Quote: Luxord; "I'd rather we just skip formalities"
    Total: Oogie Boogie; 3:2
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Strength: I dunno. Oogie has the complicated traps and stuff. Luxord has that annoying timer fight and turning you into cards and dice. I say Luxord. That battle still confuses me on it's inner workings.

    Personality: Oogie. He's supposedly the big bad guy of Halloween Town, but he's not that scary.

    Role: Oogie. He kidnapped Santa Clause

    Voice: Luxord. It's calm... Too calm.

    Quote: Oogie. "I'll never forget what they did to me. Uhh... What was it they did to me?"

    Total: Oogie
    Win 4
    Lost 1
  5. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Its not a hard fight really. Still,
    - Strength Ooggie was hard, but it was so easy to read him. Luxord would have been a lot harder if he had gone serious, and the being turned into cards and dice thing was super annoying. It goes to Luxord.
    - Personality Super calm. He is a calculating bastard, who uses a lot of tricks to decieve his foes. Oogie is all instinct. Its Luxord again.
    - Role Luxord. You can do without oogie, but you won't get the neat cinematic.
    - Voice Luxord. He is calm, cool, and calculating
    - Quote "..Provided i take a few, parting gifts. For the memories." - Luxord
    -Total Its all to luxord, sorry oogie. The bag of bugs can't compare to the Gambler of Fate. Oogie could take lessons.
  6. PaintedDragon

    PaintedDragon New Member

    -Strength: Luxord, his battle against "time" was one of the most frustrating things I've ever done in a video game. Oogie Boogie you can just bash with the keyblade like anything else.
    - Personality: Luxord. He's suave and kind of cocky, just like a pirate. ;3
    - Role: Duh, Luxord. Member of the Org here, Oogie's just another disney villian.
    - Voice: Luxord....he has an ENGLISH ACCENT! *swoon*
    - Quote: Luxord. "I'd rather just skip the formalities."

    Total: Luxord 5, Oogie Boogie 0.

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