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Disturbed asylum!!!!!

Discussion in 'Music & Industry' started by Sin, Aug 31, 2010.

  1. Sin

    Sin New Member

    NHA HA! Disturbed's new album came out today!!!!!!! Asylum! I listened to the whole thing, and only two words! KICK ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so kick ass, the beats so awesome, the lyrics! A masterpiece! The Best Disturbed Album yet! My favorite songs are Innocence and Serpentine!!



    I know many of you wont enjoy these songs....But Deal with it!!! :D

    Disturbed 4EVER!!!!! \m/ \m/
  2. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    \m/ good band bro, I will have to buy that CD of them.
  3. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    haven't been able to get it yet but i plan on it being the first album i buy, right next to the new Avenged Sevenfold album.
  4. Flash Delirium

    Flash Delirium Indie Rokkers

    Meh, Disturbed is another band I've never even remotely cared for. Too much angst for me.
  5. 歩 Ayumu

    歩 Ayumu New Member

    Disturbed ftw!

    I love the band, and have since I first heard some of their early demo material way back in '99. And, I agree this album is by far their best.
    I bought a CD/DVD edition on day one!
    My favorite songs are The Infection, Serpentine, and The Animal.
    Good to see more fans spreading the sickness!
    Did you watch Decade of Disturbed yet?
    I did, it was e.e; awesome!

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