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Divine Inheritance: Chaos

Discussion in 'Original Roleplays (IC)' started by Nova, Sep 29, 2016.

  1. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    The plot and OOC: http://www.khplanet.com/forum/posts/379492/

    New characters are still being accepted.

    Remember we are starting this thing 5 years prior to the time of the main conflict. This is the day Newgate dies. This lasts no more than a few days. I will enforce the time jump as early as tonight, as late as tomorrow.

    You could barely see the churning of the ocean far to the south from JaXx's bedroom window. The 11 year old was quickly braiding the top half of her hair back and securing it with a silver clip as she watched the weather outside. Small droplets of rain tapped lightly against her window, a sound that always comforted her, as she finished getting ready for the day.
    "Miss Jaxah, don't keep your father waiting." She heard one of the members of her entourage call through the door, just before she opened it to join them. She walked between the two lines of three people on each side of the door toward the one who shouted: her caregiver. A human oldler lady with greying hair and a sour attitude. JaXx never could seem to remember her name so she opted to address her without saying it instead. She would probably be assigned a new one before long anyways. She had a pretty high turn over rate for the position due to her attitude.
    "Yes I am aware. And the emporer and all of the other "contenders" whom I will be training with fot the next decade." She finished the thought for nanny number 15. "Lots of very important people do try to keep up."
    They moved together as a group though JaXx walked slightly faster than the rest. The parade of people surrounding her was, to say the least, unamusing. Luckily it didn't take long to reach the front gates of their home, where her father was waiting.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2016
    RebelMurf likes this.
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    The Commonplace of the castle was filled to the brim with merchants, and Lilith Newgate loved purchasing trinkets and doodads from them whenever she could. Towering over everyone around her, the daughter of the current emperor had a huge smile on her face as she traversed the many stalls the commonplace had to offer. Most greeted her with an equal smile, but some just looked away and scowled. Regardless, she was happy, and she enjoyed the peace, though she knew it wouldn't last. The Death Games to decide her father's successor would be starting soon, and she was the people's favorite. She didn't want to kill anyone, she just wanted to maintain the peace forever... A childish dream, but one Lilith believed she could one day make a reality.

    After shopping for a while, Lilith noticed that it was past noon, which confused her. JaXx should've met up with her by now to begin training. JaXx was her rival, and her crush, though she'd never admit to the latter. They trained together because they brought out the best in each other, though their duels typically caused quite a bit of destruction throughout the grounds. 'I wonder where she is...'
  3. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    JaXx walked through the streets of Sax next to her father alone now. Atticus seemed to be in a decent mood though a little quiet at the moment. They were on their way to the castle for a few days. A major council meeting was happening and JaXx had training anyway. They usually travelled together, not that JaXx minded.
    "Is this meeting an important one?" The child inquired.
    Atticus nodded "seems the emperor has some controversial issues he would like to discuss with the council. Mostly regarding the heratics and the succession. He will also be meeting with you and the other chosen today."
    JaXx frowned "this early in the trial? Is that not unusual? There aren't even that many selected yet. Only 3."

    "Whatever it is he wants, remember you are not to be influenced by his wild ramblings Jaxah." Atticus had mow stopped and was speaking to her directly. "Remember what I told you when you were chosen?"

    "Newgate is a weak heratic and he will lead this country to ruin." She recited her father's words almost perfectly. "To be a good leader you must be strong, have courage, and do what needs to be done. Even at the expense of the few if necessary."

    "Good. Always remember that. Emporer Newgate will try to sway you. And you're young so he will be convincing. But change is a dangerous thing. And in your position that soft talk will get you killed. You're better than that." He messed her hair a little with a smile before taking her hand and leading her the rest of the way to the castle training grounds where Lilith was already waiting. Marcus and the trainer had not yet a arrived. These days always had a similar schedule: combat together in the mornings, politics, international relations (which would probably be more accurately named war craft), economics, and so forth. Then every once in a while the emporer would meet with each one individually though today was different in that he would meet with the three students together.
    After brief goodbyes, Atticus left JaXx there.
    RebelMurf likes this.
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    When Lilith saw JaXx and Atticus she smiled and waved, "There you are! I was wondering where you were, you're always so punctual, it was strange to see you not here when I arrived." She approached the younger girl and her smile widened, "I always look forward to training with you. I know Marcus isn't here yet, but did you want to perhaps go a round while we wait for him?" She gestured to her bisento which was pierced into the ground a few feet away before looking back at JaXx, awaiting a response.
  5. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    JaXx hardly paid any attention to Lilith at first. Not that she didn't notice her, the girl was already a giant. She just didn't particularly care. Though Lilith was a "people" favorite, and large in stature, she wasn't really that impressed by her. And she did well to show it, although Lilith never seemed to mind or notice JaXx's indifference. She was always so happy every morning.
    "Don't you ever get tired of being so chipper? It sounds exhausting." She responded casually removing her travelling cloak and placing it aside. Her hair blew across her face momentarily from the movement reflecting the light of the sun which was finally peaking through the thivck blanket of clouds, warming up the training yard.
    For the moment, she ignored the request for a duel.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2016
    RebelMurf likes this.
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Lilith hummed, "Of course not. Being positive is a good quality in a person. Besides, if I don't smile for this world, who will?" A softer smile crossed her face as she gazed at JaXx. She liked to imagine that JaXx's attitude was her way of showing affection, and though they were rivals Lilith wanted to be her friend, and if that meant appealing to the girl's warrior side despite hating fighting herself, so be it. She believed in everybody, JaXx too, she believed everybody had the ability to live happy.

    "Come on, grumpy. Let's duel. You know you want to."
  7. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    I don't know why I'm surprised. This girl can't seem to take a hint. JaXx allowed a smile to cross her expression. One she was sure would be misinterpereted as friendly. But while I'm waiting for people to show up I might as well humor her.
    She picked her blade up from the ground where she had originally placed it with her travel gear.
    JaXx, small for her age especially for a demigod, only stood at about 4'5". Considering the sword was gifted to her by her father, it was much bigger. It was near twice her height though she didn't struggle lifting it. She had to reach up slightly when she would go to grab the handle.
    "Just remember you asked for it." She simply said as she took a defensive stance. It was rare for JaXx to make the first move in this type of battle, preferring to observe for a few moves before deciding how to strike.

    ----Same time far north. Labiski Desert---

    Though there were a few dark clouds far to the south, the mid day sun was left unchallenged in the north west. It shone unmercifully into the white sand that seemed to stretch without stopping. A single black scorpion made its way through the sand in search of some shade. What it found was the body of a young girl, lying on her back, eyes closed against the heat. If she was breathing, it was impossible to tell. The scorpion clearly found her a safe refuge as it tangled through her hair before making its way underneath it, burrowing close to her neck. The movement successfully roused her as her eyes fluttered open, being met by the sun directly. She made a soft noise and flinched her head away from the light only go be met by the pinch of the scorpions sting before the creature began to crawl swiftly away.
    Still somewhat disoriented, and taken off guard from the sting, the unnamed girl got to her feet quickly and instinctively flung a hand in the direction of whatever had harmed her.

    The result of this movement was a bright and loud flash of light that shot from her hand to the ground. It only took a second. But the result was a large mass of tangled, charred, still glowing, glass and ash where there was once sand and a scorpion.

    She examined the damage as well as her hand, puzzled before the initial surprise wore away and the effects of dehydration, exhaustion, and the sting hit at once. She sat back down and examined her surroundings.

    Whatever that creature was, good riddance. She thought to herself, placing a hand over where the stinger had entered the corner between her neck and the base of her sholder. The touch was met with a decent amount of pain that forced her to draw her hand away again. We'll that's not good.

    The effects of the poison took a quick hold on her from there. The last thing she saw before blacking out again was the form of someone, or something, making its way toward her.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2016
    RebelMurf likes this.
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Lilith smiled and pulled her own weapon from the ground, 20 feet in length, nearly twice her own impressive size of 10'1'', the mighty bisento was slammed bottom first into the ground, cracking it. "There's a beautiful smile, if I've ever seen one." Lilith exclaimed happily as she lifted her weapon with both hands, not quite able to wield it with just one yet, and took on a battle stance. The older girl knew JaXx would not make the first move, so she would have to. Strengthening her weapon with one of her boons was natural now, it was instinctive and could be identified by the black steam coming from the blade of the weapon.

    With a smile on her face, Lilith swung the weapon in a rising arc, cutting straight through the ground and launching mounds of dirt at JaXx, that soon formed a large cloud of dust, concealing even Lilith's giant body. The next move was made quickly after, bringing her weapon down on JaXx from within the cloud, and, while still quite out of reach of JaXx's own sword.
  9. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    This one again huh? JaXx remembered a combo similar to this from a brawl before. That time, it was effective though the pattern was slightly different. JaXx braced herself for the dust cloud and knew she didn't stand much of a chance if she couldn't see. Waiting for the opportune moment...

    Just as Lilith's attack would have landed, JaXx was gone. In a flash of light the girl was transformed into a lightning bolt. The dust was somewhat blown away as she reappeared behind Lilith. Sword in hand she jumped, slashing upward with her sword toward Lilith.
    RebelMurf likes this.
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Uh-oh. Lilith was clearly at a disadvantage weaponwise at the moment, but she had a new trick up her sleeve she'd been dying to try out. Leaving her weapon in the ground where it was, Lilith focused her power to her hand which began glowing until it was completely engulfed by a white bubble.

    Listening intently, Lilith waited for the loud crash that signalled JaXx's teleportation... And then... Behind me! Just as JaXx reappeared, Lilith turned on her, and as she rose to strike upwards, Lilith slammed her glowing fist into the weapon with a smile. "Gotcha." The air cracked loudly as Lilith's powers activated, pulsing right through JaXx's sword and, unless she abandoned her weapon, straight into her.
  11. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    JaXx gracefully abandoned her sword as Lilith intended. The weapon flew into the air, ignored temporarily but she wasn't finished with her attack. A smaller knife was quickly retrieved from JaXx's boot and landed into the back of lilith's hand. The wound wasn't enough to seriously hurt her (you get in trouble for that). But enough that it would be more difficult to properly handle a massive weapon like Lilith's with as much accuracy. Upon landing, JaXx corrected her step to catch her sword as it came down. The smile was more real now as it became clear she was toying with Lilith. Though regardless of wether or not Lilith planned on trying to pick up her weapon again or not, she did not drop her guard. She resumed a hood battle stance and waited for lilith's next attack.
    RebelMurf likes this.
  12. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Darkness. Somewhere Voltair was trapped. His prison was a unique one. He was robbed of all his physical senses. With only his thoughts available, his own existence was questionable. As far as he could tell he was alone in the universe, assuming there even was a universe. It was a terrible situation to be in. The only thoughts that ran through his mind were of those who were important to him. He knew that he couldn't let himself remain imprisoned while there were others who he cared about. Even though it was an impossible task, Voltair attempted once again to break free.


    Looking around his home, Voltair considered for the first time just how little he owned. Even being the most famous gladiator in Iscariot, Voltair had little to his name. He owned more than when he had woken up on the shores of Le Melr, but there wasn't anything he really seemed to desire. Something was missing from his life. Of that he was certain. Sadly Voltair had no idea what it was that was missing. It certainly wasn't money. He had plenty of that. Nor was it anything money could get him in Iscariot. Perhaps, he wondered, he was looking for a challenging fight. When he would fight in the arena his focus was drawn away from this empty feeling. Maybe it was a constant desire for fighting that caused him to feel like something was missing.

    Voltair thought back to the gladiator fights he took part in. Titan of the Arena, they called him. He was the only gladiator ever to not only be undefeated, but to be undefeated without being harmed. He became well enough known that supposedly Emperor Newgate traveled to Iscariot with his family one day to watch one of his matches. Voltair had no idea if that was actually the case. He had no idea what Emperor Newgate looked like. Regardless of whether or not Emperor Newgate had actually witnessed one of Voltair's matches, being a gladiator of his caliber had its downsides. There would be rumors of Voltair cheating, or that the matches were rigged. Other gladiators stopped wanting to fight him. Some of the more devoted fans would constantly suggest that Voltair attempt to become the emperor of the land.

    Being emperor was probably the last thing on his mind. Somewhere deep down Voltair knew it would only make his emptiness feel worse than it already was. No, being an emperor was not for him. As such, Voltair realized the only thing he could really do is travel to Mira. Their arena was much more massive than the one at Iscariot. At the very least he could keep himself occupied with new fighters. There was even the potential for Mira's arena to have fighters strong enough to actually give Voltair a challenge.


    "Gerik! Where are you?" A regal woman yelled throughout some massive halls.

    "I'm sorry your majesty. I believe Gerik wandered off into town again." A handmaid answered as she bowed.

    "What am I going to do with that child?" The mother sighed in defeat.


    "You can't survive out in the desert that long." A boy spoke to a girl of similar age, having an argument similar to ones done by children younger than them.

    "Uh-huh. My daddy said that my granddaddy would spend months at a time alone out there."

    "Oh yeah? Well if your granddaddy can do that then I bet my father could last out there twice, no three times as long."

    "No he can't."

    "Sure he can. Wanna go ask him?"

    "And watch you be wrong? Yeah I do. Let's go prince."

    The two children quickly dashed off towards the palace.


    "There you are Gerik. I've been looking for you all over. Why did you sneak out of the palace again?" His mother questioned him. She noticed the girl who was with him. "Oh? And who is this?"

    "She's a friend I met in town. She's saying there's somebody who can last longer than father out in the desert."

    "It is an honor to meet you, your majesty." Gerik's friend bowed as she spoke.

    "I am sorry for the problems my son may cause you."

    "Please do not be concerned your majesty. Prince Gerik makes my days fun. I quite enjoy being in his company, if that is acceptable for you."

    "Well I suppose keeping him here in the palace all the time isn't good for him."

    "Anyways, where is father?" Gerik interrupted.

    "Really?" His mother though towards her son's attitude. "He should be returning from the Tower of the Desert Star soon." She reached out and caught Gerik's clothes as he tried to walk past her. "Remember that you're not allowed up there until you've earned the privilege to climb it. You and your friend must wait here until your father returns."
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2016
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Lilith hissed in pain but shook it off, nothing she couldn't handle. It was painfully obvious that JaXx was toying with her, so hell, why not play back. She had learned a few things since they last fought and JaXx would not get off so easily.

    Both of her fists became engulfed by the glowing white bubble, and she slammed both fists against the air on both sides, visibly cracking the atmosphere around them. The ground trembled beneath them as the tremors Lilith sent out passed through a multitude of objects, sending them crashing to the ground below, and creating a straight narrow path between Lilith and JaXx.

    Lilith stood with her back against the wall, so JaXx would be unable to get behind. She had sealed off any sort of maneuverability to the sides for both of them, and now, her glowing hands were pulled back once again as she slammed them into the air in front of her, again visibly cracking the atmosphere, and sending tremors straight towards JaXx at high speeds.
  14. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    JaXx managed to get away mostly unscathed from the initial tremor Lilith caused though not all. It only took a second to realize there was no way to get away from Lilith's attack, no way to stop her from making it. Her only option was to take it head on, though she didn't intend to go down without s fight.

    At first it seemed like she was doing nothing. But in a matter of seconds the mass of storm clouds in the sky had doubled in thickness and opacity. An immediate crash of Thunder aided lilith's distortions to the atmosphere as a flash of lightning strick the arena right in between the two girls. Having anticipated the interruption, JaXx used the current to aid a new teleport out of Lilith's trap. The strike, mixed with Lilith's attacks, had caused an explosion that JaXx narrowly escaped. The spell hadn't done exactly what she wanted, and it left her a little more drained before. But it was still effective I should be more careful even so
    RebelMurf likes this.
  15. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    As per the norm, the training grounds were in complete ruin, Lilith breathed heavily, using her tremor powers at such an enhanced magnitude had been taxing on her, but still, a smile was plastered on her face following the explosion, despite how much it hurt, though her natural armor from one of her boons softened the blow enough that it didn't severely wound. "That was awesome. Can you imagine if we ever teamed up? We'd be unstoppable. I know what you're going to say 'We're enemies, why would we ever team up' but JaXx... I want..."

    She fell to a knee and looked up at the sky, "I want to end the Death Games. I don't want us to kill each other, I just want us to be happy. I want this world to be happy. My father knows of my plan, and called a council meeting to discuss ending them among other things. Look at us, if we teamed up, who could stop us from attaining any goal we wanted. I know you hate me, and that it will never happen, but... Just imagine being able to live happily for the rest of your life, free of the burden of having to kill. Imagine it." Taking a breath she rose to her feet and picked up her bisento from the ground. Entering a defensive stance and enhancing her natural armor in case JaXx attempted to strike.
  16. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    JaXx simply watched Lilith speak though she remained silent. As Lilith finished her thoughts and got back into a fighting stance, JaXx shook her head and put her sword away. "There is no point in continuing. You're hurt the battle is over." Though she was also exhausted, she kept that to herself.

    "You shouldn't trust me with these thoughts or anyone for that matter." She got to work using a simple spell to clear some of the rubble "all it tells me how simply unfit you are to lead and how little you understand."
    RebelMurf likes this.
  17. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "You're wrong JaXx. I'm more fit to lead then anybody. What does this constant fighting bring us? Nothing but pain and sadness. A world without the Death Games, a world of peace. Children can grow up with both parents alive and well unlike us. Not having to worry about killing 8, 9, 10 other people to sit on a chair and tell people what to do. I know this land needs peace, not war, and I know that if you follow in your father's footsteps, this land will be in chaos. That is why my father is in charge, he may have had to fight for it, but he has no intention of making us kill each other. He will stop this and we can be friends, JaXx. We can be friends..."

    Lilith stood strong, "With my strength, I will bring peace to this world. I swear my life on it."
  18. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    JaXx simply rolled her eyes "Go right ahead, keep filling your head with butterflies. What you fail to understand is that this trial isn't a "game" as you put it." The yard was at least somewhat put back together and JaXx focused her attention on cleaning off her sword as she talked.

    "The wars aren't something you just dream away. Invaders, monsters, titans, disease, everything on this planet is designed to kill you and a majority of this countries subjects are not strong enough to defend themselves as it is. It falls to us to set an example. You must be willing to lay down your life or sacrifice the few for the many. That's how I know you aren't a good ruler, just like your father."
    RebelMurf likes this.
  19. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Lilith smiled at JaXx and shook her head, "Tell me JaXx, would those who would insight war stand a chance against my might? Those who insight war, to pillage and steal, those who would punish people for what they believe in, they are unfit to lead. Half the council is full of people unfit to lead, including Atticus, and as you are now, so are you. To stand for the people, by the side of the people, that is a true ruler. A land of peace, without war. I am strong enough to make what you would call a childish dream a reality. I will not have to sacrifice anyone, I can single handedly stop anyone who would instigate war. I despise fighting, but you are wrong to believe sacrificing lives is necessary. While those who would instigate war must be punished, the innocents need not be involved. When I take my father's place, without having to kill anyone, I will bring peace and you will see just how wrong your beliefs truly are."
  20. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    ~Outskirts of the City of Sax, Aezureth, Midday~​

    Following a long journey on horseback, Marcus Maximus, Prince of the Amazons and son of Mars, could see clearly the visage of the imperial capitol. The travel had been quite extensive, on account of the Prince’s insistence that he travel by land rather than sea. He surmised that he might arrived sooner, had it not been for his Mother’s counter to his stubbornness, that he be accompanied by both the traditional Imperial escort and a contingent of Amazon warriors. “It’s quite customary for those selected to travel to the capitol with an official guard,” she had claimed. The imperial troops had been all well and good, but Marcus knew well that he would have arrive at least a day sooner had he not had his mother’s own warriors in tow as well; smaller numbers often did ride more smoothly, after all.

    But it was what it was. Though Marcus didn’t take excitedly to the circumstance, he tolerated it for the short time it lasted. Now, albeit a day later than expected, the high walls of the empire’s most powerful center were rising before him as he and his company rode their way up the gentle hill that overlooked the city. As they reached the peak of the hill, he raised his right hand, the long spear it brandished rose above the wave of cavalry at his back, signaling all in his wake to halt. In staggered fashion, all behind him obeyed, and those closest to him in his advisory chain took their rightful places at his side.

    “Remarkable,” he spoke, addressing no man or woman in particular. He peered over the city, taking in its walls, its towers and battlements. “Even in such times its upkeep has not been neglected.”

    “They’ve men such as yourself to thank for that, m’Lord,” replied a Lieutenant to his left. “While the empire may be struggling, the efforts of the armies and navies have nonetheless kept the capitol free of significant harm.”

    “Then I should think it a shame that I’ve been called away from the front lines for something so trite as a succession ritual.” The young prince let out a chuckle to his own remark, retracting it only amid the gasps of disapproval from his party.

    “M’Lord, I know you don’t carry much interest in Kings and Successions, but this is the very future of the Empire. Please, do show some respect for the process.”

    “Yes.” Marcus bowed his head, acknowledging the respect that the ceremony would command. “You’re right. I’ve no concern for seeing the throne beneath me. Indeed, this saddle is more a throne to me than any seat in any court could possibly be. But I shall not dismay those who have called upon me to be here either. I will… do the best I can.”

    He raised his spear into the air once more, and he and the company rode down towards the city gates.

    The procession that followed was much unlike what other nobility might have engaged in. It was less a show of royal authority; more a show of military grandeur and strength. Marcus rode at the head of his parade, leading his escorts along the city’s main street, as a general bringing his army home form a victorious battle. He himself had given no time to adorning fine linens, jewels or crowns. Instead he was clad in his best of armor, which, as it was, was also the one that had seen the brunt of his early combat career; the only ornamentation to this ensemble was a red cape, accenting the black hue of his armor, which he had only worn upon request of a general.

    At that, he still bore his weapons upon him. The obvious, a spear clasped in his right hand, propped comfortably and conservatively within a space built into his horse’s saddle. Slung onto his back was his ellipsoidal shield, specially crafted to fit his size, color matched to his armor and bearing, in red, the emblem of his father. Tucked beneath the shield he carried a bow and quicker of arrows. At his side was the custom forged imperial sword, which, as his shield and spear had been suited specifically to match his size and proportions.

    While his march did indeed capture the attentions of the citizens, it was much unlike what others might have received. To the people of the capitol, he was still an unknown, a nobody. Where the might have known his name, few had had the opportunity to see him in person. As far as any of the citizens were concerned, Marcus Maximus was just another fighter, a brute from the eastern fringe of the Empire who had no business contending for the throne, much less so, at least, than those who had lived in or frequented the capitol through their youth. These people met his arrival with skeptical gazed at the best, and disproving glares at the worst.

    But those such people were of no consequence to Marcus at that moment; if not taking the throne for himself, he would, regardless, prove their nay-saying minds wrong with his performance in the trials to come.

    The reception from the military, however, was much different, far more positive, as they had heard better of the Amazon Prince’s deeds, and saw more clearly his potential. It was these such men that greeted him as he approached the castle at the end of the main street.

    “Prince Maximus of Amazon,” a Captain called, approaching the escort company.

    Marcus brought his troop to a halt, and dismounted his steed. He passed his spear to one of his lieutenants and removed his helm. “That would be me, Captain. I see the defenses of the city are good order for the occasion.”

    “Oh… yes,” the Captain said, surprisingly shocked at the comment. “We’ve been in preparation for this event for well over a year now. We’re all confident that our efforts will have been enough; it’s unlikely that the city will be breeched.”

    “One can only hope and pray, at this point,” Marcus said. “Now, I believe there is a training ground that I am to report to?”

    “Yes, Prince Maximus, it’s out behind the main keep. But… wouldn’t you prefer to see to your lodging first?”

    “No thank you.” Marcus reclaimed his spear and donned his helm, and mounted his horse. “My escort may take to their lodging if they so wish. I will report to the training grounds and meet with the other Chosen.” He clicked the stirrups of his saddle and his horse galloped through a clearing in the captain’s ranks. ​
    Nova and Taboo Sho like this.

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