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Do Certain Songs Affect your mood

Discussion in 'General' started by NeRo, Jul 21, 2007.

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  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    I only ask this because currently im in a odd mood because im listing to Easier to run by Linkin park .do you guys think music affects who you are daily
  2. sam_samantha

    sam_samantha Guest

    i love that song as well as linkin park in general, when im angry three days grace or linkin park um but songs dont make me that way i guess i only listen to music that fits my mood and not music that changes the way i am feeling. and again i love that song!!!
  3. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Well ya i can see your point music doesnt change my mood but. if i am in a certain mood it just feeds the flame
  4. sam_samantha

    sam_samantha Guest

    normally an angry song helps calm angry moods cause its like the band/singer is expressing the rage for that person so all they have to do is listen to it to vent. sad songs when your sad do kind of make it worse or better depending on the situation. like if you remember that song when......... that is how it is to me
  5. Juste Belmont

    Juste Belmont New Member

    I dunno, the whole 'hyper band' like gwen stefani when she was in no doubt, sometimes she sounded angry, but it would make my energetic, it's so wierd

    A sad song, a song by a person who would do up-beat happy songs, that would be most likely to change a mood, I don't think it's the song that changes the mood, It's the emotions put across

    ( Music guru, here I am lol)
  6. Flare

    Flare New Member

    Music changes my mood. listen to certain songs makes me happy and certain songs make me sad.
  7. Leon

    Leon New Member

    Well not really .. Maybe I feel kinda sad when I hear slow music
  8. Circe

    Circe New Member

    >.> for me music doesn't change anything, and I mainly listen to it when I write. Which is a lot xD. So I tend to listen to music that fits what i'm writing about...

    Also I listen to whatever i'm in the modd to listen to at the time xD
  9. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Music can affect your moods, if it is done properly. Certain frequencies can resonate with brain wave patterns and result in increasing the brain functions which that frequency is responsible for. For instance, playing delta frequencies can cause people to fall asleep. If someone wanted to create relaxing music, they would simply need to find out which frequencies matched the calm brain waves, and that music would enhance those brainwaves and make those listening feel calm. It's cool if you can pull it off.
  10. lagatcy

    lagatcy New Member

    Use this theory on a crackhead.

    And no, music doesn't affect my mood.
  11. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    Yea if I listing to happy songs im happy and if I dont, Im pretty much sad.
  12. Whiplash

    Whiplash New Member

    I don't know about affecting who I am daily, but some songs do enhance certain moods for me. Even fewer will actually change my mood and they tend to be 'happy' songs (songs that cheer me up and energise me) and 'angry' songs (songs that make me want to hurt something). I also haven't found any correllation between the actually quality of the songs and there ability to affect my mood. Most of my happy songs, for example, are musically pretty crap but I still appreciate their endorphic affect.
  13. Tifa

    Tifa New Member

    I don't think that songs can can my mood completely, but they can make me more happy or more whatever I'm feeling.
  14. Nearosaki

    Nearosaki New Member

    music actually does effect my mood quiet allot, especially techno, makes me realllly happy n hyper, and lyrics in songs effect me allot aswell, or if i listened to a song allot while going through a specific patch in my life, then i havent heard it for a while then listen to it, makes me feel wat ever i was feeling during that patch

  15. Ruxath

    Ruxath New Member

    hmm.. I suppose certain songs make me feel energized or calmed o_O most of it is final fantasy, kingdom hearts, and anime related... heh go figure..
  16. .:.:EMILY:.:.

    .:.:EMILY:.:. Member

    umm... i think most songs make me feel good... i like anime themes and alot of "old" music like nirvana etc
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