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Does it scare you?

Discussion in 'General' started by Answer Man, Aug 13, 2012.

  1. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    On a serious question, does dying scare you? Does the thought that everything must end put fear into your mind? That one day none of this will be here and nobody will even know you existed? Does it completely scare you guys that we know nothing about what all this is?
    Cause it sure does scare me, there are days when the thought really makes me just want to sit in the dark forever. It makes me feel like there is no real to live and there is no meaning of life.
    So my friends of the world wide web, what is it that scares you and why??
  2. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Ya know, no. I don't want to let it scare me, at least not right now. I want to live life to the fullest without the fear of death holding me back. Christian people have something to look forward to after death, but me being on the border between Christianity and Atheism feel that I don't know if I'm going to go to heaven or just into the ground, but why would I even care right now. I'm healthy and young and don't plan on dying any time soon so ill figure this whole death thing out when I'm older. But hey if I do die tomorrow then at least ill be living life well when I do go.
  3. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    I'll be dead honest with you Answer Man, the thought terrifies me. All summer I've been pondering about my existance and how I know that one day I won't be here anymore. I miss school because I was so focused on studying and what not that I didn't have time to think about death, but now I feel drowned in my thoughts. During the day I usually don't think about it because I don't enjoy living in fear (who does ?), but the thoughts often creep up into my mind at night. To say the least, I haven't been sleeping well.

    I'm scared of death because I don't like the thought of "here one moment, but gone the next." I'd like to think that I'll get over it, however, it's a serious topic. Sometimes I wish that I was more carefree >_<

    Worst thought ever; It's why I came to the conclusion that children are necessary because they'll fill that bubble.

    This is starting to sound like one of my bedtime conversations.
  4. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    I've undergone that kind of thinking before. It depressed me incredibly for a couple months and I got barely any sleep at all.

    For some reason, it was the inevitability of it all that helped me through it. I suppose you could also take solace in the fact that if anything, Death is extremely fair, it kills everyone equally.

    At the end of the day, I'd prefer to postpone death for a good while, but it'll get me one day, it's like a big game of tig :p
  5. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    The only thing I don't like about dying is no longer seeing my loved ones. Other than that, not really
  6. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    It's more like extreme tag ! >_>

    To be honest, the thing that scares me the most about death is the prospect of perhaps being murdered. I'm afraid of being mutilated and tortured before I die; I know I have to go through the process of death, but I don't want it to hurt. I find it's a shame how other people take the lives of the innocent because death would be so much more comforting if I didn't have to worry about that.

    Whenever I think about dying, one of the only things that makes me feel better is the hope that I can die in my sleep. Doesn't that sound more peaceful ?
  7. Ejox

    Ejox New Member

    Coming from a spiritual family i myself believe in rebirth and such, The thought of death doesn't scare me neither does what lies beyond.
    Now while all this could be true it could also be a big steamy pile of bullshit because no one knows for sure, im not christian or anything nor am i really believing in any higher power such as a "god" i just believe that its the flow of nature just as everything else :)
    in short don't be scared of death your whole life because when you finally will die which is unfortunately inevitable you will look back and regret that fear live life to its fullest and enjoy it thats what i believe the meaning of life is :)
  8. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    Its the fact that when your dead you wont even know it, just like when your still in a womb you didnt even know you where alive. That scares me because i cant even comprehend how that is its really been making me feel like the meaning of life is pointless because life ends.
  9. Ejox

    Ejox New Member

    Well i can't help much there i guess other than telling you what if you know you are dead, with that i mean you become a spirit? as stated earlier i know just as little as you about the afterlife but there is more than 6 times left of the life youve already lived maybe even more, thinking about death now would be pointless :) ive had my phases before with things ive overanalyzed and become genuinely scared about.
    Im sure you will overcome the fear in a bit maybe its just a "phase" just as ive experienced mine :)
    sorry i dont mean to sound like your parents ^^ just wanted to make ya feel better :)
    Answer Man likes this.
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    To skip over death would be awesome; Only two people had the chance to do that. Is there's more, I do not even know. Death is a fearful thing... but maybe it will be like an eternal sleep. XD But if death is that scary, then people would do better to be nicer and to hit the age of 110... which I am aiming and higher. XD

    XD But anyway, I am assuming that this thread is to know what scares us besides death. For me... heights... which leads to falling. -_- I have now developed a defense mechanism to trust anyone to catch me. Was practicing a dance in the play. Two buddies are supposed to catch me while I jump backwards. I did not know that they were still hesitating and was panicking to figure out how to catch me and when I jumped backwards, I fell flat on the floor. That was months ago and that experience made me fearing heights and falling even worse.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2012
  11. Noir


    No, but I avoid death at a young age, even though death doesn't scare me at all.
  12. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I agree with this, though for me, it's not really the fear of murder/torture, but more fear of a drawn-out death in general. I don't want a long illness where I have a lot of time to mope and worry and have relatives weeping all over the place. I'd rather snuff it out quick in a car accident or a sudden heart attack or something. I'm kind of a coward.

    I also don't like the idea of being dead and leaving behind my body and my belongings for people to look at and do whatever they want with. I'm a very private person and I don't like the idea of not being able to guard that privacy.

    So these things worry me now, but once I'm dead, I'll be dead, and I figure I won't be worrying about anything anymore. I don't think very often about what may or may not come after. I can't know for sure until it happens and I can't change it, so what will be will be.
  13. ImmaRikuOfficial

    ImmaRikuOfficial New Member

    Well of course it does, I have a theory that you just sit in your grave and talk to the other dead people, that place is too compact!

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