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Dog Needs Home

Discussion in 'General' started by Zerieth, Nov 15, 2008.

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  1. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Hello all. I have a problem. We have a dog that has turned out to be a sheep killer and it just bit my dad cause he was intervening with a kill. My dad wants to shoot it so its this or death for him. He only has a few days left. I can negotiate a price. He is a lovable Border Collie, who could make a good house pet. He hasn't done anything in his crate so i assume after the traditional welcome home package he leaves on the floor, he shouldn't be a problem. Just to be safe i would NOT rekomend him to anyone who lives in the country side. Thanking anyone who buys in advance. I'll post a picture later. Mods, plz don't lock or delete this, because this is the dogs only chance.
  2. Kandy-Sugar

    Kandy-Sugar New Member

    Shouldn't you turn him in to the RSPCA/pound (or whichever animal association you have in your location) considering he's already proving to be violent?

    They would then see if he is suitable to be a pet. Otherwise if he goes to some unknowing loving family with a baby and decides to attack, you could possibly end up in trouble for not providing that information?
  3. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    I fully agree with Kandy-Sugar...but I would love that dog...(Not saying that I'll buy it but I would like it.No don't start pm'ing me or anything I'm not even gonna take it for free.No offence.)
  4. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Not at all Zerieth, its an interesting thread. I won't lock it m8. I can look for someone who can take care of him. Because my moms friend takes care of them. Not sure about the price.. depends how much it is.
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Your better off turning him into a shelter or try to get a dog trainer, or what I like to call here in the USA, The Dog Whisper, to get him the stop, then ta da, everything fine. It is amazing how the dog whisper can change a dog from a devil to an angel. Also I wouldn't call this a dig needs a home. This forum is from people all over the world. You can't just ship a dog in a crate to someone house. Your better off asking your school to hang up banners.
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