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Draco009's Characters..:)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by draco009, Jun 11, 2009.

  1. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    These Are My Profiles For The Different Rp's I Am/Was In......
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2009
  2. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    This Was My Bio For The New Org Thread But I Never Really Got Into The Rp...So Well Here It Is

    name: Draco

    custom title: the Whirl bladegunner

    appearence age: 11

    gender: male

    appearence: draco is 5 foot 6 inches and looks like a cross between roxas and riku. He has silver hair and dark blue eyes, and wears his Organization cloak. he is medium sized, and mostly never likes to smile.

    personality: draco, being the youngest of the group, doesn't really get along with the others, and is always getting into trouble. He likes to be alone most of the time and to go on missions.

    weaponry: draco's weapons are twin laser pistols with laser blades that come down from the muzzle of the guns.

    element: wind

    rank: XIII?

    This Was My Bio For The New Org Thread But I Never Really Got Into The Rp...So Well Here It Is
  3. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    This Is My Bio For Ultima Fantasy
    The Rp: Ultima Fantasy Rp

    Name: Draco Kirusan
    Age: 15
    Appearence: [​IMG]
    Speicies: Half-Breed: Xzaryan, Twilighter
    Ability: Bending Light To His Will.
    History: Draco's Life Was A Reck Even Before He Was Born. His Parents Died After They Were Murdered By Human Because The Humans Wanted The Land For The Tech-City. Draco Barely Lived After That. He Grew Up In Isolation From Others. At The Age Of 10 He Discovered His Power. At The Age Of 14 He Has Been Using His Powers To Help His Fellow Xzaryans Save His Home Planet. Even Since Then He Has Been Fighting The Darkness And The Creatures It Brings.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2009
  4. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    I Forgot To POst This One..lol

    Name: Draco


    Abilities: darkness

    Age: 15

    Gender: Male

    Edit Bio: Draco Grew Up In The Realm Of Darkness. He Soon Mastered His Powers At the Age Of 7 And Then His Powers Got Stronger. He Soon Controlled His own Group Of people. Draco At The Age Of 13 Was Greeted By A Stranger. This Stranger Showed Draco The True powers Of Light And Dark As One. Draco Soon Took Apprenticeship Under This Man. Two Years Later Draco Was Working Undercover For A Sorceress. He Soon Discovered Her Plan And Found A way To Do One Of His Own.....

    Draco's Keyblade:[​IMG]
    It The One With The Crescent Moon.
    He Can Dual Wield This Keyblades When he fuses with Zero
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2009

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