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Discussion in 'General' started by xxxJRosesxxx, Jan 2, 2013.

  1. xxxJRosesxxx

    xxxJRosesxxx New Member

    I'm a luicd dreamer, which means that when I dream and realize I'm dreaming I can control the dream (like force myself awake). Though it doesn't always happen one thing is definite about me when I dream, I have some fraky dreams and almost always remember them. So, I thought I'd make a thread to use as a dream journal and for others to post their dreams as well.

    Last night I dreamt that a hole was ripped in the time space continuim and because of this dinosaurs began to roam the Earth again. So my family and I took shelter at a military base with hundreds of other people and it became overrun. I got seperated from my family and the rest of the dream was me trying to reunite with them. I gotta say that velociraptors and t-rexes aren't easy to avoidor outrun.

    I had another dream beofre that one (cause I woke up in the middle of the night), it was scarier than the dinosaurs trying to eat me. I dreamt I was one of the characters from a show I watch called Upstairs Downstairs (sometimes not, there isn't always consistency in dreams), and the rest of the cast was also there. One of the characters was a nazi and an evil witch (in the dream), and the mansion was haunted! :eek: Nazis too, there were nazis.

    Last night I couldn't control my dreams, except the first one but only to wake myself up. I wanted out of that dream right away!
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I tend to dream about the last thing that I see that night. Like last night, it was an episode of Criminal Minds. This teacher had molested this 16 year old boy just my luck in the dream; I was that boy. I wasn't molested by the teacher in the dream that would be creepy. In the episode, she was hunting the boy so she was hunting me. My dreams make no sense. I was dancing and singing on stage for some odd reason in front of a large crowd. I receive a text message and it's an unknown number and it's a video feed of me performing on stage. That's all I remember!

    I have pretty sucky memory. It's really bad. It's very tough to recall past events. 12th Grade and lower is pretty much a blank. I can't recall faces either so in my dream peoples' faces are blurry but somehow I know who they are. Not only that, I dream in black and white. So dreaming is a sucky experience for me. It's blurry and not vivid, in black and white, and I can barely remember them. Oh well!
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I don't tend to remember my dreams much anymore, but I do wake up feeling freaked out over them if I've taken Nyquil or some sort of nighttime cold medicine before I went to bed. I guess there's something in it that incites crazy dreams. I also dream I'm falling a lot and jerk myself awake.

    When I was younger, I used to have reoccuring dreams. A lot of the times they were about my teeth falling out, which I've been told means I feel ill-prepared for life. XD I don't recall ever being able to control my dreams. That probably would've come in handy over the years.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I can remember dreams for a certain amount of times. However, if dreams repeat over and over, it ends up becoming a memory to me. -_- I am still scared of this freakin' being with some jester shoes or whatever with the snakes, a person slumped over on the chair with his head tilted and the tv. buzzing in black and white. :( Some of them can be pretty demonic for me sadly but mainly, mine is straight out weird and funny.

    I... can control them... but not all the time to a certain extent. I usually just end up fighting back until I end up in a random location. -.- And I still remember that green moon and when I was in a place full of glassed windows (You know... those windows you see in a fancy church with Jesus or Mary on it. Those kinds of glass).

    Only problem I have with sleeping and dreaming is that I know I am not dreaming but yet, I cannot wake up.
  5. xxxJRosesxxx

    xxxJRosesxxx New Member

    Some my favorite dreams are when I'm with some mysterious handsome man, any other people here who get romantic dreams like that? I could drift away when I remember those kind of dreams, cause I'm a sucker for love.:p
  6. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^ Not that I can remember. My dreams tend to stick me in the middle of a poorly made horror movie. Or else I dream really random things starring whatever book I fell asleep reading or movie/show I fell asleep watching. But I only remember them briefly when I wake up, besides a general impression of them; there are very few dreams I could tell you about in any detail at the moment.

    There used to be a guy on the radio years ago who called himself "the Dream Doctor" and people could call in and tell him what they dreamed and he'd interpret it for them and tell them what they needed to do about their lives. I don't know how much I believe of it, but I always found the show really interesting.
  7. xxxJRosesxxx

    xxxJRosesxxx New Member

    So last nights dreams were unpleasant, again. These last few nights have been most unpleasant.

    A week ago I dreamed my Dad, Stepmom, and little brother were planning to kill themselves and I couldn't convince them other wise.

    Last night I dreamt of the zombie apacolpse, my whole family that lives scattered throughout Michigan all taking refuge in an abandoned mansion. It's not as cool as it sounds...
  8. Ataxia

    Ataxia New Member

    I cant normally remember my dreams, but I do have a few that have either impacted my life in a good or a dark way. About a year ago I had a reoccurring dream that became so real that I physically feel it on my body. It started off with me standing in front of this rusting yellow door that lead into this decaying warehouse. Now the first time I had the dream I never went into the door. I just found my self standing in front of this door with this odd wave of energy pulsating off of it and pulling me in. The second night I had the dream I was already through the door and in front of me this long and dark corridor and at the end I could see the outline of a figure. I started to ease to try and see if I could make out what the figure was but when I took about three steps the odd energy wave came bellowing out from behind the figure. It felt like I was hit in the chest by a truck, my body became so heavy feeling its like I was sinking into my bed. When I awoke I was in such a daze but the figure in the dream would appear everywhere. I swore I could see it in my rear view mirror of my car. Lurking in the shadows when I took a shower. The third time I had this dream it felt like I was stuck in this dream for a whole year, time just stopped . I was in the same hallway but I was closer to the figure this time. As I stood there in that hallway in front of him I could feel that energy just forcing me down. The figure came out of the shadows revealing to me a man in a suit. His eyes jet black and the closer he got to me the force pushed me down to the ground on one knee. He stood in front of me and as a grin came across his a face, then he uttered the words "Nothing you do will ever change this outcome". Now I still to this day dont know what that dream meant. I do know ever since the dream I have become a much darker person I have this very cold persona.
  9. yzw035

    yzw035 New Member

    I seldom had dreams.
    I don't know why.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2013
  10. Mike

    Mike Member

    Sorry to bump such an old thread, but if you intend to 'practice' lucid dreaming and want to create a dream journal (which allegedly does help), coming here to post is ineffective.

    What experts recommend is keeping a journal by your bedside, and the second you wake up, jot down all you can remember about your dreams. By the time you wake up, freshen up, get to a computer and type it out, your brain has likely forgotten most of what you've dreamed... and the problem is, you don't always know when you forget something!

    The idea is that as you document your dreams, you become more and more aware of 'themes' that reappear in your dreams. And then when you experience one of those themes, you become aware of the fact that you're dreaming and can then take control of your dreams.

    While I cannot dream lucidly on command, I have experienced lucid dreaming many times in my life. Unfortunately I've found that my ability to retain information about my dreams significantly decreases when I'm stressed, and so I haven't remembered any of my dreams lately.

    When I was a child, I regularly recognized patterns in my dreams, in particular I had a severe fear of heights (which I'm happy to have conquered since!). I'd regularly have nightmares such as ones where I would fall off of a cliff and so forth (I live on top of a rather high escarpment). I would typically make myself wake up to escape my fears, although once I recall that I made myself fly.

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