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Drive faster? (plz help)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by ugonna1, Nov 23, 2008.

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  1. ugonna1

    ugonna1 Guest

    Hey how do u drive form faster? i always drive but it takes SO long... its like 10-20 seconds!
    the mobs just hit me while i drive but to no effect because of auto-block or watever o_O but still it wastes time especcialy in colisium so i was just wondering how to drive faster.. like some kind of thing to do then ur drive is fast.

    uhm thx for any answers :p
  2. annyssrr

    annyssrr New Member

    Welcome to kh-3 forum. Well mine is fast and maybe your game is slow.
  3. ugonna1

    ugonna1 Guest


    that was fast and how do u mean fast :p and thx for welcoming me uhm how does my game get slow? i have only 2 problems... 1. drive form take long to drive and 2. i dunno if its true or not but does gummi ship lvls have music in them cuz if they do.. then i dont hear it except for some parts where just a Tiny bit of music then nothing
  4. Luke

    Luke Member

    I don;t think the gummy ship levels have music lol. But i havent played in forever so i don't directly remember either :p

    And you could just take the auto-block thing off.
  5. ugonna1

    ugonna1 Guest

    um how do i turn it off?
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2008
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