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E3 2010 Thread

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by Ventus, Jun 7, 2010.

  1. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!


    This is the thread for all E3 2010 related discussion. I will try to update this thread with all the news from the event and then I will make an article about everything that has happened for the website but now let's talk about what you want to see or are looking forward to looking at. It starts at June 15th and carries on until June 17th but information has been released through Gametrailers on Spike, this past Friday.


    Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned

    Disney Interactive Studios is making a game with action rpg elements and the control of your own boat. This game has a great resemblance to the Fable series. It is for the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3, along with PC. Check out the video below for more information. This game does look pretty good.

    <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" id="gtembed" height="392" width="480">
    <embed src="http://www.gametrailers.com/remote_wrap.php?mid=101191" swliveconnect="true" name="gtembed" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain" allowfullscreen="true" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" align="middle" height="392" width="480">
    [URL="http://www.gametrailers.com"]Video Games[/URL] | [URL="http://kh-3.net/game//"]PotC: Armada of the Damned [/URL] | E3 2010: Exclusive Preview
    [URL="http://xbox360.gametrailers.com/"]XBox 360[/URL] | [URL="http://ps3.gametrailers.com/"]Playstation 3[/URL] | [URL="http://wii.gametrailers.com/"]Nintendo Wii[/URL]

    Kingdom Hearts: Recoded has been revealed for DS.

    Info provided from GameSpot
    [​IMG]XBOX 360 Slim
    Ok so there has been a possible confirmation of microsoft's new XBOX 360 slim, console. This new console from microsoft is a much slimmer, wifi, and the new thing that microsoft is working on(kinect) is available in it. This confirmation was leaked through an italian gaming magazine, NeoGAF. Microsoft has not spoken about the leak of information yet about there new system that was suppose to be a huge surprise at tomorrow's Microsoft conference at E3.​

    Now as this may not seem like huge news for abunch of KH Fans, but who knows it could serve a purpose with the new kinect (motion sensored camera formerly known as Project Naval) capability.​

    PS3 is 500! [​IMG]
    As there has been no true release about this from Sony, it is highly possible that it may happen with the PS3 memory going up from when originally came avalable. The new rumoured upgrade of Sony's current PS3 is possibly getting a boot in memory a huge boot up to 500gb! The only possible down side is the PS3 may just become even bigger and if that's the case then for people like me who has a current PS2, XBOX 360, and wii in there TV cabnet, a new huge PS3 may not fit. ​

    Now this may not seem like huge news at all, but lets put it this way, we all will now have room to install new games on our shiny new PS3. The only question is if Sony will announce the new PS3 at there conference or not, so stay tuned [​IMG]

    Awww, so Cute!
    video- E3 2010: EyePet - E3 2010 Demo
    For Play Station Move on PS3: Eye Pet Skee

    I will post more information as more news slews in.

    Last edited: Jun 14, 2010
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I'll be doing the same(making updates) So for the best updates stay tuned here and thanks Sora because now I don't need to make a thread and stuff like I was going to next week.
  3. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Im looking forward to see what SE is going to have on FFXIII Versus. And I want to see some video on BBS!
  4. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    I won't be here sadly. I'll be returning about the 3rd day of E3, but my iPhone will keep me posted so ill try to update from it.
  5. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    Ive been waiting for a long time for this years E3 gotta see what SE can do.. Good luck with the update and everything Dawn!:D
  6. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    hey, I'm updating too! lol
  7. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    Well my mistake you and Dawn get together or something :D Good luck both of you!
  8. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    what dates are E3 exactly?
  9. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Updated information.
  10. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Shadow-June 14th to the 18th I think.
  11. Kit

    Kit New Member

    Hopefully it'll be better than it's been the last few years. Remember the year when Nintendo showed us nothing but graphs and charts?
  12. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    E3 starts today!!! Ya!!!! Just to point something out. G4 has coverage from 3 till the rest of the day I think, for the next 4 days. I know I will be glued to the TV.
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Dawn's Quick E3 Update

    Info provided from GameSpot

    [​IMG]XBOX 360 Slim
    Ok so there has been a possible confirmation of microsoft's new XBOX 360 slim, console. This new console from microsoft is a much slimmer, wifi, and the new thing that microsoft is working on(kinect) is available in it. This confirmation was leaked through an italian gaming magazine, NeoGAF. Microsoft has not spoken about the leak of information yet about there new system that was suppose to be a huge surprise at tomorrow's Microsoft conference at E3.​

    Now as this may not seem like huge news for abunch of KH Fans, but who knows it could serve a purpose with the new kinect (motion sensored camera formerly known as Project Naval) capability.​

    PS3 is 500! [​IMG]
    As there has been no true release about this from Sony, it is highly possible that it may happen with the PS3 memory going up from when originally came avalable. The new rumoured upgrade of Sony's current PS3 is possibly getting a boot in memory a huge boot up to 500gb! The only possible down side is the PS3 may just become even bigger and if that's the case then for people like me who has a current PS2, XBOX 360, and wii in there TV cabnet, a new huge PS3 may not fit. ​

    Now this may not seem like huge news at all, but lets put it this way, we all will now have room to install new games on our shiny new PS3. The only question is if Sony will announce the new PS3 at there conference or not, so stay tuned :)

    Awww, so Cute!
    video- E3 2010: EyePet - E3 2010 Demo
    For Play Station Move on PS3: Eye Pet Skee

    GameTrailers.com Game Trailers
    Listed below are different games trailers provided from GameTrailers.com you might be interested in showing at E3

    (will update later, GameTrailers.com servers down at the moment)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2010
  14. Flash Delirium

    Flash Delirium Indie Rokkers

    I tuned in for Microsoft's out of boredom. I wasn't too impressed.
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I've never been to impressed with microsoft that would be my brother I'm more the other good stuff, anyways here's more confirmation of stuff majority probably already known on Square Enix's line up, quite an interesting article from http://ps3.ign.com/articles/109/1095901p1.html

    For this year Square Enix's biggest line up for this year are as followed...
    Final Fantasy XIV(just an announcemenat about starting it)
    Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep(psp-we all knew that)
    Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded(Nitendo DS)
    Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light(Nitendo DS)
  16. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    EA has brought us some new stuff.
    Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit- a return to the series roots. the live game demo was pretty awesome.
    Medal of Honor- now it joins the afgan war. the 24 multi-player demo was cool
    Dead Space 2- Isaac is now at a city taking on the monsters. Demo ended in a cliff hanger, which was promised to be finished tomorrow at the Sony conference.

    right now they're on sports so i lost interest.

    Crisis 2 in full 3D, coming out holiday season 2010

    and now here's Bulletstorm
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2010
  17. Flash Delirium

    Flash Delirium Indie Rokkers

    Oh my god this is why EA is the shit.
  18. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    sorry for double posting up there.

    Bulletstorm is looking like nothing but pure epic gunfights mixed with over the top sci-fi ass-whooping

    Star Wars: The Old Republic Hope trailer was f***ing epic! i can't wait for that awesome and almighty mmo game!
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2010
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Dawn's E3 June 14, 2010 Update:
    Tomorrow expect live updates on the different exhibits from numerous sites accross the web while I also upgrade you on Nitendo(and whatever else isn't covered)

    [​IMG] [​IMG] Press Conference...

    Call of Duty Black Ops (release date: 11/9/2010)

    Don Mattrick- XBOX President-
    -everything Call of Duty will be the best on XBOX 360 in 2010, 2011, 2012
    -Kinect for XBOX 360- motion picture camera

    Metal Gear Solid Rising
    -designed for the XBOX project

    Phil Spenser- Corporate Vice President Microsoft Game Studio-
    -Kinect making XBOX 360 better
    -everything shown exclusively XBOX 360

    Gears of Wars 3-
    -new mutations

    Peter Molyneux- Creative Director Microsoft Game Studio Europe-
    -new 360 exclusive: Fable III
    -Ships October 26th

    Halo Reach
    -most ambitious game bu Bungie
    -Ships September

    Marc Whitten- Corporate Vice President XBOX Live
    -25 million members on XBOX Live
    -Kinect- recongizes motion and sound, recongizes you
    -kinect- taking the future of gaming to watch movies, listen to music, and plat games without controllers
    -Ron egineer for kinect- just use your hand for kinect or use your voice
    -going to every country where XBOX 360 is sold
    -XBOX Live coming to Windows Phone
    -Laura fellow team member working on kinect- Video Kinect: it's not just about video games, connects to XBOX Live and Windows Live Messenger
    -kinect also coming on windows messenger live

    ESPN & XBOX 360
    -can now watch sports, Live for anything, MLB, NHL, Soccer, NFL, SC, etc.
    -3,500 live sport events, a bunch of people
    -polls, trivia, etc.

    Kudo Tsunoda- Creative Designer for Kinect
    -designed to interact to things like in the real world
    - kinects connects people in your family or around the world
    -only some games can be available for XBOX kinect
    -Will launch world wide, North America on November 4
    -compatable with all XBOX 360

    Kinect Games-
    -Kinect Animals- designed for kids of all ages where you can adopt over 40 of your favorite animals
    -Kinect Sports- excite the crowd and play many sports with different friends
    -Kinect Joy Ride- race against other or other race games
    -Kinect Adventures- playing different mini games using your whole body
    -Ubisoft: Your Shape- work out game, figures out the perfect work out for you
    -Harmonix: Dance Central- dancing game, worked with world class chorographer, and many artists of today such as Lady Gaga, and more, designed for advance dancers and two left feet dancers
    -Lucas Arts: Star Wars- a star wars game completely control free, coming 2011
    -Term10 Studios: ______- new car game, new racing game, coming 2011

    XBOX History
    -it's been 10 years since XBOX has been released and this year is the bigggest
    -revolutionary music, movies, and games
    -kinect: game play Live
    -The future: promise to make gaming even better for millions of people
    -new decade surprise: XBOX Slim, built in kinect, smaller, 250GB, built in wifi, same price($299) ships today! The new XBOX 360, available in stores later this week(hope all of you had money saved)

    [​IMG] [​IMG]press conference...


    Need For Speed Hot Pursuit-
    -can play as a racer or a cop
    -can compete with friends
    -coming November 16, 2010

    Dead Space 2-
    -promise to be an epic sequal
    -was a cliff hanger, trailer/ game play continues tomorrow
    -available January 21, 2011

    Medal of Honor
    -first person shooter genre
    -Leaving WWII and going to world in Afghanistan
    -different modes that can be played
    -each place inspired by real world location
    -comes out October 12, 2010
    -June 21, beta avalable for 360, PS3, and PC

    Katrina Strattford Senior Director Online-
    -job bring content, games, and more online
    -EA Gun Club, rewards for playing games, early news, beta, demos, and more
    -downloadble extention pack of Battlefield Bad Company 2: Vietnam

    Peter Moore President, EA Sports-
    -EA Sports MMA: battling the way they do in real life
    -EA Sports Live Broadcast:allow others to watch you accross the globe to become famous in fights with real broadcasters, go online doing trash talk towards your rival fighter and get noticed and broadcasted
    -EA Sports MMA in stores October 19 on XBOX 360 and PS3
    -EA Sports Active 2- on wii, watches your heart rate coming with a heart rate monitor, tracks process online, avalable Nov 16, 2010 on wii, XBOX360, and PS3
    - EA Sports Active 2 works with kinect on XBOX 360
    -Madden NFL 11- allowed to create plays like NFL coaches, play multi player

    The Sims 3-
    -just like every other sims game- you get to live life your life
    -can make town your town, make it all you if needed
    -given sims a free will
    -coming this October
    -the sims are designed to be more alive than ever before
    -nitendo DS, PS3, PlayStation Network, XBOX360, XBOX Live, and Wii

    Cysis 2-
    -EA games partner with Crytek
    -setting in New York City
    -the future of gaming
    -full free expieriences(100s of ways to play it)
    -out Holiday 2010

    -overtop first person shooter
    -release February 22, 2011
    - "Do cool shit, get cool shit, and do more cool shit"(actual quote)

    Star Wars The Old Republic-
    -player vs player
    - each player gets his/ her own starship
    -light side or dark side, jedi or sith, empire or republic
    -online gaming

    [​IMG] [​IMG]press conference...

    E3 2010 Ubisoft Press Conference Videos - G4tv.com

    Child of Eden-
    -music game with shooting
    -designed to be used with kinect

    Assasins Creed Brotherhood-
    -the main protagonist is now a legend
    -the game offers all new stuff that haven't been offered in the past

    Shaun White Skateboarding-
    -based off of professional snowboarder and skateboarding
    -a skateboarding video game
    -design your own track"shaping"

    Battle Tag-
    -Real Life game- laser tag combined with your computer
    -A video game you play away from the game(nerf anyone?)
    -basicaly nerf without the nerf ammo and information everytime you play it is stored in the computer

    -a stress reliever game
    -breathing in and out game
    -a computer game
    -makes you feel younger(lol, sorry, but really lol)

    Kinect and Ubisoft-
    -Motion Sports- a sport game
    -Your Shape(see Microsoft update)

    Raving Rabbids Travel in Time-(release Nov 9)
    -available on wii

    Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future Soldier-
    -many different things avaliable for the players
    -Available on XBOX 360

    Driver San Francisco-
    -avalable on PS3, XBOX 360, wii, and PC
    -protagonist in a (spoilercomaspoiler) and can use a special ability to shift cars

    CEO and President of Ubisoft Yves Guillemot-
    -3 new projects
    =1: Project Dust available Spring 2011
    =2: Rayman Origins
    =3: u play- mania planet

    Michael Jackson-
    -brand new dancing game, not much info provided <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2010
  20. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Dawn's E3 June 15, 2010 Update-

    [​IMG][​IMG]press conference...


    The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword-
    -use items and weapons freely with the wii remote
    -available for wii
    -using the wii remote, it becomes your sword, every motion you do with it happens with your sword
    -using the nunchunks, you can use it like a shield
    -you can cut many things like trees and grass
    -don't need to move thee wii remote to aim your slling shot, just move it in the direction you want to shoot
    -holding B, and throwing your wii remote or rolling(like bowling in wii sports) you can throw/ roll a bomb.
    -holding down c pulls back the bow and arrow and release it to release an arrow
    -there's a beetle that you can release to see into your surroundings and pick up items
    -using the whip you use your wii remote for which way you're throwing the whip, you can pick up items and cut the grass, can't kill enemies though
    -development will go through the end of the year and you can finally play it at home next year
    -uses wii motion plus

    Mario Sports Mix-
    -designed for the wii
    -has volleyball, basketball, hockey, and more
    -comes out in 2011

    Wii History-
    -most sold game console last December than any other console
    -sold more games in the first 43 months than any other games
    -a study has been done that people play wii over other systems in their house

    Wii Party-
    -puts wii miis in the action playing different mini games
    -coming this holiday

    Just Dance 2-
    -more new songs
    -Dance Crew Face Off
    -Up to 8 players

    Golden Sun Dark Dawn-
    -new heroes
    -powers unlike ever seen before
    -for Nitendo DS
    -Coming this holiday

    GoldenEye 007-
    -this November
    -exclusively for wii
    -special game modes
    -after 13 years a new one is out

    Disney Epic Mickey-
    -journeys accross different lands in the game
    -multiple choices- make enemies friends or defeat them, etc.
    -special power with painting

    Kirby's Epic Yarn-
    -new game style
    -comes this fall

    *Dragon QuestIX Sentinels of the Starry Skies-
    -can customize the characters
    -exclusive to Nitendo DS
    -Comes out July 11

    Metroid Other M-
    -exploration game
    -arrives in stores August 31

    Donkey Kong Returns-
    -epic new adventure
    -comes back this Holiday

    Nitendo 3DS-
    -new 3D gaming on a nitendo DS
    -take 3D wherever you want to go
    -no galsses needed
    -just a simple looking nitendo DS, but no glasses need
    - a nice small size still
    -has the two screens
    -full 3D graphics without 3D glasses
    -controls 3D by moving a slider
    -the bottom touch screen, unfortunately is not 3D "because they don't get along"
    -graphics greatly improved
    -has a motion sensor
    -has a camera like Nitendo DSi
    -can take photos and view them in 3D
    -capable of viewing 3D hollywood movies
    -working with 3 huge movie companied like Disney, Warner Bros, and Dream Works
    -Project Sora- create a game especially designed for Nitendo 3DS
    -Kid Icarus Rising-
    ==designed especially for Nitendo3DS
    -wifi still works in sleep mode, can communicate with other DS's
    -many different things you had to take time to download, is automatically downloaded
    -a 3D nitendogs and cat game
    -square enix is planning to build software games for 3DS
    -kingdom hearts game coming for 3DS (could this be reCoded or a new game? no title was shown)

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