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E3 2011 Review

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Angel, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    This is just a short review over E3 2011 Press Conferences. E3 is currently still going on and I personally haven't gone through all the interviews and coverages yet. This is just the impression I've gotten so far and I will be updating as I review through these coverages. I would also like your reviews and opinions on E3 so far.

    As a Nintendo fan since I was little. I'm pretty excited about what Nintendo dished out this year. Nintendo revealed their new console and controller the Wii U. Wii U allows play on the Wii right in front of you without having the tv on. It is a large motion sensored console with two analog sticks and normal Nintendo controls. By synching with the WII you are allowed to use it as a controller and even to zoom in. The Battle Mii and Chase Mii using the Wii U looked pretty fun (Battle Mii allowed multiple people play (5) and Chase Mii did as well) and Wii U can be used with conjunction of the Wii Remote. Zelda Skyward Sword, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, StarFox, Zelda Ocarina of Time and Kid Icarus Uprising are games I'm looking forward too.

    They did well for themselves. Sony built on their Playstation Move with multiple games surprisingly Bioshock. Good future releases are Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, Ruin, Little Big Planet, Starhawk, Resistance 3, Twisted Metal, Dust 514, Street Fighter X Tekkan, and ModNation Racers. Not to mention their new console, Playstation Vita, which means life. This console has two cameras, touch screen (touch pad in the back), speakers, and motion sensors. Your able to chat while playing games, trade game information and much more with (Near and Party Applications) including 3G network with AT&T and WIFI connectivity.

    I would say if Microsoft unveiled a portable console they would've taken the cake. (Even without, they still did an amazing job.) Mainly Microsoft built on their product Kinect which unveiled Live TV, Voice Recognition to tell the Xbox what to do, Scanning, as in objects and yourself, Youtube, Bing searches, and Netflix. Microsoft blew my mind truly with Kinect all things are possible! To top it all off Kinect plus Ghost Recon equal freaking awesome. Separating the gun with your motion and customizing it with your voice; blew me away. They had great titles Halo 4, Ghost Recon, Tomb Raider, Forza 4, Star Wars Kinect, Gears of War 3, and Fable: The Journey.

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