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Energy Drinks

Discussion in 'General' started by Nova, Apr 25, 2012.

  1. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    I already wrote a rant about this on my Tumblr and then decided to make a discussion on it. If you want to see my rant you can go to my Tumblr Post which is right here: Making Me - Energy Drinks - Energy Drinks

    Basically my point is that I dont think energy drinks give me energy. In fact, all they do is make my heart race and make me grouchy, thirsty, and tired. Add that to the fact that caffiene is insanely bad for you along with a lot of the other ingredients in them, and I am pretty sure that I don't like energy drinks and I don't get why they were so popular with my peers as I was growing up.

    What are your opinions? Do you actually like them?
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2012
  2. Luke

    Luke Member

    I love them. I have never felt an energy boost or anything from them or anything. I just enjoy the taste.
  3. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    I'm not a big energy drinks person to be honest with you. I did try the Monster brand one before, but it didn't give me that "high" of energy that it's supposed to. It was more or less a crash and burn, not to mention that it didn't taste quite right. (Then again, I only truly drink water so the taste is extremely different than what I'm used to >_< ) Maybe if I drank them more often I would get used to it, but I don't think it's worth it. I can find better means of acquiring energy if I tried.

    Same here. I see kids at my school who go through two to three of them before the final bell rings at the end of the day; That's ridiculous in my opinion. I can't imagine that being remotely healthy or helpful.
  4. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    lol no Emrald I dont think it's that you drink water a lot. I'm addicted to pepsi products not gonna lie. But I still think that Monster drinks taste like caffinated melted popsicles. xD

    Also I love how they all advertise these drinks saying that it's all the vitamins in them that cause the energy boost when they put so much caffiene and sugar in them. Good advertising right there. Slow clap for you media.
  5. Consilum

    Consilum New Member

    I'm pretty much with Luke on this one. Energy drinks don't really give me energy, but I do love the taste of them. I can only handle AMP and Monster, though. Red Bull does something weird to my insides, and gives me instant heartburn. :<
  6. Energy drinks don't usually work for me either. I'm not a big fan of the taste, but it's alright.
  7. Luke

    Luke Member

    I personally prefer VENOM, which isnt sold around here anymore. That one got rid of my headaches sometimes. Which is pretty cool cause they are cause by a spinal injury and usually nothing helps lol
  8. Mike

    Mike Member

    Caffeine, in small doses, is actually quite good for you. Sugar, in small doses, is vital to life.

    If you're getting too much of either of those, the regular consumption of energy drinks is a bad idea. Not to mention, there is an amino acid thrown in there that's a foreign entity in the human body, called Taurine. The only reason it's there is because it has high energy atomic bonds that, when broken, produce tons of energy that your body can harness into other things that lead to a sense of euphoria/decreased fatigue. (But this is actually your body being tricked...every 'sugar high' has the inevitable crash when you run out of fuel).

    EDIT: My apologies. >_< I hadn't realized how old this thread was (that's what happens when you're gone for a billion years...haha). Mods, please take some kind of action.
  9. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Bumping rule has been amended, so you're fine.

    I've actually never tried an energy drink, but I've taken caffeine pills once during a cross-country drive and they made my heart hurt and I got incredibly irritable (yeah, more than usual), so I'm not inclined to give them a try. I prefer attempting to use Pepsi or Coke to stave off exhaustion.
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I tried one of those Monster energy drinks once. I was VERY excited and VERY happy... and then I crash as though I had a hangover. I really do not drink energy drinks. Just water, juice and tea. TEA! Awesome tea!

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