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Evolution vs. Intelligent Design

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Yukie, May 22, 2009.

  1. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    We had a heated debate in my College Biology Class earlier and I wanted to see KH-3.net's views on the subject.

    I am Pro-Evolution because evolution has facts and findings because of a guy name Charles Darwin. ID (Intelligent Design) is nothing more than a belief not a science, because their whole motto is that a Supernatural Force created everything.

    After all, they did find humans great-great-great aunt which kinda prove that humans did evolve over the years.

    One missing link is found and many mores to be discovered.

  2. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    In my opinion, both theories them selves are messed up but I am one who sticks with Evolution, like you mentioned, fossils/skeletons of us "x" years ago resembling us not to long ago with a time span that would support evolution to occur. With plausible facts, I think Evolution is a much better theory than ID. Another great example for Evolution are frogs. Hatching from a spawn as a tadpole and over a certain amount of time, the lose their gills and tail for limbs and lungs. The same goes with butterflies and moths, with them starting out as caterpillars and worms and eventually transforming into something incredibly different.

    But perhaps mentioning a "Super Natural Force" creating everything could also be plausible. An existence of a super being to just yell out "Evolve!" and suddenly it instantly changes. It does sound ridiculous to me but some people prefer to look at it that way.
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I'm kinda for both.

    But since you bring this stuff up, I'll add a link to this post. Go ahead and read it. It is actually quite reasonable.

  4. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    It is very interesting. I ask this in my class where I get no response.

    Well, let's that there is a supernatural force that created everything. Then why are some species are extinct. About 98% species are extinct, from bacteria to dinosaurs to animals. If there is this super natural force then why those it allow its creation to be extinct?
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Because this supernatural force clearly doesn't interfere with it's creations. (This part is something my stepbrother believes) The supernatural force created everything and set everything in motion. That is all. No interference.
  6. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    i got goosebumps reaDING THIS. Wow, really awesome...
    I believe what your stepbrother believes DW. God created this universe within a system. He does not interfere with that system.
  7. Trisection

    Trisection New Member

    I like facts. Evolution is backed by them. Intelligent Design has none (regardless of what some will have you believe, it's really just another name for creationism); all that it DOES have are a bunch of purely subjective arguments that don't prove anything.

    It's much more complicated than that, really, but that sums it up for me.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2009
  8. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    like to hear the newb's input, but logic is a battle we win every time.
    proof is something you claim to have/know, but your proof is enough for your individual faith, but not enough to answer as much as our logic does to our faith.
  9. Trisection

    Trisection New Member


    I can't even begin to decipher what you mean by this.

    I've seen this before, and really you shouldn't be taking that seriously because it's nothing more then propaganda.

    Case in point:

    Bullshit. Evolution does not preach that we came from monkeys. We and the monkeys came from a common ancestor. Anyone who knows the basics of evolution is aware of this, the claim made in the post is nothing more then common creationist myth.

    Uh, we can prove evolution is happening right now just fine. Mutations, natural selection, etc has all been observed.

    Evolution is not an opinion, or at least, it's not just that. The fact that it's called a "theory" gives people a wrong impression because they're not familiar with what the word actually means to science.

    "Scientific theory" does not imply uncertain guess, rather it denotes "a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena."

    Facts and theories are different things. Gravity is a theory. It's also fact. Electromagnetism is a theory. Also fact. And evolution, whether you like it or not, is both theory and fact. Whether you choose to believe it or not is up to you.

    Oh and going by this logic, erosion isn't fact either. Do you not believe in erosion?

    Uh, the professor in question is a human. We know that humans have brains. 2+2=?

    Also, whether he has a brain or not is perfectly testable. All you would have to do is open his head and see if it's there.

    Testing whether God exists or not isn't nearly as simple.

    Those are just some examples.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2009
  10. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    both theories have their own flaws. Evolution: where did the first organism that we humans evolved from actually come from? no one knows exactly how that first organism came to exist. Intelligent Design: if someone or something created it, then where did that being come from. did it already exist? or was it created by evolution in a way? both theories aren't exactly flawless in this argument
  11. Ningacom

    Ningacom New Member

    logic is a matter of opinion. someone who believes in god and another who believes in science can have two completely different perceptions of common sense.

    i'm neutral since neither evolution nor intelligent design can be proven fact.
  12. Reflection

    Reflection New Member

    Since when did evolutionary theory attempt to explain the origin of life?
  13. Trisection

    Trisection New Member

    Evolution doesn't deal with the origin of life. That's an entirely different subject altogether.
  14. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member


    Our faith is based on logic, your faith is based on your "proof". We don't find that "proof" as enough proof for us to believe in science, we are comfortable in our faith in our logic.
    Were as you are comfortable in your faith in your "proof".
    Thats what I meant.
    Its not that hard to comprehend.

    opinion, not fact. I could say science class is communist propaganda, but thats just my opinion. Does it really matter anyways? You guys win, we're all forced to learn about science in school anyways. Thats real propanganda. Having evolutionists preach to you and force godlessness into the youth, yeah, that really pisses me off a bit. If anything, they should teach both in skools, that way theres a balance.

    srry, but no. My stupid evolutionist teacher in biology last year said we come from monkeys and I prooved her wrong because we aren't.
    Its not a myth. Its false information, but dumb evolutionists DO SAY IT.

    its a theory that its a part of evolution, but its not fact. Like it said in "article of propaganda", no one has lived long enough to actually see evolution take place.

    theories are basically a develpoed opinion, yes. "great theories" involving extreme logic that makes them almost seem "real", or "fact".

    yet they deny what they dont know. They wont say the words:"I dont know", if something is missing in the "equation", they just skip it. Its because "faith" is most of the time that missing principale.

    gravity and electromagnetism are theories that became fact.
    No one can deny the proof of gravity or electromagnetism. But evolution isn't "full proof".

    and thats the way we see faith and god.
    Its like 2+2=4
  15. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    I never said it attempted to explain the origin of life. but it never really adds up. how would have evolution happened if no organisms were around? I'm showing an example here. without organisms, evolution*if it exists* can't happen. which would bring intelligent design into the works. but by trying to explain that, it would once again bring us back to evolution. how would whatever being that creats us have the power to do that without evolving? it's a never ending cycle. for this subject, I'm with Ningacom. I'm neutral for this. neither subject offers the kind of facts needed for its structure
  16. Ningacom

    Ningacom New Member

    it's much less difficult if you say " lolopinions"

    though i do agree that science should not be taught in an establishment that bans teachings from religion, seeing as they are similar practices

    no one's forcing anything. in that respect, math would also be considered "communist propaganda".

    see: private school
  17. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Hm. I'm curious about this. The absence of heat. The absence of this. The absence of that. I'm not real sure.
  18. Reflection

    Reflection New Member


    I don't understand what the OP was trying to start here.
    You can't say that Intelligent Design and Evolution are opposing ideas. THEY ARE NOT ABOUT THE SAME THING. <_<
    Evolution has nothing to do with how things were created. It's about how we got from there to where we are now.

    There's this thing...it's called..."the separation of church and state"
    Now I won't lie to you, I'm religious, but if you want to be arguing with people about their opinions it IS necessary to know exactly what they are and not some other person's biased rehash of it.
    1. If learning about another point of view will make you "godless", you never knew God anyway.
    2. If you want to learn about God, go to church. That's why they're there.

    ...having this "evolutionists are stoopid lol" bias is not going to help your case in the slightest. Maybe you interpreted your teacher's lecture in some weird twisted way, I wouldn't be surprised, but seriously. Look it up. The first thing you should understand before jumping into an argument is what it is actually about.

    ...that is exactly what you're saying. Again. Evolution has nothing to do with how things were created. It's about how we got from there to where we are now.
  19. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    again, not saying that evolution explains the origin of life. I was simply using that as an example. evolution would never be able to happen if we weren't here. besides, no one has proven that evolution actually happens anyway. no one has been able to test it. mutation does not count. that is the fault of us humans. again, I did not say evolution explained how life actually came to be. it was an example. evolution cannot happen without us, even then there are flaws in the theory and design of it
  20. Reflection

    Reflection New Member

    That's circular logic.

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