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Extracurricular Activities

Discussion in 'General' started by Desert Warrior, Nov 15, 2014.

  1. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Man that title sounds so high-schooly. Speaking of high school, there was a previous version of this thread that was closed and I posted in it back when I was in high school.

    So, instead of simply opening the thread and attempting to revitalize it, I am going to make this one ^_^

    So, what sort of extracurricular activities, if any, do you do? I myself have started fencing for the past few months since I moved away for college.
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    That sounds pretty awesome. Do you find it difficult to learn?

    Myself, I've been slacking off in the fun department, being ridiculously busy at work. I tend to do quiet things, like reading or going to the movies when I have free time. I've been thinking about trying to find a dance class to join, since I've really been missing it lately and I need to find something different and actually interesting to do, exercise-wise, but I'm not sure where to find what I need around these here parts. Small towns are frustrating. >_<
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Parts of it. Mainly the finer points of things. And keeping my damn back foot on the ground while I attack.

    Do you have a nearby college? I've noticed that they tend to have a bunch of junk like dancing stuff.
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^ Eh, close enough, I suppose. I've been thinking that might be my best bet. I'm kind of in an awkward place, ability-wise- I know technique, so I'm not exactly a beginner, but I also haven't danced in a long time, so I sort of am. So I need to find a class for has-beens, I guess. XD
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Nothing wrong with going into a beginner's class. Reviewing the basics is always important in whatever you're doing.

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