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Family Crest (Actual RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Roxion, Sep 13, 2011.

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  1. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Family Crest
    In another land, there lived a civilization seemingly frozen in medieval times. Among that civilization, there lived four families, and because of their bloodline, each family was gifted with extraordinary powers.
    The Clearessence Family, who could make their bodies clear like glass, blending in with their surroundings, but one could still see them if they looked hard enough. They prided themselves on being the best archers in the land.
    The Refenses Family, who had their senses (sight, smell, hearing) heightened to superhuman levels and with enhanced reflexes, they knew themselves to be the best fist-fighters in the land.
    The Mudonist Family, who had the ability to read the thoughts and feelings of anyone they came into physical contact with, were the smartest people in the world, and while they were not the most physically fit, they developed a device they called a "pistol."
    Finally, the Seraphimic Family, who had the gift of sprouting angelic wings and soaring high above in the skies, thought themselves a very knightly family, and had skills with swords that were second to none.
    Because of their amazing gifts, the people regarded the families as something of aristocrats, and each family lived in grand castles far away from each other. The people and the families lived in harmony, until one day, a man jealous of their power gathered together a loyal group of assassins and, disguising themselves as members of the four families, murdered the head of each family. Enraged, thinking the other families were to blame, the four families began to war with eachother, unaware of the assassins pulling the strings......

    1. standard RP rules.
    2. at least 5 lines per post.
    3. as far as you know, the other families are your enemies, you are unaware of the assassins existence, behave as such.
    4. each head of the families (4 people, 1 for each family) bears their family crest in the form of some jewelry (necklace, earrings, bracelet, et cetera). Include that if you are a head.
    5. to the assassin leader: I will PM you as to what your true motive is.

    Angeluso looked out the window of his castle, briefly contemplating the situation of his world. Though the war was only between the families, and none of the civilians were involved, the effects were very apparent. All the towns lived as though under a siege, everyone afraid to be out after dark, fearing they'd be killed in the crossfire of a battle. Angeluso held his necklace in his hand for a moment, before turning around and advancing down the hall. He advanced to the grand hall, "I will end this, even if it kills me."
  2. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Cheribus flew down to the family castle after his morning excursion. He landed on his balcony and his wings tucked back until they were hidden once again. Cheribus decided to seek out his brother, he had sensed that he was distressed after the recent events of their father's assassination but one of the other families. He wanted to show Angeluso that all was not bleak, that there was still a ray of hope, he just wasn't sure how to do this. Regardless Cheribus went to the Grand Hall.

    As he walked through the doors he gave one of his smiles and called in a cheery voice: "Good Morning, brother!"
    Knukyles paced in his chamber room. He was worriying over his family, being the Head in a time of war was a terrible situation. he was never particularly good at politics to begin with, but on top of that he had to plan military strategy? He wasn't sure he was cut out for the job, but as the eldest son of the last head it was his right, no his duty, to lead his family through this crisis.
  3. Key King

    Key King Member

    Sirion Black, better known as Blackheart looked out the window. Though he couldn't see far enough, he knew that those idiotic families were still tearing themselves and eachother apart. he laughed at thier foolishness. his revenge had been exacted, just as he had swore.
  4. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Angeluso turned, seeing his brother, "Cheribus! Good to see you! how was your morning flight? The winds were kind I hope," he said, he always enjoyed the company of both his brothers, they gave him a bit of hope, but at the same time, he had a deathly fear of what he would do if he lost them. He held the family crest in his hand and gave it a few spins, "Could you perhaps fetch William? I need to speak with both of you immediately," he said in a much more serious tone of voice.
  5. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Cheribus heard how quick to the point his brother was and instantly knew that something was amiss.

    "I shall retrieve him at once!" he said giving a slight bow, even if Angeluso was his brother, one must always show the highest respect to the family head. Cheribus hurried out of the Grand Hall and made his way to William's bed chamber. he knocked on the door. "William it is I Cheribus! Our brother, Angeluso requests our presence in the Grand Hall, he wished to discuss something with us!"
    Knukyles tried to clear his head, but confusion reigned over his thoughts. He had been the best of friends with members of the other families, Angeluso being among them, so he did not understand how such a form of treachery could occur. what had happened between the families to spark such an act as this? there must be more to it then Knukyles was aware of, though what that something was he had no idea. nor did he have the time to ponder it/ for, while he sat here brooding, he should have been headed to a meeting with his trusted adviser. they needed to discuss future events and what to do in case an attack from the other families were to happen.
  6. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will pushed himself off the bed, grabbing the large sword from his bedside and strapping it to his back, even though his shirt was open and showing a wifebeater. He opened the door and eyed his brother. "May I help you Cheribus?" He asked, straightening the sword and slipping a pair of shoes on. "I thought I was not to be disturbed unless it was urgent?" He growled, having been irritable lately. Ever since his father's death he had lost his old ways of balancing sword practice with womanizing and now only practiced his sword, looking for ways to kill the heads of the other families.
  7. Key King

    Key King Member

    Blackheart walked from his chambers down the vast corridor of other assasins. He shot a servant with his crossbow when he failed to fix his tea perfectly. He walked away and got changed, befire coming back to the dining hall. his cold grey eyes flashed even colder. He gathered the assasins together. "I heard a rumor." he started, "That a few family member-we are unsure which family will be coming to town today." He smiled coldly, his silver eyes flashing with hatred. "Another assasin will come with me. We'll form a stakeout, hiding until they come. I want to stir up some more trouble." He pointed at one of the many cloaked assasins. "You." he said, pointing to the man. "Be ready soon. We leave at noon. And, if they catch you, you know the drill." he pulled out a tiny pill-sized container of green, foaming liquid. "Crunch this. Instant death." he put the flask away and walked from the hall to his chambers, readying his weaponry.
  8. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Angeluso did not wait for his brothers to meet him and instead walked over to them, "This is an urgent matter Will, I will be gone today, I have arranged to speak with my old friend Knukyles, the current head of the Refenses family, we are going to see if we are not beyond the point of peace," Angeluso stopped for a moment, looking down, "If I were to.....If something were to happen to me, Cheribus, as the second oldest, you will become head of the family. Protect your brother, and just in case this does happen," he said removing his necklace, "This will belong to you," he placed the necklace in his brother's hand, "However: you are not to wear it until you can confirm I am dead. Keep it on your person, but do not wear it. Should I return, I will be asking for it back," and with that, he turned around, sprouted his wings, and was out the window in an instant, leaving his brothers unable to catch up.
  9. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Cheribus accepted the Crest as if in a haze. He placed the heirloom in his pocket to honor his brothers wishes for him to never wear it until he died.

    "But brother, the Refenses family were the ones who assassinated our father! Even if you were friends with Knukyles before, clearly that friendship meant nothing to him! Why throw away your life negotiating peace with a murderous family such as them!?!" but it was to no avail, Angeluso was out the door, and gone.
    Knukyles rode off on his horse, he had arranged to meet with Angeluso at a middle point between their two castles, as to ensure that neither party would trap and ambush the other. Knukyles was honorable, he hoped Angeluso would be the same. Knukyles didn't know what to think anymore about Angeluso, for it was a member of his family that did in Knukyles' father.
  10. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will in his anger punched a wall and stormed off, heading towatds the sword training arena. As he got in he noticed a few servants in there training and he grinned, grabbing a trainer buster sword off the wall. "Gather round everyone, today's the lucky day you all get to fight me!" He barked at the servants, most of which were just hired and thought they were hotshots. As Will lifted the huge, weighty sword above his head and twirled it the few who had been there for a few years new all the new servants were about to be knocked aside like paperweights. Will brought down the 6 foot sword and levelted it in front of him, widening his stance and grinning.
  11. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Angeluso must have been flying for an hour when he reach the designated spot. The arrangement was a wide open field, the least likely place for an ambush, Angeluso had arrived alone as promised and could only hope Knukyles had done the same. When they were friends, Angeluso remembered that Knukyles was loyal, so the moment would be awkward now. He put a hand to the ground and felt it trembling. One horse, good. Angeluso thought, knowing it was probably Knukyles. He removed his swords from his waist and tossed them aside, showing that he had no intention to fight, and waited for Knukyles to arrive.
  12. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Knukyles came on his horse and saw that Angeluso had already arrived. Makes sense seeing as he can fly thought Knukyles. he rode up to his old friend and dismounted. He looked at him for a moment before he said anything. Knukyles had no need for weapons since he was so much of a better fighter with his bare fists.

    "I assume you have come alone? The knightly attitude of your family suggests you would honor this agreement, as I too have come unaided by my fellow Refenses. Now then, shall we begin the negotiations?"
  13. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Angeluso was silent for a moment, as the meeting felt awkward to him, "We shall," he finally said, "My family wishes for war no more than your family. Since we are the new heads of our respective families, the Seraphimic and Refenses families now share a stronger tie. If there cannot be peace between all four families, I desire that there be peace between at least the two of ours, old friend........." He finished. Angeluso did not think Knukyles would outright attack him, but he kept his guard up, and was ready to dash to his swords at any moment. He knew he did not have enough hand-to-hand combat prowess to defeat Knukyles, but he was sure he could fend him off to get to his swords, and thus even the playing field.
  14. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    "I would have liked to have that happen as well..." said Knukyles. "But after what happened can we really return to peace? Will our families follow our wishes? You and I may not have a problem, Angeluso, but our families are bitter rivals from this treachery! Not many will fell peaceful toward your clan after what you did!" Knukyles hated that he had to speak the truth this way, but in a conference like this lying was pointless, as well was beating around the bush. He could not lie and say that there was a chance for peace after what the Seraphimic family did to them. No, what ALL the other families did to them. Knukyles' mind drifted to the feather that had been left at the seen of the assassination, he kept it on his person at all times as a reminder of the betrayal his family had suffered. The feather was exactly the same as one from the wings of the Seraphimic family.
  15. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Angeluso sighed, I was hoping this would start off better..... he thought. He took a step toward Knukyles, "No, it will not be easy," he said, "But my family detests fighting and senseless killing. Even a drop of blood from the four families spilled is a terrible waste." He gathered in his mind what little he could remember about Knukyles' father. He remember that Knukyles was much closer to his father than Angeluso was his, and thus could understand his bitterness. "I never offered my condolenses for the loss of your father. I'm sorry, but I assure you that a Seraphimic had no part in it."
  16. Key King

    Key King Member

    Blackheart was armed to the toe with his longsword, crossbow, arrows, and an assortment of knives and daggers. He looked at his partner and nodded, signaling that it was time to go. The assassin only hoped that the rumors had indeed been true and a family member would be out and about today. While riding his black horse towards the town he noticed that there were two men at a very far distance. pulling a steel telescope he identified that they were two new heads of the families. he coudn't let them unite! Pulling an arrow with The crest of the Mudonists engraved on it, he put it into his crossbow. at the end there were feathers from the Seraphamic families former head. the point was sharp, and the feathers would make it fly true. they wouldn't see him. he fired, nearly missing Angeluso, on purpose. "More trouble." he chuckled, riding away.
  17. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    OOC: dammit Key King you ruined the whole scene! we had this whole thing planned out! whatever i can still work with this.

    IC: Knukyles saw the arrow coming and watched as it whisked by Angeluso's head.

    "What was that! are we under attack?!?" he looked off wildly then when no other assaults came forth he inspected the arrow. "This has the Crest of the Mudonist Family...but wait... these feathers... the are the same as the wings of the Seraphimic! Damn you Angeluso! You attempt to betray us again!?! Too bad! your Mudonist assassin has failed to kill me! Don't try to sway me with your lies, we know one of your family killed my father! Look!" he held out the feather which was found at the murder scene. "And now you have joined the Mudonists to try to kill me! I bite my thumb at you sir! There is great shame on the families of the Seraphimic and the Mudonists today!!"
  18. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    OOC: Knight and I posted at the same time, but mine came up second, so I'll change it :p

    IC: Angeluso heard the arrow, and was glad it wouldn't be the last thing he heard. He picked up the arrow and saw the Mudonist symbol on it, "Strange, why would the Mudonists use arrows when they have their pistols?" he said to himself. Suddenly a thought clicked in his mind and he stood up and angrily spoke, "Knukyles! How dare you accuse me of such a thing?!? My family is above such petty tricks!" He looked at the feather in Knukyles' hand, "An obvious forgery! Never had I thought the Refenses Family to have forked tongues to go with their animal instincts!" As Angeluso said this, he could not help but continue to wonder why the Mudonists would fire an arrow, but his anger clouded his judgement.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2011
  19. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    "Now you dare to insult me!?!?" Roared Knukyles. "I will KILL you you treacherous fiend! Have at thee!" Knukyles swept his foot under Angeluso knocking him off his fee, and drove him into the ground with the use of his elbow. He was far superior at hand to hand combat than Angeluso ever hoped to be. Knukyles would easily win this fight as long as he could keep Angeluso away from his discarded sword.
  20. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Angeluso managed to roll-dodge the oncoming assualt of kicks, and used his hands to flip away from Knukyles. Seeing his swords, he sprouted his wings and flew low to the ground to them, being able to fly far faster than Knukyles could run. He landed with a roll, picking up his swords off the ground and drawing them. He held them at his sides, his battle stance was always more relaxed, "Now it's a fair fight," Angeluso said.
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