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Family Crest

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Roxion, Aug 29, 2011.

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  1. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    (Well, my 1st Roleplay! Hope it works out :) )
    Family Crest
    In another land, there lived a civilization seemingly frozen in medieval times. Among that civilization, there lived four families, and because of their bloodline, each family was gifted with extraordinary powers.
    The Clearessence Family, who could make their bodies clear like glass, blending in with their surroundings, but one could still see them if they looked hard enough. They prided themselves on being the best archers in the land.
    The Refenses Family, who had their senses (sight, smell, hearing) heightened to superhuman levels and with enhanced reflexes, they knew themselves to be the best fist-fighters in the land.
    The Mudonist Family, who had the ability to read the thoughts and feelings of anyone they came into physical contact with, were the smartest people in the world, and while they were not the most physically fit, they developed a device they called a "pistol."
    Finally, the Seraphimic Family, who had the gift of sprouting angelic wings and soaring high above in the skies, thought themselves a very knightly family, and had skills with swords that were second to none.
    Because of their amazing gifts, the people regarded the families as something of aristocrats, and each family lived in grand castles far away from each other. The people and the families lived in harmony, until one day, a man jealous of their power gathered together a loyal group of assassins and, disguising themselves as members of the four families, murdered the head of each family. Enraged, thinking the other families were to blame, the four families began to war with eachother, unaware of the assassins pulling the strings......

    1. standard RP rules.
    2. at least 5 lines per post.
    3. as far as you know, the other families are your enemies, you are unaware of the assassins existence, behave as such.
    4. each head of the families (4 people, 1 for each family) bears their family crest in the form of some jewelry (necklace, earrings, bracelet, et cetera). Include that if you are a head.
    5. to the assassin leader: I will PM you as to what your true motive is.

    People needed: a new head of each family, members of each family, a leader of the assassins, and assassin followers (the assassins have no powers)

    Profile Format:
    Family (or Assassin):
    Role: (Head or member)

    Name: Angeluso Seraphimic
    Age: 31
    Family: The Seraphimic Family.
    Role: The new head of the Seraphimic Family.
    (In addition, he wears a white robe and bear the family crest, pictured below, in the form of a necklace)
    Personality: A kind man to his family, he protects them at all costs before he tries to attack the other families. With his skills with two blades, he thinks himself more than capable of leading his family to victory.
    Bio: The eldest son of his father, the previous head of the family, he was the first to hear his father struggling in the night, and went to investigate, arriving just in time to see members of the other families murder his father and escape into the night. He attempted to give chase, but it was as though they had disappeared, enraged by this act of war, he swiftly took charge and brought the family together to prepare for war.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2011
  2. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Name:Cheribus Seraphimic
    Age: 27
    Family: Seraphimic
    Role: Member
    Appearance: Short white hair and golden eyes. he wears a white tunic and grey pants. his smile is said to be dazzeling, though he keeps his hair rather untidy. He carries a broadsword that is engulfed in a golden flame.
    Personality: He is extreamly loyal. he is usually quiet and clam. but if you get him into a battle situation he is the fiercest warrior you have ever seen.
    Bio: He is the younger brother of Angeluso. though he does not resent his brother for being the head of the family, rather he admires him for his leadership skills and tries to emulate him. Cheribus never thought once that he lived in his brother's shadow for he was always seen more for his skill on the harp or polite way of speech. He will always rush into harms way for the sake of defending his brother and nothing could sway him from his morals.
  3. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    alright, Knight, accepted.
  4. Key King

    Key King Member

    Name: He is known as "Blackheart" though his true name is Sirion Black
    Age: 41
    Family: Assassin
    Role: Head This is the crest wich is on a necklace he wears: Google Images
    Appearance: He wears a black cloak, exactly like orginization 13. He is tall and strong with cold grey eyes.
    Personality: He is full of hatred and spite, especially towards the Refenses family.
    Bio: No one knows much about him other than he came from another place that was at war with the land of the four families, in wich his father was killed by the head of the refenses.He then took it upon himself to destroy the four families by any means neccesary. The war was lost for his land and he wandered through the ruins for a year before the former head assassin took him in and trained him well. he has the ability to find and follow someones exact scent, and tracked down the scent of the man who killed his father, and later killed him and the other heads of the families.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2011
  5. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Name: William Seraphimic
    Age: 22
    Family (or Assassin): Seraphimic
    Role: Youngest Brother of Angeluso and Cheribus
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Kind and caring towards his family but is cold and calculated while fighting. Only shows his true colors when around his brothers. Has a very bad temper when someone brings up his father's death. Would rather be fighting than wasting his time with politics, wanting his brothers to deal with that while he deals with the bloodshed.
    Bio: Grew up as the black sheep of the family, training with swords and all types of weapons instead of studying politics or music like his brothers. He always planned to be a fighter, and was the best swordsman and hand to hand fighter in the family. Plans to do everything he can to bring the other heads of the families to justice, even if it involves bloodshed.
  6. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    ^ Love the Light Yagami pic. but we may need more people for the other families before this RP can begin, but it's Roxion's call weither or not William is in.

    Can we make more character's for other families? I may make a profile for The Refenses family.
  7. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    To Key King: you're nearly there, but the assassin leader is jealous of (and feels hatred for) ALL the families, not just one or two, if you change that, then you're in the clear. Keep in mind that this is a big role, treat it with care.
    To Curtis: 1. LOVE the Light Yagami pic ^^ 2. as long as you realize the Refenses Family will out-do you in fist-fighting, you're in.
    To Knight: You're right, I'd like NO MORE MEMBERS OF THE SERAPHIMIC FAMILY UNTIL WE HAVE MORE MEMBERS FOR THE OTHER FAMILIES. And yes, as long as you can keep up with them, you can make multiple profiles.
  8. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Name: Knukyles Refenses
    Age: 32
    Family: Refenses
    Role: Head
    Appearance: Muscular, he has dark skin and jet black hair that he keeps out of his brown eyes. he is about 7 feet tall and usually doesn't wear a shirt.
    Family Crest: Google Images looks like a belt.
    Personality: Naturally hot blooded and easy to rush into a fight, but he has since learned to compose himself since becoming head of the family. Still, he has a temper. He will always put the family before himself. no matter what.
    Bio: When he learned his father had been murdered by one of the other families he could not believe it. he had friends among the other families, but now he could only see treachery and animosity among them.

    Edit: alright my reasoning for this Crest is that they have fast reflexes like a snake.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2011
  9. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    eeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......could you perhaps change the crest? I don't like it :(
  10. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Alright I changed it, hope this one works better.
  11. Key King

    Key King Member

    edited my post, though it's hard to see my character now hates all famlies. :)
  12. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    ^ I don't know King, My personal opinion on this is that you still focus too much on the Refenses. Roxion will notice this as well,

    My advice to make a story for the assassin like this: (insert Assassin Head's name here *sorry can't remember it :p) always felt jealousy for the Four Families for their special powers. He envied them and wished he could BE them. this envy ate away at his soul for most of his life until one day he snapped and planned an assassination of the Heads of the Families, in order to spite them for their natural gifts.

    or something like that.

    Roxion has PMed me about his true plan for the Assassin Head, so I will let him fill you in on the true motives. but for now this story looks more likely to give the Assassin Lord a motive for killing ALL the Heads instead of having a grudge for only one.

    Also I don't get why you gave the Assassin's a Crest. but it's Roxion's call weither or not you should keep it. It just didn't make sense to me.
  13. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    Name: Avalan Scar
    Age: 15
    Family: Clearessence/Mudonist
    Role: Member
    Personality: Generally harsh towards everyone except those he trust, he hates all the familys for "Branding" him as a freak.
    Bio: His mom was from the Clearessence family and his father was from the Mudonist family thus, granting him two powers instead of one. After both familys found out about the union, his parents were executed, and he himself was sentenced to death. He escaped bit not without the scar down his cheek. After his escape, he decided to take the name of Avalan Scar. When the war started he decided he would finally exact his revenge by killing off both familys.
    Weapons: http://www.civilwarmall.com/bookseller/images/22-1191G.jpg
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2011
  14. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Much better Knight, accepted

    hooray for hate! XD but seriously, I get what ur trying to do, he's accepted, just make sure he exemplifies hate for ALL the families.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2011
  15. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    8-Bit: you should try making your Character a Mudonist Family Head. I don't think the RP will be able to start unless we have at least the Heads of all four Families.
  16. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    actually, I read it again now that I'm more awake, and I actually kinda like the idea 8-bit. BUT just a few things
    1. we're kinda full up on Seraphimic family members for the time being, could you make him a Clearessence/Mudonist instead?
    2. I need a Mudonist to be here, so keep the Mudonist part, but know that because of the Mudonist blood, he will fatigue very easily, so stick to staying back and shooting at people.
    3. This actually goes for everyone, know that the guns in this time are ye olde guns, I don't wanna see uzis or anything like that.
    If you agree to these 8-bit, edit the profile and I'll accept it.
  17. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    ^But Roxion, don't we need the other Family Heads in order to start the RP?
  18. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    I'd like maybe 3 heads at least before we start, but the fourth can jump in sometime (I say this cause I don't know when we can gather all 4 heads)
  19. Key King

    Key King Member

    thanks roxi, i'll serve well!
  20. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    Okay I edited my profile !
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