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Fan-made Kingdom Hearts game help??

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Total_Aza, Apr 5, 2013.

  1. Total_Aza

    Total_Aza New Member

    Hey everyone, I bring to you all a proposal: a new, fan-made, kingdom hearts game.

    This game would be about the story right after KH2 and will be based on 2 new characters (maybe Aurux and Frex?) and we persue a monster (not a nobody, heartless or unversed but something different) that has destroyed many worlds and such. The story hasn't been fully planned out but it would be great if me and my friend could work with a small team that can help make this game a reality (programmers, artists etc...) I myself don't have much experience in making a game but I do understand what has to be done to make a game (models, textures, scripts, game engine...)
    If you are willing to help or have any questions then reply to this thread or email me at total_aza@live.com.au :cool:

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