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Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, Jun 10, 2010.

  1. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Good bye Khp ill miss you all....i probably be back soon sometime this summer but for know i say farewell....I will the roleplay section and all my khp friend. Good luck with your lives and good bye.
  2. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    Why the heck is everyone leaving all of the sudden??
  3. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Who else left?
  4. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Hope, for now. Merlinosheep, and now you.
    Well bye I guess.
  5. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Im going to be around for a sec for Dawns new rp but nothing other than that....but see ya axel
  6. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Well if your going to be around for Dawns RP, you arn't leaving???
  7. Falling-Ven

    Falling-Ven New Member

    Hope you had a good time here! See ya.
  8. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Well it's not technically a goodbye but just a for warning...
  9. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Is this a new trend or somethin'...?
  10. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Idk... I had no idea everyone was leaving until yesterday im not leaving until Dawns roleplay is done...
  11. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    So why make the thread already? 8D
  12. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    i thought i was leaving until i saw a roleplay i could not resist so i joined...
  13. Aqua Fresh

    Aqua Fresh Anita ✿◠‿◠

    So many farewell "celebrations"...
    Well, glad to know you.
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    It's a shame that you're leaving and you realise now I'm just going to make sure I make this the longest RP in history now, right?

    But why are you leaving? Is there a reason like family or what?
  15. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    I think you should stay because were gonna miss you and we already have had a lot of people leave. So I hope we don't need more to go!!!
  16. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Yeah i kinda figured that dawn lol....
    Im Leavingt because i want to stay i cant and it's just hard to now that my computers broke and God knows when ill get another one...
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Well there's the reason. Well then when you get a new computer I expect to see you back here :p
  18. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Most definetly :D

    I Love the a KHPForums
  19. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Good to know you will be coming back some day.
  20. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Oh i will never truly leave.

    Axel you should know that..

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