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Favorite Actors and Actresses

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by Kitty, Jun 27, 2012.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    So, the title says it all. Who are your favorite actors and actresses, and why?

    This changes for me, but right now, my favorite actor has got to be James McAvoy. I adore him in everything I've seen him in, though my favorite movies are X-Men: First Class and Penelope. But seriously, Atonement, The Last King of Scotland, Becoming Jane, and Wanted all have performances that I've enjoyed for one reason or another. And the man is just adorable looking, really.

    Favorite actress is a tougher one for me to narrow down. For the longest time, I'd go with Holly Marie Combs, because I was a major Charmed fan for ages, but I've not seen her in anything else besides that, and I haven't watched an episode of Charmed in a while, either. But anyhow, I really do love her acting. She nails the emotional scenes so well, and I would have quit watching the show well before the final season without her.

    I also really like Meg Ryan. I've always been a fan of rom-coms, and she's like the rom-com darling.

    Then there's Audrey Hepburn for the classics. Breakfast at Tiffany's. XD

    And though I don't like the ungrateful way she appears in public sometimes, I seem to have a lot of Katherine Heigl flicks in my dvd collection, so she's up there, too, though I don't know that I consider her a particularly talented actress. I just tend to like the sorts of movies she's starred in recently, my favorite probably being Life As We Know It.
  2. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    Favorite Actor right now is Leonardo DiCaprio because he can just be anything in a movie and his acting skills are amazing even though when he screams it sounds strange, when he cries or stuff like that it seems really painfully and makes me sad and when you can do that your in my favs list!

    Favorite Actress is that girl who played in Scott Pilgrim vs the World, Scotts girlfriend with the 7 evil exs and all, she just played in Abe. Lincoln Vampire Hunter and she was amazing in that too, i dont know her name though.

    Also Jennifer Aniston is one of my favorites because she is pretty good in her movies, the last one i saw with her was with Adam Sandler, Just Go With it(Which is one of my favorite movies) she was funny.
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Whoopie Goldberg and Glenn Close. They always have a way for me to get excited or end up laughing at them about something. Glenn Close in "The Stepford Wives" made me laugh with her kissing a robot. Made my mom mad when I kept on going back to the same scene. As for Whoopi Goldberg, I always thought she was a good singer.
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Mary Elizabeth Winstead.

    I think she's the most successful actor out of the entire Friends crew. I last saw her in Horrible Bosses; I thought she was pretty funny in that, too.
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Johnny Depp. Johnny Depp always gets into his roles and reflects something different in all of them, but they all just have character to them and Depp himself has character in himself.

    Selena Gomez despite her being a Disney star who always seem to get a bad rep, her acting is excellent. The way she is able to portray different personas from a very hard working head strong girl, to a lazy stubborn girl, to a romantic lover. She's just able to pull it off.

    Going to television, I'm a huge fan of the TV show Castle mainly because of lead role Nathan Fillion. He's such a funny guy able to portray his character so well. I'm impressed how one moment he'd be all jokes, the next the caring worried father, to the intelligent mystery writer detective, to the loving and gentle love interest. Plus he shows off his emotions very well for whatever they're supposed to be.
  6. PevensieCabret

    PevensieCabret New Member

    James McAvoy is great! I loved him as Mr. Tumnus. :D

    My favorite actor is Asa Butterfield; Hugo in the film Hugo (or also known as "Hugo Cabret"), Bruno in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, Mordred on a few episodes of Merlin and will soon be starring as Ender in Ender's Game. He's a very talented young actor and has a great career so far and a bright future. I also really like Skandar Keynes and William Moseley (Edmund and Peter from the Narnia movies).

    My favorite actress is Chloe Grace Moretz (the girl in my icon). She was Isabelle in Hugo/Hugo Cabret, Hit-Girl in Kick-A**, Carolyn in Dark Shadows, ect. Another very, very talented young performer. She also has a bright future in acting and, so far, has one of the best resumes I've ever seen for someone her age (which is the same age as me). Other actresses I like are Elle Fanning, Hailee Steinfeld, Abigail Breslin and Georgie Henley.
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Makeup and special effects are great, because I totally had no clue that was him until someone else pointed it out to me. But I've only seen The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe once, so I suppose it's no surprise I didn't connect the dots. But yes, he's lovely.

    As is Michael Fassbender, to add another male to my list. I haven't seen him in much, mostly because his movies tend to be ones I can't find at the local video rental places/the library and I'm cheap, but he wins a place especially for his role as Mr. Rochester in the 2011 version of Jane Eyre. I really could not imagine anyone else in the part.
  8. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    My favourite actor is Johnny Depp; He's been a favourite of mine for quite a while now because I love the movies that he's acted in : from Edward Scissorhands to Pirates of the Caribbean. There's this flare that this man has that makes all of his films come to life for me and I always get wrapped up in the storylines because of him. I'm also a huge fan of movies directed by Tim Burton and Johnny Depp works very close with him which makes the movies even better and more enjoyable. Overall he's really great at getting into character, not to mention he always looks good in any role.

    As for favourite actresses, this one is a little more difficult for me. At this moment my favourite actress is Jennifer Anniston. As mentioned earlier, she does very well in her movies and she can always make me laugh. I don't recall ever being disappointed with her in a movie because she seems consistent and able to make you love her characters. Another actress I like though is Jennifer Garner, mainly because 13 Going on 30 is my all time favourite film.

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