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Favorite books

Discussion in 'General' started by EbeneezerAl, Aug 24, 2007.

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  1. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Well, it seems that reading is such an underrated thing these days, but there are still some of us out there who still ike a good book. For those of us here who do read, tell us some of your favorites and discuss them.

    I'll open with a couple of series I'm sure everyone knows. One is Lord of the Rings. A lot of people complain about Tolkein being longwinded and hard to get into, but for me, it's that depth to his world that gets me into his work. It's so detailed that I can not help but be left with the feeling that somewhere, somehow, this had to exist. Even thoguh I know that there's no way for that to be true. The books were truly amazing, and I love the fact that Sauron is one of the most feared villains in most any book I've ever read and yet you never see him.

    Next, Harry Potter. From the first sentence of this book I was drawn in. The words are almsot hypnotic. Perhaps this comes from it being initially a kids series, but it's hard not to enjoy it, even when they are talking about the simplest things. And yetRowling remains skilled and making you watch one thing while sneaking up on you with some other fact. No matter how hard you try to figure it out, something always manages to surprise you. The books had serious plots, especially toward the end. And yet there is always a comforting amount of comic relief. It's a great series.

    And now for one many of you may not know. The Symphony of Ages. Written by Elizabeth Haydon. Has anyone else read this? If so I'd love someone to discuss them with. If not, and you like a good fantasy series, I highly recommend them. These books are masterful at integrating every detail into importance. Events from prior books that don't even seem important anymore come back in major ways. The plot is full of twists. It's elaborate, and it all works. I can think of only a couple of flaws in the plot, and that ain't bad for a series. The characters were amazing and some of my favorite characters from any book. And details you are not meant to know yet are expertly hidden until the moment they are meant to be revealed. It's very well done.
  2. Mike

    Mike Member

    In regards to Harry Potter, I didn't want to start them until all the books were out so I could just read them all at once...but now I can't be arsed because of all the hype. ): It's like how becoming popular has made me frown upon Chrono Trigger for the SNES (which I've owned since its release). Although I guess moreso it's a lack of time that keeps me from reading them.

    I'm currently in the middle of "The Time Traveller's Wife." It's good, but one must envision a universe seperate from our own when reading it because it's not exactly accurate in terms of science, but it never really needs to be to have a nice story. It's about a guy who suffers from some kind of cellular disorder that causes him to spontaneously travel to another time and place without warning. He travels with no clothes, food or money. The book itself consists of a random scattering of 'meetings' between the time traveller and his wife, as both adults and children (and occasionally, the time traveller meets himself at a younger age and teaches himself things...which creates quite the paradox indeed. The author actually takes the easy way out of explaining these things and instead just says "There's no God, and time is static and unchanging.")

    It's a good read...as is a book called "Einstein's Dreams." It's a fictional description of what Einstein's daily life was like, and the things he dreamed about. Lots of space-timey stuff to make you think in that one. A neat little novel, nice and short.
  3. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    Well I love harry potter and michigan chillers books.
  4. Leon

    Leon New Member

    I like the Harry potter series the best..I started on the lord of the rings part one but it's been a real long time since I read it
  5. Xigbar

    Xigbar New Member

    Hmm..? I really don't have a favorite book. xD

    I only read when someone tells me to. :p
  6. Whiplash

    Whiplash New Member

    Oh too many to remember off the top of my head but here's the primary list:

    The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
    Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card (another Scott...)
    Jingo/Witches Abroad/Maskerade/The Fifth Elephant - Terry Pratchett
    Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
    Nineteen Eighty-Four - George Orwell
    The Outsider - Albert Camus
    Catch-22 - Joseph Heller
    The Belgariad Series - David Eddings (the basic story might not be too original, but the in-depth nature of the different societies and the characters make it worthwhile. Avoid The Mallorean Series at all costs though)

    I'll be back.
  7. Mike

    Mike Member

    Great Gatsby's an awesome book. Jane Austen is also my girlfriend's favourite author (although I personally can't read her stuff...haha)
  8. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Ah....Harry Potter...I Ain't Reading That!!! lolx I watch the movie instead!!!

    As for books, I love Manga, and Magna Novels. Mystery, Murder, and Ghost books are appealing to me.
  9. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Pride and Prejudice, as well as just about every other book by Jane Austen. I also love Gone With The Wind, by Margaret Mitchell. Then comes the Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings series. I know there are more, but these are the first two to pop into my head.

    Mike, who's the author of the Time Traveller's Wife? That sounds like something I might be interested in.
  10. Mike

    Mike Member

    "The Time Traveller's Wife" By Audrey Niffenegger
  11. Whiplash

    Whiplash New Member

    I can't believe I forgot this book, because when asked which is my favourite I inevitably come to a restless conclusion on it: "The Collector" by John Fowles. Disturbing, yes, but oh so well written and though it's depressing I absolutely love it.
  12. Circe

    Circe New Member

    I like some girl type books xD like:

    The Mediator Series/Teen Idol-Meg Cabot...thats all I can remember of her's xD
    Daughter's of the Moon series- And the bad part? I can't even remember the author x.x thats my memory for ya.
    Twilight-Stephanie Meyer, though I haven't finished the book its still good.
    Companions of the Night/Witch Dreams/Being Dead-Vivian Vande Velde

    There is also a few that I have started on but never finished. I'm talking series. I'm more into Vampire Romance shiyat...I don't know why xD or just romance all together...there just has to be something creepy going on though.
  13. I am a BIG reader. At age 7 (which is my year 3. Dunno what grade it is) i was reading better than alot of people in year 6! Here are some of my faves!
    All of the Darren Shan saga -Darren Shan
    The Demonata series -Darren Shan
    HP (particularly the 5th 6th 7th books)- good ol' J.K Rowling
    The Edge Chronicles - Paul Stewart & Chris Riddell
    Keys to the Kindom series - Garth Nix
    Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen - Garth Nix
    Shades Children - Garth Nix
    The Sea of Trolls - Nancy Farmer
    The Eddie Dickens Trilogy - Philip Ardagh
    A Series of Unfortunate Events (only up to 11 though. I think they drag after that) - Lemony Snicket
    Private Peaceful - Can't remember. Soz
    The Wind on Fire Trilogy - William Nicholson

    I like a wide variety of books as you can see.
  14. Juste Belmont

    Juste Belmont New Member

    seems wierd that above me is another darren shan reader

    all of Darren shan saga- Darren Shan
    All of the released demonata saga- Darren Shan
    Lemony Snicket- A series of unfortunate Events- all of them, I love number the end, not the end as in the end of the series, the end as in the book title, the end
    Dracula- Bram Stoker
    Dark Tower bk 7- Stephen king
    Texas Chainsaw massacre- at the moment I can't remember all of the names but, that's the title lol
  15. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Thanks, Mike. I actually stumbled upon it at the library the other day before I saw this. It is a good read. But like you said, the author takes the easy way out of explaining time travel paradoxes and the like. I guess you're supposed to read it more for the love story than for the science. I enjoyed it, at any rate.
  16. Juste Belmont

    Juste Belmont New Member

    heeh fav books some more:

    vampirates: Justin Somper

    Crimson Bathing: Relics of the blood Countess ( My own, i've been working on it for a while whilst at school and at home, my english teacher really helped my out a lot for creativity, it's getting published by young writers into a book across the UK hopefully, they accepted my crappy poem, so my great book is an easy stride lol)
  17. Xigbar

    Xigbar New Member

    Well.... Someone just told me to read, and my favorite book, and it's a good short novel too. Heroes, it'a about a man that had his face blown away by a grenade in WW2. It's a really nice book. It talks about his mysterious past. About the girl who he liked, but goit raped by Larry LaSalle, his ping pong, and school teacher. And, it's just a really good short novel lol. :p
  18. Circe

    Circe New Member

    I tried getting into Darren Shan but even though its about vampires and such I still couldn't get into it very well...

    Sabriel - Garth Nix. I haven't read the other two, I'm on my second attempt to read Lariel or however you spell it, but its long and I don't get into these books until like the middle or so, but to me they're still good.
    Avalon High/Nicola and the Viscount - Meg Cabot. I will read just about everything she writes EXCEPT the princess diaries books.
    New Moon - Stephanie Meyer. Vampires again, but a good read, seriously that is if you like long books. Oh the only downfall was that the romance in the first book was alittle too sappy for my taste.
  19. Darren shan is more of a boyish series. Very gory and freaky. Lirael is very good but it takes a while to get into it. Keep reading it and you'll find it really easy. Abhorsen is a straight follow on from lirael and it is a different book only because otherwise lirael would be enormous. You should read keys to the kingdom series because it is brilliant. Confusing on your first read through but read each book twice (well you can just pick things out on the secong read) and you'll get it.
  20. Circe

    Circe New Member

    Thanks xD I'll have to check those books out sometime. I like gore and stuff but I'm definitly a girl when it comes to reading >.> I like romance xD but only certain ones like they can't be sappy or retarded. Like I was almost turned off of twilight because it was sappy >.> I'm picky about EVERYTHING and books included.

    Yeah Darren Shan is a guy book, but one of my friends (girl) and my cousin (girl) got into them pretty quick. I read halfway through the first book and was like fuck this =P

    haha ^^;; I am on hiatus right now with Lirael heh. I started on another book, but I'll get back to it xD
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