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Favourite KH2 Quote

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by LordOfTheKeyblade1, Apr 23, 2009.

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  1. LordOfTheKeyblade1

    LordOfTheKeyblade1 New Member

    What Is You Favourite Quote Specifically From Kingdom Hearts 2 Or Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix? Write The Quote, Write Who Said It, And Write When It Was Said. Mine was "You Make A Good Other..."-Roxas, After Sora Defeated Him In The World That Never Was. Another Was "If You've Got A Dream, Don't Wait, Act. Got It Memorized?"-Axel, While Trying to Collect Kairi In Destiny Islands. What Are Yours?
  2. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    I think i had made this thread before....

    Anyway, here's mine:

    "Hearts are Power... Nothingness is ETERNAL!!!" Armor Xemnas 2 (because he's voice is so damn evil)
    "True we don't have hearts, but we remember what it was like, that's what makes us special. We know all too well how to injure one" Saïx when first meeting with Sora in Twilight Town (to show that nobodies also could hurt someone's heart)
    "Let's see, here..."If the subject fails to respond, use aggression to liberate his true disposition"...Right. Did they ever pick the wrong guy for this one..." Demyx when first meeting with Sora in Olympus Coliseum (Its funny how Demyx do things for Organization)
  3. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    I think i had made this thread before....

    Anyway, here's mine:

    "Hearts are Power... Nothingness is ETERNAL!!!" Armor Xemnas 2 (because he's voice is so damn evil)
    "True we don't have hearts, but we remember what it was like, that's what makes us special. We know all too well how to injure one" Saïx when first meeting with Sora in Twilight Town (to show that nobodies also could hurt someone's heart)
    "Let's see, here..."If the subject fails to respond, use aggression to liberate his true disposition"...Right. Did they ever pick the wrong guy for this one..." Demyx when first meeting with Sora in Olympus Coliseum (Its funny how Demyx do things for Organization)

    EDIT: LAGGING HELL PROBLEM!!!! *still on remote island*
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2009
  4. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer


    Let me see, umm..
    "I do not pretend to know the out come of this venture either. After all, Hearts are unpredictable." Ansem the wise at TWTNW

    "You!" "I'd rather we just skip the formalities." Sora talking to Luxord just before they fight.

    "You keep the aztec gold." "Thats very kind of you mate. And for that your wanting?" "Just some souvenirs. You know, for the memories." Luxord talking to Jack before he runs off with the pearl.

    And finally,
    "Kingdom hearts... Were is my heart?" Saix just before he vanished.
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