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Final Destiny

Discussion in 'Traditional' started by Andrixell, Jan 8, 2010.

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  1. Andrixell

    Andrixell New Member

    Chapter I: Dreaming

    “Rixa! Wait!” Roxas shouted, running after the blonde girl in black. “Don’t go!” Rixa just kept running, ignoring Roxas’s cries. “Please!” he called again. His running slowed to a jog, then to a walk, then a complete stop. He stared after her, a knot of sobs building up in his throat. “Don’t leave me again,” he whispered.

    There was no way Rixa could’ve heard his last plea, but her running decreased suddenly for some reason unbeknownst to him. She stopped at the opposite edge of the dark plaza the two stood in, and turned around. Her eyes glowed faintly; one blood red, the other royal blue. Her facial expression was confused and pained, as if it killed her to look at Roxas.

    “Why are you leaving again?” he said, voice wavering a bit. Rixa looked down and sighed, not answering. “Is it because of what you found last time? Because that doesn’t matter.” Her head snapped up.

    “It does too matter,” she said fiercely. “It matters to me who and what I am. I’m not a Nobody like you. I’m something completely different.”

    Roxas took a step forward, shaking his head. “We know that. It’s what makes you special.” Rixa growled and took a step back away from Roxas. Anger burned deep in her eyes, which flashed a silver color. Her hand, a tightly-clenched fist, opened up a little bit, and a sliver of light appeared, centered in her palm. The light spread outward to form a key-like shape with lots of graceful and intricate curves lacing out to join together at the tip. Color seeped into the weapon after the light disappeared. There were different hues of black, pink, and red shading over one another to make the key a beautiful and deadly-looking object.

    “I don’t want to be special,” Rixa said, voice thick with resent. She pointed the key at Roxas. “I want to be like you and Axel, and even the rest of the Organization.” She drew in a shuddering breath, like she was about to cry. “I’m going to find out what the hell I am and you’re not going to stop me.” Then she turned and ran out of the plaza, leaving Roxas alone in the dark. He looked down at his feet, a tear running down his cheek.
    Rixa jolted awake in bed, panting, sweat coating her face. She sighed in relief when she realized that she was in her bedroom. Her messy, comforting bedroom.

    I hate it when I have that dream, she thought, kicking the covers off of her legs and leaning up against the open window, looking up at the pre-dawn sky. It was about 6:30 in the morning. A cool breeze blew against Rixa’s face, drying the sweat quickly. She looked at the horizon just as the sun broke over the skyline of the hills just beyond her home of Twilight Town. She smiled as the warmth of the sun hit her cheeks.
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