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Final Fantasy VIII

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Kitty, Dec 13, 2007.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Toph's Review of FFVIII

    Final Fantasy VIII is my favorite game, so obviously I'd recommend it to anyone. I know a lot of people hate it, but I think people should just give it a chance.

    I absolutely love the characters and the story. My all-time favorite characters are from this game. This game also has one of the best done romances I've seen, and all of the sorceress, seeD, magic really appeals to me.

    Storyline/Characters: 10/10

    The gameplay is probably the worst part of FFVIII. The junction system really discouraged magic use, which is annoying since I almost always use magic to heal. GFs aren't that useful except for junctioning. And the weirdness of having the enemies level up with you means that the game is damn easy to beat at lower levels. None of the bosses were especially challenging to me.

    Gameplay: 7/10

    The character models and locations all looked great to me. Everything was more detailed than it was in FFVII. The world map was fun to explore, especially with all the hidden draw points and Mr. Monkey and stuff like that. The FMVs were damn pretty and the home video at the end was a nice touch.

    Graphics: 8/10

    FFVIII has some of the best music. Liberi Fatali, Premonition, Eyes on Me, and others whose names always escape me. Even the tunes inside towns were pleasant on the ears.

    Sound/Music: 8/10

    Overall Score: 9/10

    Post up your opinions ^_^
  2. Exodus

    Exodus New Member

    I'd agree, though I'm bias since its my favorite Final Fantasy, and one of my favorite games all around. I know a lot of people hate it too but...like you said, just give it a chance! I really liked the characters, they actually felt 3 dimensional and real. I'm not meaning that in a literal sense but I hadn't felt much of a human connection in any FF or many games at all for that matter until FFVIII. The last time I felt something meaningful with the characters besides this game, was probably Xenosaga or FFXII.

    The gameplay, I have tolerated for a long time, but of the numerous times I have played the game, I have hated the drawing system. It takes forever, especially in the beginning of the game when you take all the necessary basic stuff from the Galbadian Soldiers. You draw a Fire all the way to 100 then in two seconds, your back down to nothing except 20 Fira's. Then when you finally finish everyone getting their Fira's, the soldiers level up enough to automatically draw the 'a level spells. So now you spend an even longer amount of time building up to the 'aga's. At least its done early.

    But I really dislike the draw system, especially if you use a magic that is really helpful in a boss fight but takes away from one of your characters' stats. Getting those critical's were impossible for me to everyone except Squall, which was almost hard to miss. But aside from that, I adore this game. I have more music from FFVIII than I do for anything else, besides one anime. The romance was actually done well I thought. It was the only FF I felt to have done it successfully. I felt IX and X fell in the water with trying to do it again. At the very least it seems that SE has finally come to the conclusion that FFVIII was a one in a million with that. Nothing major like that in XII and there doesn't seem to be much romance in the XIII titles that I have picked up on thus far.

    Anyway, I've probably already said too much in my rambling.

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