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Final Fantasy X help

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy X' started by Overdose, Jan 26, 2009.

  1. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Okay, to tell you the truth i never finished FFX because i gave up >.<

    so i was thinking maybe i should actually finish it.
    I'm stuck on fighting sin and i was wondering if anyone could give me advice on the fastest way to kill him.

    I dont have Anima because i forgot which Temples i recieved the treasure thing from, and i really couldn't be bothered to go back and do the sphere things at the temples again (that was one of the most annoying things in that game)

    so any advice or help?
    Or how you defeated Sin?
  2. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Get everyone's Overdrive full including the Aeon's Anima is a great help so you should go back and get him >.< Use everybodys overdrive like wakka,lulu first. When sin gets up close use the others and the aeons overdrives.
  3. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    i did that, without Anima thou =/

    but how am i meant to know what temple i have already collected the treasure from?
  4. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    I guess you could look it up online and try to remember >.<
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    But if you missed the item from the temple where you get Bahamut, don't even bother. As far as I know, you can't get back into the temple there. My friend said he can't get Anima because he missed that item.
  6. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    I really dont know which items from which temples i have, i never really remembered things like that, didnt think it would come in handy later.
    Also it has been so long since ive played the game, how did your mate complete the game then?
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    You can beat the game without getting Anima. Anima, Yojimbo, and the Magus Sisters are all optional summons. But when your characters are as strong as his, it's nearly impossible to lose. I think he's got Tidus's stats maxed out, possibly some other character's stats maxed.
  8. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    My aeons suck tbh >.<
    they've failed me too many times XD

    i think ill try to max Aurons stats
    hes my most valued party member
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    If you get some character's ultimate weapons and power them up, your aeons will get stronger, depending which weapon is powered.
  10. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    I couldn't get through that stupid tank on that ice level, first time I played it. Second time, I played it, I made it through that boss but I didn't get to Zanarkand for some reason. I think I got stuck on the airship battle of some kind.
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    IT's time for ninja to learn from the gaming master!! MOI!! Here's what you do!! You must first go around & capture fiends, but you won't be able to do that until you go to the Calm Lands arena. ( Trust moi. I know what I'm telling you) AFter you capture fiends all over, you should go back to the arena & get gweat prizes from him. He might also put a treasure chest out that have Yuna's strongest staff ( Remember that you need a celestial mirror to open the chest. The celestial mirror is also needed to get the otehr 6 celestial weapons) Anima is in Baaj Temple, but remember to get the hidden treasure chests in the cloister of trials in order to get to Anima. Also, get ready for that big water fiend that you fought way early in the game. If you played blitzball, you should be able to have wakka have all of his overdrives & some damage items ( & gave the players good blitzball moves) But the easiest way to defeat Sin is the magus sisters. Fisrts off, make sure that you defeat belgemine against all of the aeons that she summons. She will give you one of the key itmes for you to open the way to the magus sisters ( the other key item is from the calm lands arena) Belgemine & the Magus Sisters is in Remium Temple & you can only get there by chocobo. ( Also, the cloudy mirror is there for you to claim if you win the chocobo race.) Also, I strongly suggest that you go to the Omega Ruins with all of your aeons. The fiends may be super strong there, but kimari can learn supernova from Omega there. If you do all of this ninjy, you will have no problem. ^^
  12. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    ive done nearly all of that. Apart from the Kimari thing or Anima, because i never got the treasure in bevelle. And desert said if you havent got it there you cant get anima.
  13. emo kairi

    emo kairi New Member

    hey, can i advise strongly that when you come across omega 1 and omega 2, get rikku to steal from both of them at least once... then only use them items in a mix overdrive at the end against jecht and the aeons for the mix of both of those items allows your characters to deal 9999 damage, then if your really smart like me, make sure all your characters learn lancet for not only they do 9999, they can retreive 9999 of hp from enemy to them selves... hope this helps you...
  14. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Simple. Sphere Grid level Yuna. When she becomes strong, so will her Aeons. Your most three powerful Aeons are Bahamut, Shiva, and Ifrit. Have Yuna in overdrive mode and Bahamut and all your aeons. Grand Summon Bahamut and use his overdrive. Then use it again. Use Shiva and Then Ifrit. Make Sure Tidus is in you party, because he is quick and powerful. Yuna should be your healer, so protect her. Then alternate with you other character.

    You should've obtain all the Aeons, because the Magus Sisters will come in handy in other fights.
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    The treasure in bevelle does not count. The treasures in the cloister of trials in Besaid, Kilika, Djose, macalania, & zanarkand counts. This should help u. Also, did you even get the magus sisters? If you got them & you still can't beat sin, then something is wrong with the picture.
  16. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Actually,the one in Bevelle does count.You need all 6,the 5 main temples and Zanarkand.I believe it is possible to go back to the Bevelle one,but not until after beating Sin and getting inside.Usually when I play these days I have oversphered myself and got most of the celestial weapos.Probably the most useful characters are Tidus and Yuna,the others are your pick.Try to complete Tidus's sphere grid then get him on Auron's part to augument his Strength,and finish Yuna's and then atleast get her to learn Flare or Ultima and Doublecast.You get that and there celestial weapons and you will probably end up doing well over 20,000 damage a turn.Even more before an enemy can attack if you use Tidus's Quick Hit.My thrid character is usually Rikku,fully gridded on hers and now on Tidus's.It isnt that hard to grid once you get the celestial weapons fully powered and equiped as enemies will give way more AP and it both Inside Sin and the Omega Ruins will give each character 1-3 AP per round with only three characters fighting.As for Sin,which part of him are you stuck on?That will help me give you tactics on how to beat it.The fins,core,or Overdrive head?

    As for Sora,the dragon boss right?Without Yuna that one can be hard,you want Rikku in your party the whole time,and hopefully with alot of Al Bhed potions.Even better if someone else can use them too.Stay close and Hasted when fighting Everae,but pull back when it is about to do a strong attack.If you stay back long enough the Airship will do some damage,though you shouldnt need it.Try to have good weapons,maybe a counterattack one if you have them
  17. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    You mean the wyrm, I really don't blame you, it was a really hard battle.
  18. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Yea,the wyrm/dragon/whatever the hell it is was a pain at first.Dont give up though!Plus it makes it all the more sweeter when you finnaly beat it!

    Oh,for thos going to Omega Ruins,make sure to have a ribbon or something to counteract the Malboros.One ambushed me,Tidus's was confused and took out both Yuna and Rikku before succomping to poisen.It sucked
  19. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    The one in bevelle actually technically doesn't count. Before you go to the chamber where bahamut & yuna is, you open up the chest that blocks the way & that's already one down, so that's why I didn't count bevelle. Also, you really want Yuna to learn auto revive. That's super helpful when one of your character dies. & absolutely make sure that tidus learns his last overdrive. It will really have you jumping. I've already beaten & is the master of that game. I had defeated Nemesis after capturing all the fiends & defeating the fiends that I created, but one thing: NEMESIS IS NOT TO BE MESS WITH!! HE deals 99,999,999 damage & the magus sisters can't even stand to that awesome weapon. You really need yuna to use all of the aeons to take down some of nemesis health.
  20. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    It counts because you need to get it. And I think you're thinking about the wrong chest. My friend has beaten the game, and he missed the item in Bevelle, so he can't get Anima. So you shouldn't say the item doesn't count, especially since you can obviously miss it.

    And my friend is also a master of the game. He's gotten every ultimate weapon, powered them up fully. He's maxed out everybody's stats, and he's beaten Nemesis.

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