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Final Fantasy XIV (Actual RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Remedy, Mar 5, 2011.

  1. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    The evil dictator is taking over the world of Evaglost. He is taking charge and locking all up who defy him. But a few heroes notice another thing. Magic is disappearing. Magical beings are dying. Summoners have much less power, and magic is just harder to use. Ima Shawti is draining magic from the world of Evaglost. Only the few heroes who notice it will be able to save it. The dictator lives in the capitol of Evaglost, Cloud 7( like Cloud nine basically XD). There in secret he is building a machine that will be able to eventuall suck every last bit of magic out of the world. Throughout the heroes will encounter several of the magical beings that are dying. They will give them hints on where the source of the evil is coming from. (Why hints? Because none of them fully know the source.) The Antagonist will be out killing the beings trying to get rid of them all before the beings can give the heroes info. Occasionally there will be ambush's from the Anagonists.
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    YouTube - FFX hymn of the fayth faith

    " I am not going back!" "Elishua! Are you sure?" "Yes. I am positive." Elishua was standing in the middle of the temple room as he was talking to three of his friends and the priest. "I am almost done completing my training." "Very well then. If you say so." Elishua was then taken to the stairways. "Bless your heart Elishua. May all of Legime pray for you as you take on the Trials of the Mystics." Elishua bowed down to the priest of the Legime temple and started to walk inside along with his Hyur and roegadynian friends. "Please be careful Elishua." Elishua was well intent on keeping his focus on his main objective as he made his way through the area, opening up the secret pathways with the spheres.

    YouTube - Valefor - Song of Prayer - Hymn of the Fayth

    As he made his way with the last of the sphere, he backtracked and placed the Legime sphere on a wall and the wall mysteriously disappeared. He then saw a platform rise up from the floor. "This is pretty long for a trial don't you think? took us about fifteen minutes." Elishua then took the platform down with his friends and was in a small, chamber with a chanting echoing in the room. "Elishua...you can always..." "I am sorry LeBossa, Lina and Vikasa...but..." "It is alright. We understand." Elishua walked up to the small door and had both of his hands together. The door then rose. "I... I will be back." Elishua then walked on inside as the door then shut real tight behind him...
  3. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will, or "Zack Fair" as he currently thought he was, strode quickly through the streets quickly, following the man who had stolen from the store. As he started to gain on the man he drew the large buster sword from his back and slowly started to speed up, the weighty sword creating sparks as he dragged it on the street. People started screaming as he lifted the blade and stabbed it into the man, the bag carrying the gil from the store rolling about a foot or two away. He yanked his sword out and cleaned it on the man's clothes before flipping it and sliding it back into his harness. He reached over and grabbed the gil, ignoring the eyes of the crowds as he headed back to the store. He returned the gil to the owner and got his payment. "400 gil is almost nothing for all the training I went through at the SOLDIER academy... Not many merc jobs for someone of my... talents lately." He said as he strode out, wondering where he might get his next job.
  4. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Raixo walked right into a riot in the streets. There were many people arguing and throwing bottles and the occasionally knife. He walked to the center of the riot where one man was continuosly complaining, for no apparent reason.
    "Hey!" Raito said dashing into the middle, "What's all this about?"
    "That man says that, that all gods are worthless!" said a bystander.
    "That's horrible, there is a God, one God!" Raito explained. He was about to go give the man a piece of his mind.
  5. Vor

    Vor Princess Eater

    a woman stood on the edge of a vast field of plants, her home country, where she lived her life in. She walked towards the vast arrangements of corn and other food plants until she came across a farmer who was someone important. This farmer was the mayor of this town, which held the fayth of Girtab the legendary dark warrior. This man was named "Tayzouki" the meaning of the friendship is what it means in her country.

    "Hey Natalia how goes being a summoner. There has been a rumor going around about Magic disappearing, be on your guard" Tayzouki said raising his straw hat off of his head and bringing right in front of front of him.

    "I will" Natalia said and with that she walked off out of the village
  6. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    'Zack' slowly strode up to the crowd that was starting to gather, stopping next to a boy about his age. As Will looked into the crowd his enhanced hearing picked up snippets such as "Magic... Dissapearing...Murders..." Will looked to the boy next to him and asked. "'scuse me but what's all this rioting and stuff about?" He was seriously wondering how him, a First Class Soldier, could kill someone in the middle of the street and get less attention than this man ranting about religion and magic.
  7. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    "Oh, hey Will!" Raito said turning to the young man that had tapped on his shoulder, "this man is ranting about how there is no God or gods in general. Well you know wher ei stand on matters like this, so I'm going to go preach to these people. You know there's a God don't you Will?" With that Raito walked to the center of the crowd.
    "There is a God! Listen to me poeple! He will deliver us! Just wait, you will see." Raito explained to everyone.
  8. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    'Zack' looked at the boy who had called him Will. His memories before the academy were vague, actually they were practically blank. He remembered walking into the academy, the mako injections, and after that he had scattered memories of being put into SOLDIER, making it to first class, and eventually quitting SOLDIER because of them trying to destroy the magic and all the mako. He pushed his way into the crowd quickly, getting between the boy and the old man, many in the crowd quieting from the presence of his large sword on his back. He slowly started to speak. "Why argue religion out in the streets? I was in SOLDIER as most of you can probably tell by my eyes." He said, blinking a little to show how his eyes glowed a dark blue. "And I know there is a creator because of what they injected me with. They injected me with Mako, which is liquefied majic which no man could have made, only diluted or changed it's state. And for this same reason I quit SOLDIER is they are trying to destroy the magic so they are the only ones with Mako and the only ones with SOLDIERs." He barked the last part a little harsh, memories of the painful injections floating back. "So other than some divine creator, how did we get magic, mako, and in turn SOLDIERs?" he asked the crowd, thoughts returning to him.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2011
  9. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member

    OOC:Ummm sry ima late........

    Blake sits quietly in his room after a fight with his master,regreting taking his side,but he knew he had to cut him some slack..."Why can't they just listen to me once in awhile!!!!" pounding his fist on the wall.
    But he knew now they would never listen to him since he was the youngest,most 'Foolish',but he knew one day his plans would work as well as everyone else's.But all he could do now was wait.
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    YouTube - Valefor - Song of Prayer - Hymn of the Fayth

    "I am worried." "Worry about what?" "About Elishua." He has been in that chamber for hours now. Not only that, it is almost midnight." "Do not worry. I believe that Elishua will be in good hands." Elishua's three friends kept on sitting by the stairs but Lina then looked sighed. "LeBossa... you should go on back to the village. We will handle things here." "Are you sure?" "Do not worry. If anything happens, I will let you know." LeBossa started to put his left hand to his face, worrying about whether Elishua will survive. "Ok. I am trusting you on this one."

    LeBossa then left out of the chamber back to Legime village in order to finish taking care of his chores and duties...
  11. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    "Will is right!" Raito said, "Without a God, there would be no Magic and Mako!"
    Raito grabbed Will by the shoulder, and started to drag him away from the crowd.
    "So how've you been man? Long time no see, ever since you went to soldier we haven't seen each other as often. And why alll those people givin you the weird looks?"
  12. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    'Zack' yanked his arm away from the boy. "For one, my name is Zack Fair, and I'm a first class SOLDIER. And second, they were looking at me funny because I have a giant sword on my back and I have enough mako in my system that my eyes glow." He said. As much as the name Will rang a bell, it was starting to irritate him that he was being confused for someone else since first class SOLDIERs were never really seen around Cloud 7.
  13. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    "Will, what are you talking about?!?!" Raito said looking him in the eyes, "Zack Fair died years ago, he was great and all, but your not him..." Raito thought one more second about what Will was saying.
    "Oh my gosh... the Mako, it wiped your memory didn't it?" Raito said to 'Zack', "We have a lot to talk about... Let's go..." Raito said grabbing Will by the shoulder and walking away.
  14. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will pulled his shoulder away from the boy. "Listen, I don't know you and I don't care who you think you are but unless you have a job for me I'm going to go because I don't know this Will character your talking about!" 'Zack' roared! "I know who I am ok! I am Zack Fair, first class SOLDIER, born in Gongaga, I went to SOLDIER to become the best of the best but I realized the SOLDIER academy is trying to horde mako and kill the magic which in turn will kill the planet ok! I want to stop it yet how can I do it alone?" He barked at the boy.
  15. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Kai sat up in bed when he heard fist pounds coming from down the hall where Blake's room was. He walked in the door to see Blake throwing a fit.
    "What's up with you Drama Queen?" Kai said laughing as he entered.

    "Fine, 'Zack', you are sorely mistaken, but anyways I am very inclined to stop what's going on with the magic too. What'ya say we team up Zack?" Raito said offering his hand to his confused friend.
  16. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member

    "You two..." he paused to calm himself down but of course it it just wont work "You both never listen to me...i-i-I MIGHT HAVE SOME GOOD IDEAS LIKE YOU DO!!!!! WHY WONT HE LISTEN!!! i mean...im just used to do the dirty work....thats all i have ever done...Maybe..Maybe i should leave!!!! He once again pounded his fist on the wall,and then threw a ball at Kai out of his anger."I wanna get outta this place!!!"
  17. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    'Zack' looked at the boy and nodded. "As long as we both want the same thing I might as well join you..." He said, stretching and cracking his knuckles. "So where to now since I have nowhere to stay?" He asked him, seeing as how the boy seemed to know him. As much as this Will name seemed to ring a bell and as much as this kid seemed familiar he knew that as far as his memory went back he had been Zack Fair, and he would always be Zack. "I don't think I caught your name by the way?" He asked.
  18. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    "I'm Raito, and don't worry we can stay at my place for the night, then we can start thinking up a plan yah know?" Raito explained to 'Zack'.

    Kai looked at Blake, "Spaz much? Hey I'm sure you have... Okayish ideas, once you prove yourself by doing grunt stuff then I'm sure master will let you share your thoughts. Until then though you just keep up your spastic habits okay?" Kai said laughing, "See Yah." Kai said as he left the room.
  19. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    The door started to raise up as Elishua's two friends were sitting by the stairway. Elishua started to have his left hand to his head as he was tired and dizzy from praying inside the chamber. Elishua started to rock side to side and then started to fall forward. "*gasp* Elishua!" Vikasa immediately ran towards the boy and caught him so that he would not roll down the steps. The summoner then was able to hold his ground and nod at his friend. "I...I did it. I have... I have finally become a summoner!" Elishua then smiled and a big, bright light started to come from the chamber.
  20. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    'Zack' looked at him and started following, boots clicking against the cobbled streets. "So what type of plan do we have already drawn up, other than mine of finding out how they remove magic from the planet, which I believe is some sort of reactor, and destroy them?" He chuckled, stretching a little and cracking his knuckles as his mind was racing through his memories. He remembered setting foot into the soldier academy at 16, he remembered large doses of Mako that he was supposed to get in extremely smaller doses, he learned of their plans, and then he was here in Cloud 7.

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