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Discussion in 'Archive' started by Khroma, Sep 17, 2012.

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  1. Khroma

    Khroma 愛久見人心

    hallo everybody qqqq.

    much eventz happened on KHP,
    both good and bad.
    met many people,
    both good and bad.

    this will be my last post.
    this will be my last thread.
    this is where I say my good bye.

    I was not here very long,
    and I prolly didn't enjoy KHP as much as I should've had,
    but i had a good time here.

    I was offered spot as translator, as a GFX member.
    and I am still honored to remember that request.
    and I am still honored that I used to be in the KHP staff.

    now I will be leaving.
    I know I wasn't here long, again.
    but I wish to keep in touch with you guyz.
    if you want, you can find me on skype.
    you may ask Vox for my skype.
    just ...please tell me who you are so I accept your request.

    you can find me on:

    deviantART: rose6211 on deviantART
    AnimeMB: Anime Forums - View Profile: Khroma
    Only You: Only You - Yume
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/neko_maow
    Youtube: ??? - YouTube

    i'm sure you can all find me on all of those.
    facebook, you can ask Napoleon, just tell me who you are >w>''
    e-mail, you can ask Destiny. yes, please tell me who you are >w>''

    please take care.
    I wish everybody best of luck, best of life, best of health and wealth.
    please take care.
    please come and find me, would love to stick in contact.

    chow everybody. ヾ(´・ω・`)

    P.S. I might visit here on my birthday just to thank everybody for a birthday wish.
    maybe i visit here once or twice a year. www
  2. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    I will mish you. . . ; ;
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