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For them Gimp Pimps

Discussion in 'Video / Cinema' started by Malibu, Apr 15, 2011.

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  1. Malibu

    Malibu New Member

    So at a request i tried my hand at Gimp and I didn't really fail that badly. But i definitely won't keep using it once you go PS you never go back. But for those of you who love Gimp to much to let it go I did some tutorial searching.

    Ajit's Blog: Gimp Tutorials

    It pays to go through tutorials even if you don't like the outcomes, you figure out more techniques and ways of doing things.

    Anyone who tries their hands at these tutorials i want to see some outcomes. Try to apply them to Photoshop if you can.
    I'll update this post with more Gimp Tutorials so be sure to check in here often Gimp Pimps.

    Me trying to gimp:
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