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Forum Posting Guide.

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Flare, Sep 21, 2007.

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  1. Flare

    Flare New Member

    Well I don't know how many of you are familiar with posting on forums. I'm sure a lot of you have been on forums in the past so are pretty use to the posting rules, but it doesn't hurt to read them again. I urge new members to read this before they start posting.

    Don't Spam

    Spam is anything that is not relevant to the current topic. But it doesn't stop there. Double posting is also considered spam.

    When you're writing a post, make an effort to have at least two sentences. Try to avoid the obligatory "omfg, that is lyk so awsum" posts. Make it literate, and get to your point.

    Don't Flame Others

    Flames are putting another person down for their ideas, thoughts, opinions or just plain out insulting someone.

    This is also considered spam and nobody appreciates getting flamed. This sparks a Flame War which means then that you have a whole spam-filled topic. Which is not good. Rest assure, If you flame another with curses and insults, you will surely be banned.

    Treat Others as you would like to be Treated

    Older members, these newbs are the members of the future here. Newer members, these older members are people who will help you out in the future. In short, everyone needs to work together.

    A community cannot withstand constant battles between newer and older members.

    No Double Accounts

    There is no reason to make a double account. If you think you have a reason to do so, it's not acceptable. If you feel you need a second account PM or IM a member of the Staff. We'll be glad to help you out with your problem.

    Creating multiple accounts is a bannable offense.

    Prejudice, Racism, and Sexism are not tolerated

    This is being rude and hateful. Come in to the forums with a fresh attitude toward everyone regardless of their skin, gender, or likes. This includes their sexual preferences Any prejudice at all towards anyone will not be tolerated.

    This coincides with the "treat others as you would like to be treated" rule.

    Use proper English in here.

    We understand that English isn't the standard language all over the world. But KH-3.net is an English based forum. What does that mean? It means use all the things your English teacher taught you.

    The odd grammatical error is perfectly fine, but constant illiterate posts make not only yourself looks stupid, but when guests are reading them- it degrades the overall quality of the forums.

    Also. Proof Read before you submit that post. Make sure that it makes sense. Don't type as though you're talking. It doesn't translate well in text. Use full sentences, punctuation and spell check!

    Curse Words

    Cussing is not allowed. Period. Do not post curse words. It's offensive and unnecessary.

    No Advertising

    Advertising is not only frowned upon, it is not allowed. That includes PM Advertisements, posting advertisements, and making a thread advertising anything.

    This is a bannable offense. Don't do it.

    Have Fun

    And finally, have fun and enjoy your stay. The forums should be nice to you (hear that guys, be nice). Everyone is here to have fun. Don't spoil other people's fun. We all want to be here, and we want everyone to be happy.

    Mods are Your Friends

    Don't be afraid to ask a mod a question, we're here to help.

    Hope you enjoy your stay. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2008
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