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Forums Opening - Day 1 over!

Discussion in 'General' started by Nitro, Jun 3, 2007.

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  1. Nitro

    Nitro New Member

    Well almost anyway upon posting, thanks to everyone who has registered, and most of all those who have posted actively throughout the day and formed what can only become a great forum in the coming weeks.

    Stay active, post lots, create interesting threads and ask as many people to join as you can "without spamming" and i shall keep adding cool stuff for you guys and expand the forums we offer with our member count.
  2. Riku

    Riku New Member


    Great, to tell you the truth, I like this website, hope it gets improving everyday.

    God Bless You!!!!:)
  3. Nostalgic

    Nostalgic New Member

    Your the Man Nitro, why can't we spam ? :(
  4. Raiace

    Raiace New Member

    Because it's not nice, and they'll probably NOT want to join it if you spam them.
  5. Duelist Dx

    Duelist Dx New Member

    Indeed. SPAM sux xD
    I love the forums Dan! =]
  6. Sora

    Sora New Member

    For those who want to spam.. :p We'll discuss making a Spam Thread just for you!

  7. Riku

    Riku New Member


    I actually dont like spam, I think the forum are good without it, but, like Sora said, making a spam section or thread would be good.

    God Bless You!!!!!;)
  8. Griever

    Griever New Member

    OMG STOP IT WITH THE "God bless you" argh lol good to see the communhity is doing well nitro, ill stick around!
  9. JordanKnight

    JordanKnight New Member

    I love this forum, I can see it gonig far, one day and we have this many active members already, and i'm definitley going to stay.. good luck KH-3 :).
  10. Splitoverload

    Splitoverload New Member

    Looks like I'm staying. Like the feeling here. Hopefully that 1 would change to a 1000 days successful soon Lolz.
  11. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

    I feel like i missed something fun >.>
    but i will prolly be active, unless this place outright dies
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