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Discussion in 'Fun & Games' started by Yukie, Apr 3, 2008.

  1. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    This is a thread where we can become friends! Making friends is simple, just post your likes and dislikes and other things! People will respond and such. You can also talk about relationships, life, schools, friends, your social circle, or Yu-Gi-Oh cards!

    The reason why I started this thread is that there is a lot of tension in the air and that all the newbies that join, disappear. If we all have something in common, we can be friends, and be more active! So yay! The Mods, can do whatever they want with the thread!

    So I guess I start by say this, Nice to meet you!
  2. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Hey. I was hoping something like this was created but I was afraid the mods would close it. Thats what the spam lounge was nice for. Blah.
    I am a guy who likes any kind of tactical warfare game. Role Playing games are also fun. I play cards a lot, play the trumpet, and I am an all out average joe kind of guy. I can be passionate about my beliefs and I have a lot of fun with debating. You can generally find me in Debates and In Role Plays.
    Nice to meet you to.
  3. bellovita sista

    bellovita sista New Member

    im funny, strange, intoi music and loving life..................youll find me anywhere and everywhere.........so nice to meet you alll.................CHEMO!
  4. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Well, let me introduce me.

    They call me Raks, short for Raksmey.

    I am 17 years old and my head is full of white/gray hairs. I stress alot, and I stress over some stupid stuff. I am tired of being talk about and I will prove to my 'haters' that I am a force to be dealt with. I just tired of the BS that they give me! Hahaha..

    So what is going around the world, where you guy live?

    In NJ, USA, nothing so far... It is all the same theft, robbery and other nonsense.

    Finally my school is getting a greenhouse!! YES! But it won't be finish in till 2009. Oh Snap, I graduate 2008... Hmm..

    Currently watching MTV.
  5. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    I like heavy metal and football,patriots and my favorite movie is telladega knights
  6. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    Hello people, I am a big gaming fan so I love playing video games. Just talk to me on a PM if you want to be friends.:D
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I moved this to fun and games. Seemed to fit in more here.

    Carry on.
  8. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    I'm glad you started this thread because I've noticed the same problem.

    Anyways, you can call me Hope.
    I'm 15 and love Reading, motocross, swimming, Writing stories of my own, and Vid games.
    My disslikes are Hipocrites, Bossy people, and country music.
    Nice to meet you all. I hope we can be good friends in the near future.
    So whats your guys's favorate bands? *I would say Yu-Gi-Oh card, but I only know of a fiew*
  9. Luke

    Luke Member

    Im Lucas, im 16 and love metal

    My favorite bands are
    Avenged sevenfold
    Maximum the Hormone
    Demon Hunter
    Forever in Terror
    All that remains
    Mindless Self Indulgence
  10. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Luke you have a canny few favorite bands thats okay of course infact now I don't even know why I said it.well my name is Dylan.I like reading,writing,Games,roleplay and Yu-Gi-Oh.I am a perfectionist I must have everything up to my standards.When I can I like to think of how to get rich even though I'm only ten.I also like to talk alot.I live in England.
  11. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    I'm Danny. Real name is Khoa(don't bother trying to pronounce it). Live in AZ. I like swimming, soccer, animes, cartoons, books, music, and cheeseburgers. I don't like Yu-Gi-Oh(no offense), bullies, rap(can't seem to understand the words), and I REALLY HATE bitter melon. I can play the violin and piano. I'm currently working on "Hikari" for the piano.
  12. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Aren't you too young to be a perfectionist?
  13. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    erm i dont know
  14. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    ... I dont think its possable to be too young to be a perfectionist... I mean theres not really an age limit on not liking things to be perfect. Its more of maturity thing.
  15. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    yeah...I don't really cares what goes on. If I fail I fail. That is how I live life!!

    So what is new?
  16. SheShe

    SheShe New Member

    Okay here goes,
    my name is Sheila
    Im 16
    I live in CA
    Im a JR in Highschool
    I have a SuperNintendo, N64, Gameboy color, Gameboy advanced,Wii, PSP, PS2, PS3.
    favorite games are FF seires, KH, and Guitar Hero
    I do good in school, i sing in choir, i act in acting, i do art stuff in art, and i animate films in animation.
    I have my license
    I drive a red VW Beetle, it has black and red leather interior, a moon roof, and heated seats, its pretty nice for my first car.
    I dont have a job, so keep in mind that my parents have paid for everything listed.....but im not spoiled......:)
    the reason i dont have a job is cuz my parents dont want me to get one i have to "concentrate on school" so yeah
    i have a ipod nano and a bose dock to accompany it
    i mostly shop at macy's, and torrid (yeah torrid im not a skinny twig and i know how to work it)
    i like rap, hip hop, r&B, rock, Screamo, alternative, whatever
    love funny movies
    dont like scary movies
    Die Hard Rocks
    and the Movie, Movies are funny
    Im a white girl and im 1/2 itilian
    my hair is curly, but i hecca straighten it chemically which costs like $300 every 6 months
    but i ...or i should say my parents..... dont spend alot on only myself
    i give expensive things as well, everyone in my family cousins aunts ect.. own something from Coach, because i gave it to them
    i got my bff a lou vuitton bag for her 16th
    I got my bff guy friend a electric guiter
    i got my ex his class ring because he couldnt afford it
    so perdy much all my friends love me
    my garage is set up for me and my friends so i dont bug my parents, complete with couch, heater, entertainment center, and fridge.
    i have a pool
    i have 2 dogs and 1 cat
    and i love to live life
    so thats about it, i could say more, but it would be too long...:D

    oh and Yu-Gi-Oh rocks lol
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2008
  17. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Lucky Bastard!!! I want my license!! Well Hopefully I get this Monday. Cool car!! I drive a 1994 Infiniti J30, with two windows that won't go down, ripped seats, rip cushions, and it leaks in water when it rains! Did I mention it is Black on Black?? Hot!
  18. SheShe

    SheShe New Member

    aww your car sounds awesome!!! lol only cool people have cars that let rain into their car, cars that are dry on the inside are over rated anyway.
    if you roll the windows down on my car they wont roll back up sometimes...haha
  19. Angel of Oblivion

    Angel of Oblivion New Member

    hello ^-^ um...nice to meet everyone here *bows* wowwie u sound so cool SheShe ^.^'' *feels nervous*

    im 16, i liv in USA, i dont hav a car yet and just got a permit today ^-^
    i luvies cloud more than anything cuz hes super coolie and amazing ^.^
    FF games r super awesome and im playing crisis core rite now!
    KH were some of my favorite games and they brought bak good disney memories!!
    i got a wii a week ago or something and luvies playing it! wish i had more time to though xD
    im good in skool and like science ^-^' and am kinda nerdy xP
    i like lots of movies but not too scary and stuff o.o
    orlando bloom is my favorite actor cuz hes real cute and hasnt done anything um...dumb ^-^ and he is laid back and super adorable!! ^.~

    and i came bak here after a while and just realized how pretty everythink looks!!! ^o^

    and yugioh is ok, ^-^ it waz real fun to play when i waz little but then everyone cheated to beat me xP
  20. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    I <3 NERDS!!!!! Yeah...Orlando Bloom is HOT! But I consider myself as a more Brad Pitt guy lover! HAHAHAHAHA!

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