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Full Metal Alchemist

Discussion in 'Anime & Manga' started by Demi Shock, Jul 22, 2007.

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  1. Demi Shock

    Demi Shock Guest

    Any other fans out there?

    I just started watching it when it replayed on Adult Swim.

    Its pretty cool.
  2. lagatcy

    lagatcy New Member

    FMA absolutley sucks. It reminds me of my cat's puke smeared on the arabian, priceless, rug.
  3. Demi Shock

    Demi Shock Guest

    What makes it suck so much?
  4. lagatcy

    lagatcy New Member

    Weak, some have "important" roles but last one, maybe a couple episodes tops.

    It's boring, and if you've read the manga you'll understand what I'm saying.

    My dislikment comes from the 'humour' it tries to portray, and the fact that everyone says it's great is enough to tick me off, over-hyping it. It's action is boring, and sometimes childish. When it tries to go for a more mature stand-point, it fails with the characters lack of emotions. I mean, perfect example - Lust.

    Adult Swim is realy failing on finding some good animes.
  5. Demi Shock

    Demi Shock Guest

    well, thats an interesting perspective. Most anime's are really getting overrated lately, but really its just the growing popularity and the people who have already seen it are getting annoyed.

    Cant really hate em for just liking it though. Thats their own opinion. :D
  6. lagatcy

    lagatcy New Member

    You don't understand. Try reading it again, slowly this time. Because, I never said I didn't like 'them' whoever 'them' is, I said I dislike the anime because it's over-hyped. Much like Naruto.

    and actually, no. Most animes aren't getting overrated. You realize how many animes there are? We haven't even touched up on all of 'em. please, read through my reasons again since your post basically touched up one one thing.
  7. Demi Shock

    Demi Shock Guest

    Sorry if you're offended, but trust me, I wasnt directing it at you. I would have said so if I was.

    It was a general statement.

    Dont take it too personal. =D
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2007
  8. maher23

    maher23 Member

    yow! wazzup people! its me! your friendly neighborhood maher saying hello to all of you guys! so i was wondering why did name this thread full metal alchemist? is that connected to kh and ff? no offense guys? im just asking so can you guys answer my quetion pls? ill be waiting! ^_^! so this is your friendly neighborhood maher saying bye2x! so seeya!
  9. Demi Shock

    Demi Shock Guest

    lol, thats why its under the anime and manga section.
  10. lagatcy

    lagatcy New Member

    It says you're 16, are you sure?
  11. Flare

    Flare New Member


    No this is not related to KH or FF.

    It's an anime (and manga). This is an anime and manga section, hence it goes here.
  12. Misa Misa

    Misa Misa New Member

    I love FMA. It rocks!
  13. Ultima Star

    Ultima Star New Member

    FMA is the awesomeness.
    And Edward is so...ho--cute^^; hehe
  14. maher23

    maher23 Member

    i loved the movie! like edward i a grown man and his brother is also like him!
  15. Maxwell

    Maxwell New Member

    I love Edward in FMA too! It's the kinda like the first anime I like! FMA rox!!!
  16. Lost Darkness

    Lost Darkness New Member

    This is one of the few animes that really made me feel for the people. I loved when Edward is trapped and he sees the light and trys to grab it.......*cries*
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