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Funny things you did as a kid.

Discussion in 'General' started by Bulbie, Sep 5, 2010.

  1. Bulbie

    Bulbie New Member

    I hope there isn't a thread like this already somewhere yet. ^^'
    Sorry if there is.
    (I hope this is in the right place. :3 )

    But yeah. Everyone has done or said some silly things when they were a child, yes?
    Post them if you dare. :D
    I could start with this one (I can't remember anything else at the moment.)

    I was in elementary school and I was spending the recess with my friend when a boy (My classmate) came to us and asked us if we were virgin (Yeah, WTH? Kids these days keep getting scarier and scarier..)
    Well, My friend said yes but I said no. Why? This is how the conversation went:
    Boy: "Are you a virgin?"
    *The boy starts to laugh and my friend looks at me in a funny manner*
    Me: "I'm a capricorn, not a virgo."
    My friend: "Yes I am."
    Me:"What the heck!? You're pisces!"
    My friend: "That's not what he meant.."
    Me: "???"

    Yeah. I never was interested in such things anyway. x'D
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    In the car, I used to lift my feet off the floor and cross my fingers when we'd drive over a bridge. I think I thought it would be good luck. o_O

    I was very superstitious as a kid- I'd never walk under ladders, I'd throw salt over my shoulder if I tipped the shaker over, and all that.

    I think all of those qualify as stupid. XD
  3. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    Run around with a butter knife in my hand o_0 now that is stupid and another thing I would do is spy on my brothers.
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    When we were little, my sisters and I had gotten a used Nintendo. It was a real piece of crap- it would freeze on us like crazy. Well, we decided that my one sister had a knack for smacking it with her fist and magically making it work again. So whenever it would screw up on us, we'd call for "Miss Fix-It" to come and punch the console. Beats buying a new one. ^_^

    We also had a swing in the backyard, and one of us would sit on it and another would spin it around and let go- we'd get going so fast that we'd fall on our asses after we got off because we were so dizzy. I think one of my sisters even puked at one point. Yet we kept getting back on.

    Yay, nostalgia!
  5. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Waking up in the middle of the night, jumping as far away from the bed as possible and sprinting to the bathroom. I always thought something from under the bed would try to grab me if I didn't jump far away enough. I'd repeat the process going back to bed, jumping from as far away from the bed onto the bed in hopes that the thing would not get me. It never did get me.

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