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Future Careers

Discussion in 'General' started by Napoléon, Mar 24, 2012.

  1. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    The original one to this is an older thread from back in 2009 that I didn't get to post in, so I figured that I might as well remake it.

    Here's a link to the older thread, in case if you want to peek at it :

    As the title suggest, what future careers do you have in mind ? What kind of jobs do you see yourself having in the future, or that you aspire to have ? Why would you like to work in that particular field ?

    Also, since some members here already have careers, why did you choose that one ? What had drawn you to that particular job ? Did you know when you graduated high school that it what was you wanted to do with your life ?


    Here I go :

    Future careers that are floating around my head are : Doctor or mathematician.

    My parents always wanted me to become a doctor since I do well in school, but I'm still debating if it's really something that I want to do. I'm heading off to University in the fall and I plan on taking a general science degree to see which courses interest me. I know that I like the sound of becoming an Immunologist, but if I were to pursue that one I'd be better off going into the research field than medicine. It's more or less pressure from my parents when it comes to being a doctor, but who knows, I may end up liking it.

    As for being a mathematician, I've always done well in math class. I'm a math tutor at my high school, helping students from Calculus all the way to grade 10 math. The subject has always made sense to me and because of this the school "hired" me through the school district to become an official tutor. It's actually my third year tutoring math and I love it. I deal with a variety of understanding levels, but there are always connections present within math. I think that's what I enjoy about it the most, how it all ties into each other to make a beautifully complex masterpiece. Math makes sense and I could definitely see myself becoming a mathematician.
  2. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    I'd like to go into Graphic Design, but I don't know if I have the skill for that. Something more realistic would probably just be physical labor. If I couldn't do Graphics I would want to do landscaping.
  3. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    I'm trying to graduate as youth and leisure instructor during this spring, so just a few months and I have the papers in my hands that I'm qualified as one. I'm not going to get a job though, as there isn't any available as the older people with the same papers are still working.

    I'm most probably going to study logistics after I've graduated, because the current one I'm studying for doesn't interest me anymore. Why didn't I quit? When I have those papers in my hand, and if I don't get a job, the system gives me compensation for that I don't have a job.

    Dreams? I don't know. Maybe a video game tester or something that doesn't count as actual work.

    And I don't really get it why America has so hard and expensive way to make kids study. College? Pfft. I love the fact that I was born in Finland, the education system rocks.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2012
  4. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    I'm currently going to school now for Filmmaking which I would be happy doing but my dream job would be work in animation, if I could work for Cartoon Network or Funimation I'd be the happiest person in the world! Unfortunately I don't have the artistic talent to work in animation so making movies it is!
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Music Educator-High School Band Director, or College Music Professor maybe Middle School Band Teacher

    I want this/chose this as my career path because it's what I love. I love music with a passion and it's the one thing I seem to excel the most at because I put my heart and soul in it. Music is something that lets me become inspired and it encourages me. What's not better than teaching that to the future generation of musicians? Music=My Life.

    My time line as a music educator(for the heck of it)...
    Fall 2012- Is majoring in music education(whoo!)
    Fall 2016- Get graduate degree in Music Theory and Composition
    2019- Begin teaching either Middle School or High School music, specifically band
    2025- Begin Doctorate degree in composing
    2035- Teach as a college music professor.
    2064- Retire but continue to have private music lessons

    Music Composer

    Same as before. I love to arrange music(wish I had more time now to do it now). Plus I'd love to sell my own compositions to professional symphonies and orchestras to play.

    Time line-
    Fall 2016- Graduate degree in Music Theory and Composition
    Fall 2016- Start composing music seriously

    Currently- Retail Cashier

    Well I chose this job because I needed a job and I like shopping at where I work so I get a discount now.

    Yeah that's about it, there's nothing too great about my job now -_-
    Aqua Fresh likes this.
  6. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Purple... I mean GreenDiamond says I should be a businessman. :D

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