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Discussion in 'General' started by demon of darkness, Apr 2, 2008.

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  1. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    o'k i really am starting to feel sad. do you any of you have any tips on how to get a girlfriend. i know i'm not the best looking guy, but i'm kind,wise,funny,and a little shy. so what do i need to do?:( i really like girls that are like namine.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2008
  2. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Find a gal you are interested in, spend some time with her, see where it goes. Or just go straight for someone and ask them out. It depends on the girl really.
  3. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Also depends on you. My suggestion is, don't force it. Don't go get a girlfriend just for the sake of having a girlfriend. Go out with someone cause you want to be with her. Not because you just want to be with someone and she conveniently happens to be there. Don't go looking for it. When you find it, you'll know.
  4. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    What is so horrible about being single? I am single and I love it!
  5. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    I was single a long time. No problems with it. Just wait for it. You will know when that someone for you goes by. Trust me. There is always someone for someone. Try looking in Why is love so cruel, or whatever that other one was. That has some tips for you.
  6. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member

    First thing, the girls often will look to you to come to them. That's how it has been for centuries and isn't fully gone today.

    Be brave and ask whoever she is!
  7. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Yah. Go for it!
  8. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    thanks everyone. i just wish i could get some replies on my other threads lol.
    i'll try those tips and post what happens.
  9. bellovita sista

    bellovita sista New Member

    tip 2 always remember...................
    girls like romance.........mistery.........NO stalking.......
    hope i helped
  10. Mike

    Mike Member

    I was in that same boat...and I found someone who made me happy.

    When you find a compatible person, you just know. Even a week or so before it happens, you feel like it will never happen...and then it does.

    The way I see it, being quote unquote "ugly" just means you won't have to 'weed out the crap' in a sense: You won't have to struggle to determine which girls are after you for your body.
  11. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    thanks mike, never thought of it that way. i feel whole lot better after that.
  12. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Sucks that no one posts back to you in other threads but I wish you the best of luck. Girls like guys that are not cowardly. So stand fast and tall, and don't look back. Walk forward and not back. Thus ends my pep talk for today. Lol. :)
  13. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    yea I am the same. But you know what I do, I just go ask a girl out I really like them. Just try not to be shy and if they say no just give it time to re think it over with there friends or her self. I hope I helped.
  14. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    don't forget your personal hygiene. I don't wanna advertise but here's a tip: use Axe, unless she's allergic.

    P.S. I never got a date since I don't want one,yet, so use my advice as a last resortment.
  15. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    hahaha...Axe...lol..I want to smell like candy so I use Tag.

    Well, yeah, whatever..that is how I look at relationships!
  16. SheShe

    SheShe New Member

    first off namine is a fictional character and nothing about her is realistic. secondly if u want a girlfriend you need to learn to like someone for the way they act not the way they look. nobody is going to go out with you if they dont know you, if u see someone u like then u should talk to them and get to know them, see if they have the same intrests as you, and if they dont, and if you dont hit it off dont get mad, dont give up, just keep looking. my bf liked me because we both loved videogames, he wasnt that "cool" and i am "cool", but that didnt matter because we got along so well. we did end up breaking up but thats not the point.......the point is if you want a relationship with someone, you need to put urself out there, even if you are shy, u should look for someone thats real, not someone that is a fictional video game character.
  17. Figure.09

    Figure.09 New Member

    Lol. I used to be that way for a while. Just be yourself and you'll find someone eventually.

    And if you have to, steal 'er from a guy.

    To be honest there's no sure-fire way to 'get' a girl, also. I've always gotten them by chance.
  18. rikus1fan

    rikus1fan New Member

    im kinda like namine
  19. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Look, all you need to do is keep your eyes open for someone you really like.
    And like said above, don't get a gf just to have one. Go for someone you REALLY like. That's what I did, and guess what, I proposed two nights ago.

    She said yes. It pays off to be nice, respectful, and understanding. Never doubt what she says. If you disagree, say so, but support her no matter what. I'm overloading you here.

    Just keep a look out, you'll find her.
  20. lokisenna

    lokisenna New Member

    a) you are you
    b)you have to find the annoyingly hard balance to 'win someones heart' you have to know about them and listen to them without falling into the friendzone or seeming like a stalker
    c) never lie about how you feel but be moderate in your feelings
    d) fight for them
    e) once you have them, no longer concern yourself with making them like you, they already do, focus on building the relationship so it lasts longer

    most people screw up on B and E
    but also remember women dont have instruction manuals on how to win them and you will ultimatley(with or without tips) have to have your own styling and path to finsing your special someone

    if it were easy everyone would be happy

    oh, also..be confident, tell yourself youre good looking everyday, be positive about everything about you while recognising flaws, ect., s'ok to be vain in private so say it till you believe it...but thats just a good life tip =p
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