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Girls Playing Video Games

Discussion in 'General' started by Oath, Apr 24, 2012.

  1. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™


    What is it about girls that causes us to normally look like any of the four images above when playing video games? I dont ever see boys acting like spazzes with the controller. And whats worse, we also talk to the characters. LOL

    The idea of this thread comes from something I saw today. And Hope is going to be really mad when she reads this :p

    See, I live across the street from her so when I need to use the internet, I go to her house. Today I came over just to visit and I walked in to her playing Assassis's Creed Brotherhood. It was the part where you have to destroy the war machines that Leonardo created. Most of you who know my cousin well know that she's a pretty chill person and has very clean language. But oh no, not when she's got a controller in hand. :p

    I hear this:

    "Sweet I get to ride the tank!? Heck yes. Fuck you guys I'm in a tank." she says this as she's blowing up soldiers at random, holding the controller at an arms length away, pushing random buttons and tilting it sideways when more difficult parts happen. Then bad guys show up in more tanks and Hope stops playing and looks at me and says "Those bitches copied my outfit!"

    I about died laughing. Never have I heard my quiet little cousin use so much cussing for no reason before. It seems like video game playing brings out a little crazy personality in all of us and I find it hilarious.

    Tell me, do all girls play video games like this? Do boys do it sometimes too? I know I do, and most girl friends I have always end up holding the controller like that, talking to the characters, etc...
    But my husband and his friends dont ever act like that. They are pretty chill about it actually though and concentrate more than freak out in more suspenseful parts.

    If your a guy who acts like this, dont be shy. Let us know. Also guys, whats your opinion on girls who act like this when they play video games. Is it annoying to you? Do you know any girls who DONT do that?

    Girls, do you catch yourself doing this too?

    Everyone, whats your favorite kind of video game?
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2012
  2. .Leggo

    .Leggo New Member

    I do this all the time! Especially when I die or something, I will like freak out! I always move the controllers like that too, I use like my whole body and move around like I have torettes or something ahah. I especially go crazy when I play Call of Duty online, and the bad thing is, I have my headset on so like, everyone can hear me. I have anger issues when it comes to games :/
  3. Light&dark

    Light&dark Salute 2 dem hatas moffo!

    I get angry when I die on a game and stuff one minute I be like "Yes Im In the lead, and Your not suckas!!!"
    and the next minute I be like "WTH I lost are you serious, are you really serious!?!?" and when I keep losing
    I cut the game off and when I've calmed down I play It again and then I win "Oh wow I won" XD
    But I do not move my body around like that or at all. Lol
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Now that would've been something to see. Next time you should film it.

    The only time I ever move a controller around like that is if it is a fighting game and the fight is getting close to winning or losing.

    I've never witnessed a girl doing that when playing (Except maybe my stepsister against me in one of those previously mentioned fighting games).

  5. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    that cartoon is such an accurate depiction of me when I play video games it's scary! lol when I play video games I turn into "Demon Leah" that's when I start yelling and cussing up a storm and I have been known to violently throw my controller across a room when I die playing a hard; I can't tell you how many times I used the F word and nearly broke my controller in half trying to beat Sephiroth in KH2....I was not a pretty sight that day.
  6. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Amy if you're going to tell people about my embarassing moments please at least do it correctly. I called them whores not bitches. lol

    Though Amy already plainly stated that I do this, I'll admit to it anyway. xD The other day I was playing some random insanely gory fighting game against some guy friends from high school and all of them made fun of me for this. Oh and to make it better, gore makes me uncomfortable even in cartoons so I wouldn't be looking at the screen while I was holding the controller at arms length and pushing random buttons either.
    Of course one of them owned the game so he knew all of the moves but he was the only one who could beat me when I was using that 'technique'. It's something I'm proud of. ^_^

    Girls though, you can agree with me, it helps you win when you dont know what buttons to push to just push all of them and move the controller around as much as possible. It also helps to yell at your characters, narrate what your doing, and call your opponents and other characters in the game mean nick names. It's just my process.

    As for the cussing, I only do that when I'm hyper, alone, and playing a mature rated game. I'm not sure why the sailor mouth happens. I've tried to stop it many times but with no improvement.
  7. Luke

    Luke Member

    I act like that occasionally, If its a game i just recently started playing and dont know how to do much.

    I think its cute as hell.
    My girlfriend does it sometimes.
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD At least Hope does not play "BARBIE Magical Moments"! HA! Hope need some help with her mouth when it comes to video games.

    But anyway, as for girls playing games, I just find it awesome. However, when a girlreally get into a game and act like how Oath described Hope, now that can be scary and I would be like, "Ooookaaay...she's going to blow up. That is foxy... but scary." Now girls who just randomly scream about someone "wearing the same costume as their character" Dx uuh... are you ok? That is what I will say in my head. As for talking to the characters, I would laugh if someone would talk to the character. They don't even know that you exist.

    Did I ever freaked out, I did one time when I was young but it was normal. DX It was Banjo-Tooie. I was having a hard time trying to score some goals and I was so frustrated because I kept on losing... and I accidentally broke the control stick because I was rotating it too hard. My mom walked into the room and yelled "Your uncle is not on earth anymore to buy you another control". I cried, threw a tantrum and turned the game off immediately. Now, if you are getting frustrated because you are having a hard time trying to complete something or to succeed in a game, I find that normal but not to the point where you go into monster mode and just start talking to the T.V. Now if you went and forgot to save your game, now that is a different storyand that is when I can have fun at your amusing anger.

    Even when you are fighting against others, I knew one girl who was calm...but she still had a bad mouth. XD It was in Super Smash Melee. I play as Zelda/Peach/Kirby, she play as Yoshi and my other friend uses whatever. If I whoop her, she would curse at me but would then laugh about it. I would usually end up the winner in 85% of the battles.

    XD As for my favorite game, it must be the Xenosaga series. It never gets old. I would even believe that it tops Dissidia and Kingdom Hearts too.

    OH PLEASE DO THAT OATH! I would love a laugh! XD And Desert would enjoy it too.
  9. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    1- Not the same costume. Tank my friend, the same tank. Supposedly there was only one of them so I show up to the blow shit up party in a tank and like four other people had one. Thats like going to Senior Prom in a custom made dress and every one else is wearing the same one including two guys. Its just not right. My frustrations were therefore reasonable. xD Teehee Girly mode

    2- Doesn't matter if they exist or not and technically if you're going to get down into the basics they don't exist so therefore they dont have the conciousness to know wether or not you exist in the first place. That isn't the point.

    DW, There will be no recording of it. LOL The story is good enough xD
  10. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I don't usually keep up a running commentary while I'm playing a game, but I do cuss and shout at the screen a lot when I'm getting my ass kicked, particularly when it's against a boss who just keeps murdering me. Or like in Kingdom Hearts, I'd tell Goofy to get the hell out of my way when the camera was being all retarded, like it so often is, and he was blocking the entire screen. So irritation at game= crazy rantings. Followed by the joyful fist pump and "Ha, in your face!" when things finally go my way.

    And yeah, I also wave the controller around ridiculously. I think it's the worst when I'm playing a driving game like Mario Kart or Crazy Taxi. Whether I'm using the Wii wheel or just a controller, I'm all over the place with it, leaning off to the same side I'm trying to get the car to turn and all that. It would probably make anyone watching me fear to see me behind the wheel of a real car, not even counting the fact that even with the controller-jerking, I'm still really bad at keeping my virtual car on the road. >_<

  11. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    I have such a potty mouth when I play video games, I can't hide it. I don't swear often in day to day conversations (I prefer using more appropriate language, unless swearing is called for), but games bring out a more deadly side of me. I typically swear at the villains and yell at my comrades if they're doing a terrible job.
    - I want to say sorry to my crew in the .Hack series now. My PS2 knows what I'm talking about :rolleyes: -

    Sometimes, however, I listen to music which helps calm me down, but if something dramatic happens like I'm about to die, then I shut off my song in a heartbeat and proceed to yelling at the tv >_< It's not a pretty sight, but my brother thinks it's funny.

    I'm not always nasty when I play video games though. Often when I'm playing KH with friends around me, we end up making up ridiculous stories about Sora and the Organization XIII members as I play. I end up laughing my pants off, and therefore, don't scream. Those are probably the best moments.

    I've done this many times; You wouldn't want to see what happened when I played .Hack//Quarantine for the first time. It was a boss fight near the end of the game which made it worse.

    I have that rejoice moment too everytime I win something that really frustrated me !

    RPG's are the best in my opinion.
  12. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    To the bolded area: So much freaking yes! Especially if it's late at night/early morning. And it can be pretty much any story line game. Someone gets hyper and starts with goofy commentary which usually ends up with everyone joining in. I remember it was 2 in the morning when I beat the first kingdom hearts. My two cousins and I just beat malificent. For some reason Sora being turned into a heartless was the funniest thing on the planet to us especially jumping because he looked like a frog appearently.

    This happens a lot, my sisters like watching me play games though they dont play a lot themselves. Often when they watch we end up doing this lol.

    P.S. I like any game with lots of puzzles and a good story line. I dont like sports games though or anything like those. If you can do it in real life, why would you sit on your butt and do it on the TV?
  13. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD Making fun of something and commenting osmething that is amusing on a game is always a good thing to get stress off. That is what make a video game more enjoyable. I remember introducing Xenosaga 2 to a friend of mine and he was asking why Chaos and Jin were dressed in a frog spacesuit. XD

    Man! RPGs are always the best no matter what! Just some good ol' storyline.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2012
  14. SoRoxas

    SoRoxas New Member

    the game a person is playing usually depends on the persons attitude towards the game
    for example, if its a game like BeJeweled, i just forget about it, but when i start playin COD i usually scream various swears into the Mic.

    Also, the first time i played KH and Leon killed me, like he does everyone and i didnt think to equip potions, i started swearing like hell at the Ps2 Thinking it was broken
    "What the hell goddamn it this game is glitchy as hell"
    that comming out of the mouth of an 11 year old....lol

    And as to the reactions of girls playing videogames
    Ive heard some scary thing come out of Hazel21 on MW3 Chat a few days ago...BTW most gamer chicks i know are hardcore badasses
  15. ~When It Rains~

    ~When It Rains~ New Member

    LOL thats an awesome story xD

    i don't so much cuss at video games or get angry, just frustrated. if its one of those really interactive video games ill talk to the characters even if it's a bit weird :p
  16. Paranoia God

    Paranoia God Fuck off

    I don't move around much when I'm playing, but I do talk to the game a lot. In fact, I was playing Warriors Orochi 3 yesterday and a general said "You think your wits outsmart me?" and I said "Fuck yeah, you dumbass! I'm gonna kick your ass for even asking such a stupid question!" or when Sima Zhao says "I wish I could do that.." I say "It just takes practice, and a lot of leveling!" ..... I'm weird when I play games.. .____________________.
  17. Mike

    Mike Member

    I'm fairly quote unquote "normal" when I play games. I don't tend to get upset or move a lot or anything, haha.

    I also know of a few girls who are relatively normal...and a few who are not so normal and get 'scared' by everything and scream and jerk the controller around haha.
  18. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    My little sister screamed and jumped each time the shark pops out in Arkham City.
  19. Light&dark

    Light&dark Salute 2 dem hatas moffo!

    I do the same when something happens like that In games then my brother laughes at me and calls me chicken :/ Haha but I start laughing and moments after I get back Into the game, I start getting mad like I always do and start throwing the joystik around the room until I just cut the game off and like I said before I just repeat the process over and over and over until I finally win the game and then my brother says "It took you long enough, I could of finished It way faster than that" Then I get alittle mad at him and then I'll throw the joystick at him! XD
  20. PevensieCabret

    PevensieCabret New Member

    If I'm alone, I'm pretty sure I'm quiet and still while playing video games... XD
    If I'm with someone/on the phone/Skyping, then I usually yell at the characters or something when I'm losing... In fact, this happened yesterday:

    Me: *playing KH II in the PotC world* JACK. SPARROW. STOP LOSING. When you die, we have to start this battle all over again! Look. Look at this. See? Sora's very disappointed in you now.
    Friend: Yeah, I'm sure she is. -__-
    Me: ...Sora isn't a girl...
    Friend: ...Okay...
    - Via Skype

    ...You can tell my friend has never played. *sigh*

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