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Discussion in 'Traditional' started by Keyblade Master Roxas, Mar 19, 2010.

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  1. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.


    Mortals Ambrosia May Not Drink

    Sphynx set her spinnakers and gamboled through
    My glass door. Actress sincere, imbued in character.
    In awe, I looked at translucence reflecting backlit,
    Resplendent Aphrodite. It was splendid to behold,

    Illusion's glow so close in light intense and flaring. I
    Unkempt, unshaved; sweaty while working carpentry.
    She with not a strand misplaced: perfect womanhood.

    Haughty she postured. Time froze; and, broke the mists
    Alluring. It was mortality said, Let's go. Illusion's mirror
    Fractured and crashed through, leaving broken shards.
    Among those fragments, dying, lies torn my little Heart.​
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