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Grimoir (The RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by draco009, Sep 2, 2010.

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  1. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Let's Start This Thing!:

    Draco walked slowly through the brush as he stalked his dinner. He move little to no branches as he crept up on the animal's "hiding" spot. in a deft move he had an arrow nocked and ready. He gently pulled back on the string, and... BOOM!
    A gunshot went off and then the animal collapsed onto the ground. "damn..." Draco thought to himself, and the went off in search of more prey...

    The Sun set and the trees around Draco increased there shadows. He was sitting in front of a small fire with nothing on it. He hunt did not got well. Draco thought he'd try to use some of the power that he only recently discovered. He held his hand infront of him and tried to make a ball of shadow. After a few seconds of deep concentration...Nothing happend. He decided to give up for the night, and fell into a troubled sleep....
  2. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Hiding in the corner of the shop, Gryphon looked at his prize, "Do or die...." he thought to himself. Suddenly, Gryphon became almost completely transparent, disappearing from view. Walking slowly up to the counter, he picked up two apples and a few of the coins left on the counter.
    Since the apples and coins did not disappear with him, People quickly began to notice the floating objects, "Hey!" the shopkeeper shouted, approaching Gryphon's position. The invisible Gryphon ran away, quickly losing the shopkeeper in the thick crowd. Working his way outside the villages boundaries, (There are no walls) he quickly found refuge in the surrounding jungle. Sitting down, Gryphon made himself reappear. He took a bite out of the first apple and put the coins in his pocket.
    After finishing the first apple, he threw away what was left of it behind him. He was about to bite into the second apple, when he was hit in the head with the very same apple core he had thrown away. Startled, he quickly turned around and drew his swords. What met him was a curious looking white lion cub. Putting his swords away, Gryphon knelt down to the cub, "Oh! It's you......." Gryphon reached out to pet the cub, but the cub took a step back. Disappointed, Gryphon found himself talking to the cub once more, "Where are your parents?" he asked. The question seemed to sadden the cub, and it looked down with despair, "I'm sorry........" Gryphon said. Hearing rustling in the surrounding plants, the cub ran away, and Gryphon did the same back towards his village.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Hi-yeah!" Shouts echoed through the hall of the young students as they pushed, swung, and hit fellow students with wooden staffs, wooden blades, and more. The area was noisy.

    A girl was dusting the shelves and many racks holding the different weapons. She finished and waited for Master Commor, the master of the dojo to come out of his room and address her on what to do next or even the students so she could scrub the floor.

    The girl wiped was busy trimming a bonsai tree with she looked up hearing the sliding door leading to Master Commor's room. She saw the old man, or rather an old dragon step out.

    Master Commor appeared to be an elf looking man, in all honesty though it was just a transformation, his true form was a dragon, the girl had the chance to witness once in her life. He was a giant gold dragon in his true form.

    Master Commor walked up to one of the teachers whispered in Chinese/or Japanese, something before turning and looking at the girl.

    "Twila, I need you to scrub the floors well today, not a single bit of dust should be on the floor for a match tomorrow, if you must stay up all night, so be it." Master Commor told her. The girl, Twila leaned forward some as a greeting and understanding to him.

    "Understood, Master." She told him before waiting off to the side watching the students get filed togeather, the different creatures they were, elves, a few humans, some young dragons who just discovered their powers. Master Commor spoke to all of them before dismissing them. Nothing new.

    Nothing new never happened. Twila was used to that. Twila never knew her parents due to them disappearing a long time ago. She was taken in by an old woman from a different village. Twila grew up loving her and called her moma. Twila often wonders about her family, however doesn't care too much.

    Twila came to be working in the dojo when moma grew very ill, she took the job as a maid and has been there ever since. Moma is better now but Twila likes it at the dojo, she finds some of things done by students in the dojo her own personal calling, even though she can't part take with students.

    Twila watches them and trains on her own without anyone knowing. Something she would do that night after scrubbing.

    It was very late and dark outside. Crickets could be heard. All the teachers were in bed. Two of the younger maids stood up after cleaning.

    "Twila, we're going to turn in." The one other maid told Twila still scrubbing the floor. Twila stood up towering over them. The one maid was 13 the other was 17 but very short. Twila though for her age was tall, 5'8". Twila nodded.

    "Alright, good night." Twila told them. As they headed towards another door and slid it open. A small room, contained two bunk beds, one of the top bunks wasn't used. The room also contained a small kitchen.

    Twila stood in the empty room and turned and looked at Master Commor's room where a single candle was still glowing in the room. She continued before the candle was blown out. Twila stood still and stood up. She walked over to the wall. On two hooks was a short metal rod. She grabbed it. She swung in a fast motion as the short metal rod extended into a metal staff.

    For 3 hours she swung the staff with amazing speed and strength. Twila turned around and looked at the shadow casted on the ground. She closed her eyes. She waved her hand, slowly the shadow rose from the ground and was a standing figure. Twila faced the figure as the shadow and her fought.

    Morning soon came around, a win for Twila. The shadow disappeared and Twila quickly cleaned up again of the small mess. She walked into the room and fell down on the bunk exhauted, but not tired. She closed her eyes.

    "Twila!" Twila jolted up only 10 minutes later the youngest maid hopping out of bed going to the small kitchen starting the teachers and Master Commor's breakfast. Twila sighed and nodded.

    "Might as well get changed." Twila stated standing up, how she would change though was a mystery to her as many others were changing as well...


    A small fairy flew quickly through the forest. The morning mist fresh in the air. The woman fairy flew avoiding giant spider webs and various threats for a small fairy. She stopped and found who she was looking for. Laying on a mossy rock looking up at the sky was a young fairy boy, however in truth he wasn't a fairy, not completely.

    "Lucius!" The fair woman called to the boy who sat up startled by the other fairy.

    "Mom." The fairy boy, Lucius said calmly.

    "What are you doing out here, you're suppose to go and gather supplies and food for the village." The woman stated. Lucius sighed playing with a necklace around his neck. Before smiling and hopping off the rock or rather calmly flying down to his mother, the fairy woman.

    "Sorry mom, I'll go help out now." Lucius said quickly taking off into flight at pratically the speed of light.

    He floated in the air on a hill over looking a small village of elves. The village was home of elves, sprites, fairies, and himself. He was not teachnically a fairy.

    Lucius a half fairy from his mother, and half angel from his father. Lucius never knew his father but his mother tells him all the time he looks like a mirror image of his father when Lucius is in his natural form.

    Lucius's natural form is not a fairy, but rather an angel. A short angel, Lucius stands about 5'7" at normal height, most angels standing 6'5". Lucius had a wing span, angel wing span, of 6' feet, most angels had a wing span of 10' sometimes 12'.

    Lucius's mother though when he was born was born a huge fairy size baby though within the first week grew 4x's that to the normal size of a regular fairy. At this point she knew he would be a bigger size. She went to a wise old elf in the village who created an amulet to hide the height and angel appearence of Lucius disquising him as a fairy.

    Lucius flew into the village maneuvering around some of the elves off to get food and supplies for the village just like the fairies were doing. Lucius kept flying fast before a door opened up hitting him.

    "Lucius, young lad, I'm sorry I didn't see you." Lucius looked up from his level on the ground rubbing his head. Soon picked up by the speaker.

    "Good to see you Uncle Ted." Ted was the elf that created the amulet for him. Uncle Ted carried Lucius inside closing the window. Lucius remained rubbing his head sitting in a chair before the amulet glowed and in a flash he was in his real appearence.

    "So why were you in a hurry, boy?" Uncle Ted asked.

    "Going to help the fairies go find more supplies." Lucius said mad that he had to do it. It was something he always had to do, he was the biggest fairy in the village.

    "Aren't they leaving here soon?" Uncle Ted asked pooring a glass of tea and setting it down in front of Lucius. Lucius nodded.

    "In fact I really should be getting off." Lucius said standing up. He jumped into the air and in another flash was in his fairy form a few feathers floating to the ground.

    "Alright, becareful." Uncle Ted told him. Lucius nodded and was quickly off again.

    Lucius flew for a while and to a giant tree. Small sprites standing a foot high on average were traveling in and out of a door/ hole in the ground barried below the tree. Quickly Lucius flew up into another hole in the tree higher up landing on flat wood. Soon it was like being in a whole new world. Small fairies ran around and flew around in a hurry. The average hight being 2in woman and 3 inches males. Lucius stood 3 1/2 inches, taller than everyone in the village. Branches, leaves, and more made up the houses. Lucius walked through the village nobody paying very much attention at him. He looked up at another hole letting in light to the village, yet the village glowed bright surprisingly, that was fairy magic though.

    He flew up towards the hole and landed on another platform. A large flat branch. He stepped out meny men equipped with backpacks and more stood at attention. In front of them stood a short fat fairy who saw the tall lean Lucius show up.

    "Why hello, Mr. Lucius, we're so glad you showed up, we waited 2 hours for you." The fat fairy stated.

    "I'm sorry, sir, I was-" Lucius started before getting slapped with a stick, a lethal weapon for a fairy. He was knocked down onto the branch a large red mark accross his chest.

    "No excuses, now stand up." The fat fairy stated. Lucius stood up breathing heavy from the large wack he got. This was his sad pathetic life he had to live, how he dreamed to do so much more though.
    sora-x likes this.
  4. GC4life

    GC4life New Member

    Marisa was running the shop, as usual. Though, not many people came to a small shop outside the village, just a few. And she knew when they were coming and usually what they wanted to buy. The shop didn't have a lot to sell, just some food items, some supplies, and a few weapons. But there was one set of weaponry that she was not willing to sell, her two knives. She was taught how to use these knives by the person who took her in. They were originally his, but he said he didn't need them anymore. When the little amount of customers were not at the shop, she was practicing how to use her knives, and her telekinisis ability. She gained this power though an accident she was in, where she lost all of her memory. She would have died, if it wasn't for the shopkeeper who was running the shop hadn't come to her rescue.

    While she was practicing with her knives, she looked out the window of the shop and saw someone heading toward the village that she didn't notice leave. "HOLD IT" she called to the guy.
  5. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Journal Entry 346

    I visited a small village today. Nobody there recognised me or knew anything about me so I haven't learned anything about myself. The voidlynx were apparently stealing from the village so I tracked them down and killed them. I still don't know why or what drives me to kill those things, but it seems to be the only calling I have so I march on. Saw a few pretty girls, but I didn't get a chance to actually meet them. Oh well, this is my life.

    Toki stopped writing and put the small notebook in his back pocket. He had stopped for the night underneath the cover of a forest. Tomorrow he was going to hopefully make his way through it. He smiled as he looked up at the night sky. He never really understood why but staring at the stars always made him calm and happy. He stopped daydreaming for a few seconds and poked his campfire, making sure it wouldn't go out. He pulled out a small bag of meat the village elder gave him for helping kill the voidlynx. With a smile he grabbed a couple slices and held them near the fire to warm them up before eating. He may not have learned about himself, but he had a good day.
  6. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    As the Sarah Melowe set sail it's passanger were already engaging in the festivities on it's three floors. Kira Stood out on the open deck at the front of the Cruise, ready to engage in her newfound responsibilities for the first time. She couldn't wait to hit land and be assigned a permanent position as a battlemage. Shuffling through her things she pulled out a charm, given to her by her adopted mother, She smiles with happiness and stares out at the open sea.
    She is staring out at the open see when the smell of ale drifts into her vicinity. A man is drunkenly yelling at a strange man and shoves him to the ground. He has a rather large build and is losing his hair. He walks over to Kira and stares her up with a smile on his face. Kira shivers at the thought and attempts to walk away whenthe man grabs her shoulder and spins her around.
    " Just where do you think you're going little lady?"
    " I was just heading over there.."
    The man laughs and then stares her in the eyes and says " You know...your kinda hot, How about we go to my suite eh?" Kira tries to shove him off but he holds her down laughing. The man he was talking to before get's up and yanks him away trying to be the hero. "Hey, leave her alone!". The drunk man knocks him out and and stares back at Kira, without thinkig she turns to his back abd shocks him with a weak lightning spell, he collapses to the ground unconcious and she walks off to calm her nerves.
  7. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Surprised, Gryphon tried to look away as if he thought she was calling to someone else. When the young woman continued calling, Gryphon became nervous, perhaps she had seen him steal from the shop. He quickly ran off, cutting through many of the merchants' tents in an attempt to lose the young woman. Gryphon was not the tallest for a 14 year old boy, and was commonly mistaken for someone much younger. Gryphon had used this to his advantage many times before, this time so that he might lose himself in the crowd.
    (OOC: He has not run terribly far, GC4, and I'm kinda hoping u'll chase him.)
  8. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Kira wakes up to the sound of the open sea, It smelled good at first, but after three days she had become sick of it. Kira walked over to her closet and dressed for the day, jotted down her thoughts in her journal, a book she had with her when she was found as a child with blank pages. She slipped out thedoor and walked out onto the deck of the cruise.
    In the distance a large port town stood out amongst a roocky coast, the mountains in the distance appeared to be as shadows. She had finally arrived at zarimier, a continent full of actually sane people.
    The woman screaming "my spork!, my spork, somebody's kidnapped my spork! he's only a child save him!" had really reminded her of just how sane she really was.
    Kira smiled and headed downstairs to enjoy her last meal before departing. An adventure awaited her in this new land.
  9. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Toki woke up to the sounds of birds chirping and squirrels chattering as they ran around the ground looking for nuts. He stretced as he yawned and stood up. Today he was going to go through the forest, orat least as much as he could. He had heard strange tales about this forest so he hoped that none of the bad ones would come true. However there were a couple rumors he hoped would happen, the main one being that supposedly there was a waterfall that covered a gold filled cavern. Toki hoped that one was true, he was almost out of money and he needed some for food. "Well, never gonna get through it by just staring at it." He muttered to himself. He picked up his saw blade and started walking inside.
  10. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    A boy sat in the local pub, spending the last of the coin he had earned from his last street duel. As he drank deeply from the mug he felt a tug on his back. "You will put my sword back in it's sheath now or I will take it from you and kill you..." He growled. The drunk man laughed. "What're you gonna do about it boyo?" He chuckled as the boy lifted his mug and drained it. "This..." He said, spinning and smashing the mug into the man's head, catching the sword before it hit the dirt. He then spun the blade, shoving it through his throat. He then placed his last coin on the bar. "One more please..." As the drink slid to his hand he grabbed it, downing it in one swallow and slamming the mug back onto the thick wood counter. He then tore his blade from the man's throat and wiped it clean on the man's clothes. He then sheathed the long blade and strode out of the bar, everyone staring after him.
  11. GC4life

    GC4life New Member

    "GREAT" Marisa thought. She had left her post to go chase this guy who had started to run. She was especially fast for being 15. Since she got a good look at the guy, she could pick him out in a crowd with her telekinisis. Once she sensed him, she dashed in front of the guy and shouted "HALT!". There was a bit of silence and then she asked him "Why did you run? The innocent never run".
  12. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will kept walking, listening to all the crime that was happening throughout the city. He heard one voice a street over very loud. "HALT!" Will smiled as he ran up the wall of the building. As he hauled himself onto the roof he ran for a few buildings, leaping the gaps and rolling so as not to slow down. When he saw the boy and a girl in front of him he drew his sword, leaping from the building and grabbing his shoulders to swing around and land behind him, making sure the boy had no exit. "Answer the young miss my friend, for we both know that noone in this city is innocent." He growled, holding his blade tightly in case he needed to strike.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2010
  13. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    It had been three weeks already, Kira had traveled the road to a grand forest, the rumors surrounding it lured various gold diggers to it's cursed woods. As she found herself at a junction a rather unique man crossed her path. Kira immediatly turned her head to the direction he came in. She heard rustling in the trees. That man was being followed.
    Kira turned and without a second thought pursued the man to warn him of the danger he was in. She finally caught up with man after a nice 30 minute chase and grabbed his shoulder, he spun around ready to engage her in combat, catching her breath Kira stood up. "Please! don't attack....were being followed....*pant* *pant*....ugh.....bandits...are following us!". (Shadow shes talking to you.)
  14. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    (OOC: Why do u both keep saying 'large man'? Gryphon is small. VERY small. He's 14, but commonly gets mistaken for, like, an 8 year old. Sry, just a little bothersome 2 me)

    Gryphon began to breath heavily and drew both his swords. "Please.....just leave me alone!" he pleaded, "I swear I didn't steal anything from your shop today!" Growing every nervous, he put his swords away, crouched down, put his hands over his head, and turned invisible. Gryphon did not move while invisible, hoping instead that the strangers would think he had run off and go searching for him. He had been taught that, in this village, punishments for stealing were not lessened for children.
  15. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Toki whipped around expecting an attack, an exhausted girl was the last thing he thought he'd see.

    "Please! don't attack....were being followed....*pant* *pant*....ugh.....bandits...are following us!"

    "Oh, that. I know. I'm waiting for them to catch up. A nice little talk and then if they still want to rob me I'd knock them out with this." Toki said as he showed her his strange saw blade. As he put it away he couldn't help but wonder about her. "So what are you doing in this forest? And what made you think I would need a warning?" Toki asked.
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Boy Zarimeir- " MOMMY!!! HE LOOK SO STRANGE!!!"
    Foma-"Uh oh."

    Foma started to run as the woman started to throw her jewelry at him into a small bar. Foma started to see that there were more people that were just as strange to him as he are to them. he then started to take out a communigear to respond to his headquarters.

    Foma-" Oh man. This will not do at all. What kind of planet is this anyway? Ella. Do you have something of use that can let me try to look just like the other people? I don't want to end up freaking anyone out.
    Researcher Lady-" I'll see what I can do Chief Tomachev."

    Foma then started to look around the bar, wondering if he can truly fit in...
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2010
  17. GC4life

    GC4life New Member

    "WAIT" shouted Marisa. She assumed he had left. "*sigh* I was just stopping him because I didn't see him leave town and he looked suspicious. But since he didn't steal anything from MY shop I can...wait, then whose shop DID he steal from? Hmmmm". She then remembered the guy who had helped her. "Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to introduce myself". She started walking toward him saying "Hi my name is-" and then she bumped into something. "OW" she said. She didn't see what she bumped into though.
  18. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Gryphon was knocked over by Marisa, and the surprise caused him to turn visible again. losing all hope, he grabbed the young woman's ankles and began to plead, "Please! Don't turn me over to the guards! I'll do anything!" Gryphon felt so frightened and so ashamed at the same time, pleading like this. He knew he could fight, but he didn't, and he wondered why. He looked at Marisa, teary-eyed, "Please?"
  19. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will grabbed the boy and lifted him, looking away so his face was not seen. "I am noone, just trying to help..." He said, keeping his eyes down. He looked very much like his father and didn't want to be recognized. "And I believe this boy did not steal but was running from something. Am I right?" He asked, setting the boy down. He sheathed the sword on his back and got ready to leave as soon as the boy answered.
  20. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Draco awoke after a long LONG, sleep. he thought to hime self, "Man..i didn't realize i was that tired..."He got up and packed up his things, and decided to head for the nearest city. Draco started on a path out of the clearing he was in. It lead deeper into the forest, but Draco knew that it lead to a city.

    After a while of walking he soon came upon another trail that crossed the one he was on. Draco thought about it for a minute and then took a left turn and followed the other trail. after a few steps Draco sensed other people up a head. He decided that he would find out who they were before they found him. Quitely Draco made his way through the brush towards these two people. From the bush he hid behind he saw that it was only two people. One a girl, and the other a guy. Draco backed off slowly once he saw the sword in the guys hand. He knew something was off about him. And the girl, Draco felt like he knew her from somewhere but he couldn't place it. So he backed off and then he saw them. Bandits. About 20 of them. Draco thought they saw him but they were more focused on the two people he just saw. Draco decided he would stay around to watch the fight, and help if need be. So he climbed the nearest tree and Got out his bow, and nocked the first arrow...
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