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Halloween Bash 2nd Round Match - Kilet Jan versus Dullahan

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Moogle, Oct 22, 2010.

  1. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Arena: The UnderDungeon
    Quite simply, a dungeon that would remind one of Hades. The entire place is carved out of stone, and is one square mile in its pavilion. There are many outlying entrances to dungeon hallways, leading to a labyrinthine prison, but these are in the center of the four walls of the place. The arena itself is a square shape, about two square miles large, with a ghastly river of soul and magic stealing entities, glowing green with ectoplasm (About eight yards across). The river runs on both diagonals, and where the two meet there is a platform on a pedestal raised above the river, about eight yards in radius for the platform and a one yard radius for the pedestal. They are both breakable, but nothing else is (Platform cannot be tipped over unless one physically breaks the pedestal. Contestants start on opposite ends of said platform.

    Kilet appeared on one end of the raised platform, cackling gleefully to himself as his form settled. "Hooray!" he cheered, grasping his two iconic weapons tightly. He then snarled, "Nevermore will my opponent quit on me!" spawning two raven's wings upon his back. The effeminate boy proceeded to raise a tombstone out of the ground in front of him, guarding against the opponent to come.
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Dullahan walked through the area. "Not quite Hell." He muttered to himself. He smelt the air. "A lost soul. Does it wish to be taken to Hell?" The demon chuckled. "I'd be more than happy to oblige." Dullahan walked by one of the rivers. The souls in them began to reach out of the river and reach for Dullahan. He simply slashed them away with his sword. "Do not hope to contend with the very being that brought you here."
  3. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Pumpkin Cravings | Homestuck

    Looking past the other end of the platform, Kilet noticed his opponent: a large and frightening demon. Or at least, it would be frightening if Kilet weren't so batshit crazy. Grinning a grin, summoned a mirror and hung it from top of the tombstone so that it faced the demon. The pumpkin reaper then hid behind the tombstone. All around that small area where he hid, various bones popped out of the ground, about three bones per second as what appeared to be him seemed to crawl out of the mirror, though he had no black wings. Grabbing his staff and knife, this Kilet pulled them together to make a scythe and gleefully cackled. He began running in the direction of his opponent watching his sides for any hidden traps and the like while maintaining his main focus in front of himself. He braced for a swipe with his scythe to block any frontal assaults.
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Dullahan heard Kilet's cackling. He looked in Kilet's direction. "What a fast moving pest.... Retribution of the Dead." The souls began to crawl out of the ground and the river. "Go intercept that little freak. Hold him down for when I reach him." The souls began moving towards Kilet. They moved faster than Dullahan was. The demon simply walked, taking his time.
  5. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Using his scythe as a pole vault, the Kilet leapt and gained major air off the edge of the raised platform. Bones continually spawned around the tombstone he left behind. When he was only a moment from hitting the ground, he shifted his weight around to perform a move that combined a somersault upon landing and then a whirling, spinning strike around him. With this, the Halloweentowner shredded the nearby souls attempting to lynch him. Once the attack was complete, he left his scythe at a 45* angle from his front and lowered it, once again pole vaulting himself. This time, however, it would gain him just enough air and speed to reach his opponent - and this time, he settled for a forward vertical slash.
  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "I wonder what those bones are for." Dullahan thought to himself as Kilet came running at him. "I'll save the darkness for later. Let's see what he does." The demon rose up both his arm. With his right arm, he put his sword forward in a horizontal line to deflect Kilet's attack. He pulled back his left arm and swung the whip forward, going to smack Kilet down to the ground.
  7. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    The Kilet, taking advantage of the upward force that his opponent was applying to the scythe, his own forward momentum, and his weapon's hook-like nature, swung himself forward. He let go when the scythe was approximately perpendicular to the ground, ensuring minimum rise and maximum velocity when sliding. It was at this point that the knife ejected itself with the pumpkin, which took on a foul grimace rather than sporting the usual jack-o-lantern grin. The blade fell neatly into its owner's hand just as he was sliding underneath and between his opponent's legs.

    The Kilet took note of his opponent's apparent size and on-firitude** while sliding underneath, and once fully behind he about-faced as quickly as possible. Attempting to leap onto Dullahan's back, he intended to have his knife land first and his feet be the only part of his body touching the monster.

    *Clarification: Kilet used his scythe as a pitfall harry would use a vine and used it to swing himself between Dullahan's legs, if it wasn't clear enough.
    **I invented the word because I couldn't think of anything better.
  8. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "That little rodent. Hellburst." The ground underneath Kilet exploded with Hellfire. Dullahan used the force of the explosion to push himself way from Kilet. The demon quickly turned and started snapping his whip at Kilet. The ground would break wherever the whip hit. While Dullhan did that, the souls began reforming themselves to try and grab Kilet again.
  9. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    The Kilet had a crazed look in his eye as this combined menace confronted him, and he grinned and snarled in the face of it all. No matter how much damage he took, he just kept coming at Dullahan with just the knife. The burning lacerations from the whip, the clawing agony of the souls grasping at him, the pulsing raw power of the hellfire, he just kept on coming. And only then, when his body was mangled beyond disbelief, did he quit.

    And then the body vanished.

    But a moment before the body vanished, a skull flew at the back of the demon's head from the direction of the platform at high speed. And another bone aimed just at Dullahan in general. And another bone. And they kept coming, more and more, until all 60 had been spent on the beast.

    "YOUUUUU can SUMMON the dead?" A voice called out from behind the solitary tombstone on the platform, which the mirror still rested on. "DEMON! I will love eating you!"

    The real Kilet, having been behind the tombstone the entire time, was generating bones to use as a weapon. His doppleganger was no more than another body, powerless in terms of magics, but effectively the same physical traits. Emerging from behind the tombstone, he grabbed the mirror and set it down in the center of the platform, then stood on it. The effeminate boy noted his opponent was thankfully out of range for whipping.

    Standing tall and spreading his wings wide, he struck a meanacing pose with his staff in hsi left hand and his knife in his right. At this, he uttered the words, "Come to MEEE!"

    *Clarification 1: Since the Kilet who had been fighting was a double, it needed not to care about heavy damage sustained. Thus, it kept coming even through massive injury. Granted, every injury inflicted was another wound that slowed him down in some way or form.
    *Clarification 2: As you may or may not have noted, the secondary Kilet was spawned after the original hid behind the tombstone. It spawned in a way to make it only seem like it came from the mirror, but this detail was a moot point considering Dullahan didn't notice. Also, the use of "the Kilet" was another hint.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2010
  10. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I never noticed you use 'the' before Kilet. At least, not until this latest post.

    The demon felt the skull hit the back of his head. A few more bones hit him as he turned around to see what was happening. Dullahan used his weapons to deflect what bones he could, but others would still hit him. "This pest is bugging me." Dullahan started running towards Kilet. The ground began shaking as he stepped on the ground. The light around Dullahan started to vanish. "Ultimate Darkness." The demon muttered. Soon, all the light in the area was gone. Only Dullahan could still see the area. He jumped up when he was about 30 feet away from Kilet. He got above Kilet and started to fall down, the blade pointing towards Kilet's head.
  11. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Kilet realized that whatever it was that the demon did, it can't have been good. Judging by the sudden noise of walking, then nothing, he knew that Dullahan could only be doing one or both of two things: Gotten close enough to use his whip, or levitated, flew, or jumped at him. With only a moment to spare, he vaulted backwards, grabbing his mirror as he did so, then jumped and began flying in the exact opposite direction he heard his opponent come from. He kept his knife in his teeth, his staff in his left hand, and the mirror behind his back held by his right hand. With a hum, he summoned a swarm of razors and a cleaver and set them on his foe, the magically enchanted blades homing in on their target from afar. With any luck, his opponent should be stopped or even slowed down by the knives - that is, if he didn't jump and break the platform somehow.
  12. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Dullahan landed on where Kilet was. The platform had several cracks shooting through it. It became very unstable, like thin ice over a lake. One wrong move and it would shatter completely.. He saw where Kilet retreated and the blades coming at him. He summoned more souls, using them as shield for all the blades. Dullahan jumped off the platform, completely breaking it in the process. When he landed, he began walking around Kilet slowly, being careful to not make a sound. He readied himself to cast Hellburst once he got close enough.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2010
  13. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Please note that today is the final day for this round of the tournament. Later tonight, I'll be passing judgment. Feel free to throw down a bit more before then.
  14. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Please note that today is the final day for this round of the tournament. Later tonight, I'll be passing judgment. Feel free to throw down a bit more before then.
  15. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Kilet continued flying, but by this point he heard the platform crash and increased his guard. He knew his knives had been stopped, but he had no idea how. The reaper hoped it was his opponent's body that stopped them, but didn't dwell on it. Instead, he settled for continuing to fly as fast as possible to find the edge of this darkness or at least outlast it so he could retaliate. He kept his mirror on his back, still, and hoped he could out-speed his lumbering opponent.
  16. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Aright! We're here from the pits of Hell to bring you the final conclusion of the Semi-Finals bout of the Halloween Bash 2010! Now with us to deliver the final judgment is the one and only, Zhyriad! (Fun time over now, time to get serious).

    On of my issues in this battle is in a minute lapse in consistency on the matter of Dullahan's soul summoning powers.

    So, in post one, we have the souls summoned by Dullahan in their interception of Kilet. And, in said post, Kilet is able to simply disperse of the spirits by means of a whirling motion of his staff. This, seeing as DW had no particular objection to the move in question, would suggest that the spirits are created of a matter similar to gas, rather than being a more solid formation. Yet in the second post quoted above, there it is made apparent that the souls could in fact act as a shield. The problem I've got with this is that there doesn't seem to be much backing in the use of spirits as shield, no reference to the difference in their summoning for me to really say that there is really anything different about them. Dullahan's power is, as i understand, to summon the spirits, but not to alter their composition in any manner. For the most part, this is something for DW think about.

    Now, for Requiem, I know that you're going for something festive, and spooky for this tournament. However, I feel that, starting with your character sheet, the technical aspects of some of Kilet's moves aren't entirely sound. At least, not quite as much so as I've come to see from you. In fact, I think, in some ways, you've lapsed in the attempt to be festive. I can't really pinpoint too many specific instances. But it doesn't seem like your performance overall has been as strong from the same mechanical sense. I guess you could say that it's just a general feel from you in terms of the "magical" aspects of your strategies.

    Quite honestly, i think that, really having just a minor thing to work over in terms of his character's abilities, I am inclined to give this win to Desert Warrior.

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