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Halloween 'Bash' Registration

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Moogle, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    In an event befitting the times, I have decided to host a tournament using the new rules Zhyraid has put into place. Namely, a spooks, spirits, ghosts, goblins, ghouls, and so on and so forth in an eight-man

    Halloween Bash!

    The rules are simple, following those of the ones laid down by Zhyraid plus a few extras. The first and foremost. . .

    1. Bring a Halloween/haunted/whatever-along-this-line-of-thought themed/oriented character. The logic behind this is simple. Why the hell would you want to bring a sunshine and daisies character to a spook-fest? (Unless, that's some little girl that steals souls or something.)

    2. Ghastly arenas. Haunted mansion, crypts, etc. Same vein of thinking as the above. If need be, I can provide an arena for you and your opponent.

    3.Though I really shouldn't have to say this, FLESHED OUT MOVESET. I don't want to see moves that are WIIIIIDE open for interpretation.

    4. Have fun, goddamnit. The Arena exists for this purpose, SO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT. That is to say, don't do really stupid things like dying somebody else's hair pink. That's just a stupid idea.

    5. Controlled NPCs (NPCs as defined in the Arena rule set), should be forbidden any allowance to interfere with battles. The exceptions of this, of course, are those NPCs that are heralded as part of a character's move/power set (IE, summons), which may be played as a normal character IF they are a unique, and single being that takes the place of their summoner in battle (save of course for summoner giving it commands and such). Generic summons in multitudes (IE, things akin to heartless), follow the standard rules for NPCs.

    6. No Auxillary rules- I will set these up beforehand, and I will tell you what they are for each round of the tournament, save for the finals. That's a secret. I AM TAKING SUGGESTIONS. PLEASE POST THEM ABOVE YOUR PROFILE IF SO.

    And let the registration, begin.

    btdubs, I am taking part, but somebody else will judge my matches.

    1. Kilet Jan - Requiem
    2. Dullahan - Desert Warrior
    3. Will Johnson - Curtis
    4. Marko Sangrovic - Grand Shadow
    5. Gramn LeFay - SummonerBWM
    6. Abigail Nurse - Destiny
    7. Antonius - Zhyraid
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2010
  2. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    This might be a good time for me to put out one of my latest characters. Would a character dubbed as an "Angel" as its race (though not quite akin to the standard term) be acceptable to your criteria?
  3. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    I'd accept demented/creepy/fallen angels. Fallen angels are sort of a grey area. As long as it's in the spirit of the occasion, I don't see why not.

    And now, for something completely different. My character.

    Kilet Jan

    Alias, Nicknames, and Titles:
    Pumpkin Reaper

    Blue? Er. . . 24.

    Male, but extremely feminine in appearance.

    The Accused

    Physical Description:
    + Moonlight flight - HH + by =iruka-loves-kakashi on deviantART

    Personality and Mentality:
    I suppose, to start with, I call him a freak. And by this, I mean he's extremely aloof. Bound to give creepy smiles, following you around until you finally are creeped out enough that you yell at him, but then he asks directions to the nearest supermarket. Popping up out of nowhere, things like that. But, that's all just a part of how he was raised - Him being a Halloweentowner and all. But other than that, he's really helpful - and just between you and me, he makes a mean pumpkin pie.

    The pumpkin staff depicted, and a rather large and wicked, black, curved carving knife. Wicked in the sense that "OHMIGODTHAT THING LOOKS SHARP AND DEADLY!"

    Ignite! - Ya gotta light pumpkins somehow! Equivalent to Fira. Flame spews from the head of his pumpkin staff.
    Ghostly Chill - Ya gotta put out the pumpkin fires somehow! Essentially the equivalent to Blizzara. Same effect as the first, but with ice.
    Stopra - There's never enough time in the world.
    Pumpkin Raid - Kilet throws several small pumpkins, or one large one at an opponent and it explodes. This effect can be combined with his Fira, Blizzara, Or Stopra abilities to give different effects. Also can be timed explosions.
    Bone Raid - A bone (Usually a femur but can be a skull) pops up from the ground and into Kilet's hand or from a location in a ten yard radius. These things can be 'thrown' from the ground too.
    Ghostly Gait - An passive ability that can be activated to give Kilet the ability to float/hover above the ground. Cannot go through walls.
    Banshee Shriek - A chilling shriek. Scares or stuns with a high chance.
    There was a Barber and his Wife. . . - A move that sends several enchanted/posessed razors at an opponent, and then one large meat cleaver.
    Tomb Shield - Kilet pulls a tombstone out of the ground and uses it to block an attack. Also can create an actual tomb with it by pulling up one tombstone on each side and then a fifth falls out of the sky.
    Ghoulish Trickery - A ghostly hand comes out of something inanimate or from Kilet and can be used as another arm.
    Beware the Raven, Nevermore! - Black wings come out of Kilet's back. He can use these to glide, send sharp feathers at an opponent, or cause the wings to disappear in an explosion of feathers, obscuring view.
    Mirror, Mirror - He summons a doppleganger of himself or his opponent to control. Can either be an illusion or solid, but the doppleganger posesses nothing more than a stronger body than an average human and the weapons the 'doppled' is wielding.
    Seven Years. . . - Kilet summons a rather expensive and nice looking mirror and uses it to reflect an opponent's energy based attack, or blocks an attack. Far sturdier than the tombstone.
    - Nightmare - Using the mirror, Kilet can show somebody their worst nightmare. (Uses the mirror like a screen)
    Thriller! - A summoning that involves skeletons/zombies armed with basic swords or clubs and dance-fighting.
    Pumpkin Forge - Kilet's most powerful attack. An uncarved pumpkin comes out of the ground, the lid on a hinge, and swallows his opponent. The lid then snaps shut, and Kilet's knife grows into a scythe - and then he carves out a face, feeds smaller pumpkins to the large one, and then it catches on fire on the inside. AND THEN EXPLODES.

    If you so desire, your character's history within this RP's timeline can be touched on as the RP goes on. If not then just make it interesting here.
  4. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I wouldn't quite say that he's a fallen angel... Angels, within my personal rundown of things, are simply the names given to beings manifested out of the "Spirit Plane" and are basically the purest incarnations (along with demons) of said plane, as they are directly derived from it.
  5. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    As long as it suits the occasion, any character will be fine. Come on people, POST CHARACTERS UP.
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Before I even post any character template on here (Since Nicole just made things even more confusing on her Halloween version of a OOC) would a nymph or any mythical Roman/Greek creature would be acceptable?
  7. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    NO. What part of "Suits the occasion" do you not understand? Nymphs are in no way creepy/halloweeny. Sirens are closer, but still no. Making it a zombie nymph is pushing your luck. Don't you have a whole host of characters you've made? Surely there's at least one Grimm among the bunch.
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    No duh. I know that you are saying "SUIT THE OCCASION!". I was thinking of a evil giant, sorceress or a witch. I might as well create me a Naganas/Nagini or of some sort. I would go to my profile and pick but I would best be suitable in just creating my own character. Might as well get started on this post.

    Name:Gramn FeLay
    Age: ??? (Looks as if she is 28 years old.)
    Role: Enchantress/Sorceress
    Gender: Female
    Side: (Don't have a side. Sticks to herself and is neutral.)

    Personality: She love to study magic. Cares only for those who see her point of view and only if someone is from her bloodline.

    Weapon: A staff called "Modron's Grail". Long while decorated in emerald with a amethyst sphere at the top.

    Lancelot-Grail: This allows her to go into her stronger form that makes her change into a beast with two, crimson-red wings. Her attacks are stronger, she is swifter and she can use her special attack, " Siege Perilous". Siege Perilous is a powerful attack that flips everything upside down and creates an illusion; an endless sea and an island appears. She makes a mist appear to make the opponent unable to see. Once the mist cease, everything becomes crimson red and an evil version of herself has already prepared several beam attacks and sends it flying, hitting the opponent while sending them to despair and death. She will only leave out of her stronger form and will have a slower speed.
    Avalon's Suffering: Shoots several energy beam towards her enemies. Her main attack but she can also use this ability for other uses such as traps.
    Fusillade: An attack which she spins and spins in a orb fashion and shoot out energy balls to try and bombard her opponent from several directions. She may lose control while spinning and may be dizzy.
    Flare: Shoots a blue, flaming sphere that go and track her opponents. If connected, can make the person suffer from a burn. This may drain her if she put more energy into the spell.
    Cantar de Mio: A healing spell to heal her wounds with purple sprinkles of small spells. She will only end up having weaker attacks if used for a few minutes.
    Elaine's Pain: Several sharp, magical spears start to spin around her and then she throw them like javelins. The closer she is to losing or dying, the stronger the spell.
    Maya Haptic: Make herself teleport and use illusions to confuse her foes. Using a illusion of herself will take on her abilities but weaker.
    Fata Mist: Creates a fog that can cancels an opponents' earth and undead spells or abilities until a type of light spell can make it go away or until five minutes are up. Great as a way to sneak on opponents and to have a better chance to evade attacks but have a longer time in spell casting.
    Hálig: A powerful sacred spell that allows her to do tremendous damage to the undead by conjuring up and shooting dark orbs that go out and inflict damage. Can be used on non-undeads but will hardly do any damage. Can also be reflected and used against her if used on non-undeads.

    History: Almost nothing is known about her. All that is known is that she have interests in famous wizards, knights and the dark arts. Also have a connection to a king greatly renounced in medieval times.

    Theme: YouTube - Final Fantasy X OST - Lulu's Theme
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2010
  9. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Note to potential applicants: Gothica is acceptable.
  10. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Name: Dullahan

    Age: Too old to care

    Gender: I suppose male

    Side: Demon

    Physical Description: [​IMG]

    He is a little more than 10' tall.

    Personality and Mentality: Chaotic. Always wanting to cause pain.

    Weapon: Flame sword and flame whip. The flames from these weapons are from the hellfire, so the fires are not affected by ice or anything cold. They cannot be extinguished.

    Hellburst - He causes an explosion of hellfire from underneath his opponent.

    Hell Aura - He is constantly engulfed in hellfire. This burns any opponent that touches him and acts as a shield to reduce damage done by magic attacks.

    Retribution of the Dead - He summons souls that are trapped in Hell. They become physical, acting as a defense and offense for Dullahan. They can hold down his opponent or tear apart their flesh by themselves. The souls being to appear as though they are made of gas, but then they begin to take a physical form. Once they are physical, they are stuck like that until they are struck down from an enemy's attack.

    Ultimate Darkness - The entire area is covered in a cloud of pure darkness. There is no light and is impossible for anyone who is not a demon to see.

    History - A demon born in Hell. Not much to say.

    Other - The hellfire coating his weapons and his body cannot be extinguished. That means that no spell, no matter how cold, can get rid of it. This is because hellfire is literally fire from Hell. Not sure how to better describe it. Kinda figure it is obvious that hellfire can't be extinguished.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2010
  11. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Name: Will Johnson
    Age: 22
    Role: Werewolf
    Gender: Male
    Side: Neutral
    Personality: Kind and caring but has a very short temper.
    Weapon: [​IMG] This sword when human. Claws when transformed.
    Human Appearance: [​IMG]
    Wolf Appearance:[​IMG]
    Human Powers-
    Fire Magic:Can cover his sword in fire or shoot fire from it. Can also make a fire whip from the blade of the sword.
    Ice Magic: Can make his sword have the essence of ice. Also can make ice crystals shoot from it. Also can freeze the ground.
    Comet: Shoot a large ball of fire from the tip of his sword.
    Icicle Rain: Makes sharp icicles shoot upwards from his sword at the enemy.
    Wolf Powers-
    Fire Magic: Has some control over fire but it is controlled by his anger.
    Super Strength: Claw attacks and jumps are stronger than any normal human.
    Super Agility: Can climb and run faster than a normal human.
    History: Grew up a boy in Michigan until he was sixteen when one halloween night he was attacked by a werewolf. Ever since he found out about the existence of demons and werewolves and the like he's been travelling the world hunting them.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2010
  12. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Curtis, a perfectly simple and easy to understand profile. Well done. Registration.

    DW, I'm really on the fence about yours. It is probably just me, but it seems a little overpowered. I need a second opinion on this. . . Not rejected, but not accepted either.
  13. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Rule Suggestion: This being a tournament... I'd say that controlled NPCs (NPCs as defined in my rule set), should be forbidden any allowance to interfere with battles. The exceptions of this, of course, are those NPCs that are heralded as part of a character's move/power set (IE, summons), which may be played as a normal character IF they are a unique, and single being that takes the place of their summoner in battle (save of course for summoner giving it commands and such). Generic summons in multitudes (IE, things akin to heartless), follow the standard rules for NPCs.

    [Most likely a spaceholder for my character]
  14. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I figured I'd risk making him too powerful. What would need to be changed?
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ??? Did you just said that my character is acceptable? You went and said that Gothica is acceptable so I assumed that you meant Gramn.
  16. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Name: Marko Sangrovic

    Age: 702

    Species: Vampire


    Marko is found of the aristocratic, the flavorful, and the exquisite. He has lived long enough to learn that life is all about the simple pleasures and the means to enjoy them. A slight sadist, he enjoys watching others suffer as he endulges himself with what they wanted. Marko speaks to others as one might speak to a dog, that is to say as one to a lower life form. He believes himself above the world and is only still a part of it because it amuses him.

    Powers: Marko is a master of sangromancy, magic that involves the manipulation of blood into power. Being a vampire only enhances and focuses his power as now blood is both his strength and his life. Marko always carries a couple bottles of blood on him to either use in combat or to feed incase nobody is nearby. He can use the blood of his enemies but it requires that he be the one to shed the blood he's going to use. He can also use his own blood but that's dangerous seeing as he needs it to live.

    Flight; real simple, he flies with his wings.
    Enhanced Strength; again simple, his strengh is such that a semi truck is a paper weight.
    Enhanced speed; in the air he can reach speeds of fifty miles an hour but on the ground he is much faster, able to hit eighty with ease.
    Vampiric Boost; the standard of all Vampire's. if Marko drinks fresh blood of a human then his powers become explosively increased fo a short period of time.
    Blood Blade; Marko hardens enough blood to the shape of a sword and can then fight with it. IT's as hard as diamonds and he can easily fix it with his abilities.
    Blood Bullets; Marko hardens blood into small sharp spikes and hurls them at his enemy.
    Blood Barrier; Marko spins blood around himself and hardens it into a powerful barrier the covers him from all directions. However if he doesn't have enough blood then it will either be weaker or have open spots in it. He covers for this by usually only forming the barrier right where he needs it and focus his available blood at that point.
    Blood Sight; Using a combination of his heightend vampiric abilities and his sangromancy, Marko channels his eyes to literally see a persons circulatory system, to see the blood corse through their veins. This lets him see through illusions and physical objects but fails on those without blood or on those whose blood has stopped moving(like other vampires)
    Necros Drain; Marko's ultimate ability. Marko stabs himself and then from the wound uses his own blood to form a spear and stab his enemy. From the wound he then connects his blood weapon to himself through his power and drains their blood directly into himself, both strengthening him and killing his foe.

    History: Marko was born a normal human. He lived his life trying to survive and also trying to win the heart of a woman he loved. Then one day a traveller came to the town. Marko offered him a place to stay for the night and the traveler accepted. That night, Marko awoke to the traveler feeding on him from his neck. The traveler reveald he was a vampire and thanked Marko both for the shelter and the meal before leaving. Marko thought he was going to die there but instead he turned, becoming a Vampire himself. His hair turned white as a side-effect. Marko knew he could never live a normal life in his village again and the next night he fled to never return. During his travels Marko discovered other vampires who taught him about his new powers. Eventually Marko started to become like them, becoming cruel uncaring and violent. Eventually he forgot what he was before and just savored his new life. One day he went to a small village and a kind old woman offered him a place to stay for the night. Marko accepted, planning on doing the very same thing that turned him into a vampire. However when he went to kill the woman he noticed something about her and soon realized it was the very woman he once tried to win the heart of. Marko was apalled and fled the village there again. Marko has since realized himself a monster but no longer cares. He is what he is and if that is how it will be ten he shall make the best of it. Sadly, he has never gotten rid of the vampire's arrogent additude.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2010
  17. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    I'm waiting for Zhyraid's opinion on this one. He's a much better judge of these things than I. Or at least, that's the impression I get.

    When talking about characters, I will never say 'acceptable'. Gothica is an art style/style type thing. If I were talking about your character, who was still unfinished at the time, I would say "SB, your character is accepted". Why would I accept an unfinished character?

    EDIT: Shadow, you're accepted.
  18. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    To this, I'd have to wave a red flag. Not that it isn't an acceptable power. But the certain mechanics of such a power would require a deep understanding of the opponent... one which Dullahan would need to possess in order to effectively carry it out. And unfortunately, "All Knowing" and "Mind Reading" are neither provided in your power rundown, nor (in my opinion), very practical in the long run. I'm not saying you can't have it as a power, but I merely caution you of the stipulations that come with it. Unless we're considering this battle "canon," and out characters as having previous knowledge of one another, then it's going to be an utterly useless until you can find a legitimate way for Dullahan to discern what his opponents fear most.

    Other than that, everything else can be worked around in one way or another.

    I do hope that everyone signing up for this has at least taken the time to read over the arena rules/guide.
  19. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I see. The ability is removed then. Thanks.
  20. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Then I have no problem. Approved. Which reminds me, I shall post a list of the entries on the front page. momentarily.

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