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Halloween II (3/10)

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by Autopsy, Sep 5, 2009.

  1. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    Long story short, because I'm basically going to rant the hell out of this movie;
    If you like slasher films, you're going to like how loud the kills are.
    If you want a good addition to the Myers' saga, go turn on the flicks of it from the 80's and walk away like a happy camper.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Alright, so..who's brilliant idea was it to bring back the sexy, formally trigger happy blonde from Zombie's prior flicks? I should also happily mention that she traded her 70's attire and hill billy turned stripper clothing for a sleek, flowing white gown that I'm sure is going to be hanging in Halloween Costume stores all over america in about 2 weeks.

    This film was such an odd combination between someone who just decided to sit alone at a table, surrounded by about a thousand torn notebook paper remnants saying..'I can't fucking do this, lets just go with anything,' and a poor attempt to take a formally glorious, plot original series and drag it into the ground with a basic sequel's attempt to do something "interesting."

    I'm in love with Zombie's first Halloween portrayal, but I think that he should've just given up within the first 5 minutes of attempting to shoot a scene where a more pre teen Michael Myers (a new flashback) is explaining to his mom that him seeing white horses and his mommy wearing a white dress in his dream means that everything is magically going to be A-Okay. I should also mention that the movie actually tried to do that one thing that older movies did to make you somewhat believe an aspect in the movie was true by using a legitimate dictionary definition.

    Zombie decided to use a dream interpretation definition that seeing white horses in your dreams means that you're going to grow up to be an aggressive and deranged psychopath. No, I'm dead serious, that's basically what it said.

    In terms of the story, it was all basically Laurie (Angel Myers) constantly switching between having psychopathic dreams where she envisioned herself acting like her big brother and somehow "seeing" Michael kill people some 20+ miles away from her. The transitions were rough, and I guess that was a pretty cool cinematic aspect because it blurred reality with fantasy and portrayed Laurie's ongoing state during the film. Then everything is just Laurie trying to run away from Big Bad Michael and Big Bad Michael killing and stabbing the hell out of everyone who gets in his way.

    The climax of this film is her trying to kill him 'again' and finally slipping into insanity by having his legacy pass into her veins by putting on her mask, and because that hill billy family's as koo koo as it gets. As far as anything else goes, the kills are very spontaneous and might scare you a bit because the film's composition is SO grotesquely dark that you can hardly tell how much gore is actually being shown but you can assume from how much sick screaming is going on.

    I watched this movie online a couple of hours ago.
    And at the end, I was just like...."I would've done SO much better if I had just settled for watching Freddie vs. Jason, but without the Kruegar."

    I give this flick a 3 out of 10 because I like gore, but hate crappy movies.

    King of Darkness likes this.

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