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Hare's Writing Corner

Discussion in 'General' started by Haresuno, Apr 19, 2010.

  1. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    How's it going folks. This is Haresuno, broadcasting from my little writing desk in the corner. If you are, like me, a fellow writer I'd like for you to post here. If anything I'd like to discuss writing. Things from the fundamentals to ways to improve. If you've got a sample piece you'd like to share, why not post it and let others give you their opinion?

    Be warned: I'd like to see constructive criticism, but we can't guarantee this. If you post something for others to read - be ready. I myself will try to be as gentle as possible, but again I guarantee nothing.

    So, first off I'd like to ask all of you writers out there: Which perspective do you prefer? 3rd person omnipotent, 3rd person narrative, 1st person, 2nd person? Let us hear your reasons.

    Myself, I am 3rd person omni. It allows for a wide range of things to be described and doesn't have a whole lot of limits.
    Kitty likes this.

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