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Hatori likes cookies

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Hatori, Jul 18, 2011.

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  1. Hatori

    Hatori New Member

    Well then, now that I have your attention with my...interesting...thread name (other than HI) I will tell you about me, but I don't like rambling about myself so I'll keep it short and sweet ^^

    I am a Xemnas cosplayer (Those who call me Mansex will be cursed)
    I am quite interested in psychology so I might occasionally ramble about that
    I speak (moderate) German
    I am insane. X3

    My profile says most everything about what I like. I am not a problem causing troll (though trolling on Omegle is just irresistable) and I'm just looking for a way to pass the time ^^ Please take care of me Ja~
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