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Hello, Viewing World!

Discussion in 'Archive' started by SUDoKu, Sep 22, 2012.

  1. SUDoKu

    SUDoKu New Member

    I'm SUDoKu, spawn of evil and all that is boring.
    In all seriousness, I think I'll like it here. We all have a thing in common, right? Kingdom Hearts.
    Napoléon likes this.
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ... Then I'll perform the sending on you for spawning evil and boring. XD I am Summoner Brandon. There. We have nothing in common in that class. Prepare to go to the farplane and enjoy yourself.
  3. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    Welcome, welcome, welcome, so glad of you to join us.

    If you have ANY questions, or if you jsut want to talk, don't be shy to come and talk to me:)
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy it.
  5. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Sudoku! I challenge you to a duel of boring! As a welcome ceremony of course. -insert maniacal laughter here.-:D
  6. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    I love the game sudoku ! I have brought so many of them to Uni in case I ever get bored.
    I can't tell whether or not we're referring to the same thing though, since you're the spawn of all that is boring :p

    Welcome to the site SUDoKu ~!
    I hope you like it here and meet a bunch of great people.
    I'm sure you're going to enjoy this place.
    See you around :cool:

  7. SUDoKu

    SUDoKu New Member

    My name has a long story behind it, but yes, the puzzle sudoku.
    Thanks for the warn welcome, everyone! I feel welcomed.
  8. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Hey, we dont call each other family for nothing. Almost all of us that leave always eventually come back. Like me for example. XD

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