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HelloxKirstie's star cast <3

Discussion in 'Archive' started by HelloxKirstie, Mar 14, 2011.

  1. HelloxKirstie

    HelloxKirstie New Member

    Kingdom Hearts based charries:

    Name: Sophie [For KH2]

    Age: 16

    DOB: January 17th


    World: Twilight Town

    Interest: Roxas

    Weapon: http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n289/Rins-demon/weapons/Gun_Blade_by_Hamsterul-1.jpg

    Series: Kingdom Hearts 2

    Personality: Sophie is a mild, loving, nice person who her friends describe as loyal, gentle hearted, a bookworm, and off in her own world. She tries to stay level headed and calm, but if a situation gets too stressful for her, she will panic internally and black out for short periods of time. (During these times, she usually has some sort of internal struggle with herself.) She is a fiercely loyal friend and will get very upset if her friends are endangered. She doesn't immediately trust many people, but once she gets to know a person, she warms up to them and will back them up in any situation. She is intelligent and quick witted, sometimes to the point of masked sarcasm, occasionally making quirky remarks or quoting things. Sophie doesn't like fighting but she is very good at it, and she has her share of enemies like any other person. If you need her in a battle, she is there immediately.

    Sophie was, as far as she knows, born and raised in Twilight Town. She has friends who know her and recognize her in Twilight Town, but there is a memory lapse from her birth up to her 7th birthday. She has strange dreams about other worlds and someone by the name of Leon, whom she is related to. She belongs to Hayner, Pence and Olette's group, but she quickly gets annoyed with them when they pretend not to know who Roxas is. Roxas, the boy she is in love with, has been her inseparable best friend since as far back as she could remember, to her 7th birthday, and she is always found around town with him. Sophie doesn't get along well with her mother and has no idea who her father is or where he is, though she always bugs her mother for information about him. She has always been a fan of the Struggle matches and supports Roxas and Hayner completely in every match they're in. Her school life is a huge part of her life and is her second home, and when she's not in class, she's out on the grounds with her friends reading a book instead of participating in their usual activities.

    Name: Aries [Keyblade Wars]

    Age: 10


    Abilities: She's very intuitive and can predict moves just by the slightest shift in her opponent's form. She can call fire from her fingertips or channel it through her Keyblade.

    Spells: Reflect, Firaga, Graviga, Holy, Poison, Curaga

    Alignment: Good

    Keyblade: Lionheart

    Rank: Soldier

    Main strength: Agility
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2011

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