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Help Please! :)

Discussion in 'General' started by Nova, Apr 26, 2012.

  1. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Hi guys!
    I need some suggestions. Recently, my parents bought an Xbox360 with kinect. I have better internet than her and also more knowledge on games and such so she sent it to me to download games. She wanted 2 kinect games, a few puzzles, some exersise ones, and 1 or 2 with a good story line and stuff.

    I already did it and thought I did a good job but apparently she has a moral objection to games that involve blood, stabbing, or killing people. So I did a bad job with the story line 'fun games' when I chose Assassin's Creed. >.<

    They listed something challenging, fun, interesting, with a lot of puzzles and a good storyline. So basically Zelda but I doubt I can find that for Xbox. Help would be apreciated if you know of a game like that please post it here. It can't be TOO violent though.
  2. Lol good job on the Assassin's Creed thing xD

    Portal 2 is the only game I can think of that fits the description that I've played.

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