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Discussion in 'Anime & Manga' started by Sephiroth X Slasher, Feb 21, 2008.

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  1. Now hentai is Anime porno, but there is so much more to it. Like I watch hentai animes(not pervert). For the love story(I hate myself now). This post is for mostly dudes. but if you're into it ladies...well post (ew). Once again, not a pervert. Oh and guys, no hairy palms(I went too far, but that was worth it oohhhhhhhhhhhhhh buuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
    Damn i'm brave for posting this thread.
  2. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    I will make this clear from the start. I'm allowing this to continue on the hopes that y'all can keep it clean in here. I hope we're all mature enough on this board to discuss a subject such as this without a bit of decency. I will be keeping an eye on it though, because of the potential it has for trouble.

    There will NOT be any links to hentai posted in this thread!. Any person who does so will earn an instant suspension for at least a week.

    That being said, discuss this all you want. Personally, I think it's the sadest form of entertainment known to man. It's animated porn. If you're going to bee looking at such things, you can at least look at some real people. How someone can get off on a cartoon is beyond me.

    And if you actually watch this stuff for the love stories, you're an odd person indeed. I don't believe you, but then again, I can't claim to know you're mind, so it doesn't much matter what I think.
  3. I half way disagree. And I will NOT have myself or anyone else post Links(i will immediatly tell you). But seriously. It's okay (in some parts). I'm not into it as much but I do know a professional anime. It's balanced out enough for the sex and drama part. BUT HELL NO I DON'T GET OFF. IT'S A FREAKIN' CARTOON.
  4. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    I can see where your coming from with the romance story's though hentai is far too extreme.
    You should just stick to Harem ;)

    JIMMER45KHB New Member

    Yeah but you can get the same love story from anime that is not hentai there is a age warning for a reason hentai is for 18+ any one under this age should not watch it.
  6. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    He's Right.
    Your only 14. For some reason I don't think you watch it for the Love story's. ;)

    JIMMER45KHB New Member

    90% of all hentai is a very excised stuff there is no love story to it
    The Japaneses came up with it for your normal anime to be pushed to the extreme hences the name hentai.
    I find it hard to believe that you just watch it for the love story when you could just watch anime and get the same thing with out the sex.
  8. Luke

    Luke Member

    I used to watch Hentai when i was like.....12 or 13.
    It makes me laugh and alot of it is actually funny. ( especially chibi XD)
  9. Oh, please.. if I wanted to watch hentai then.. well I can.. but their are real anime/love/hentais. Right Luke(chibis=hahah..eww..did I just look at that).
    But, if I wanted to watch a porno anime, I could've just watch human(That stuff is sick)
  10. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    Porn isn't sick, it is natural for a man and some women to watch, The same goes for hentai, though we are saying if you want to watch it for the romance I can suggest some.
  11. Figure.09

    Figure.09 New Member

    lol. Funny topic, never would have thought it to be posted.

    Nah I don't really watch it often. I find nothing necessarily wrong with it, either. Depends on the mood I guess. =/
  12. Yea i think Hentai is Childish, I mean i have noting towards it, i stick with the Clean Anime haha
  13. Meah -_- buuuuuuuuuut, thier are some that have a soap operaish style riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight?(yeah I actually am under some hentai rehab and have'nt looked at it in ages... It's the same thing now so I'm preeeeety much done with Henati)
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2008
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