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Hey. ^_^

Discussion in 'Archive' started by zSoraz, Jun 21, 2007.

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  1. zSoraz

    zSoraz New Member

    Hey ya'll!
    I was introduced to this site by a friend so... ya. ^^
    I decided to start fresh cuz I came from KHV.
    Anyway, I'm interested in stuff like Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts, mostly RPGs and I also like to record them.
    Uhh, so I guess that's it. ^^
    Hope to meet a lot of new people here. :)
  2. Splitoverload

    Splitoverload New Member

    Hey zSoraz. Guess you took my welcome ^^

    Welcome man, enjoy your stay.
  3. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    Almost Registered at Midnight!

    Welcome ^^
  4. Mon-sieur Bome

    Mon-sieur Bome New Member

    Welcome ^^
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